Users Overview

Users Overview

From the partner dashboard home page, select the Settings link for the site you want to modify. Select the Users tab for options to add users, edit user profiles, deactivate users, and impersonate users for troubleshooting and testing.

From the Users tab, you have the following options:

  • Edit a User lets you edit a user’s profile, find support information for the user, and impersonate the user to troubleshoot.

  • Add a New User lets you manually create a user account.
    Note: HR Feed / User Upload can be used to bulk upload users.

  • Single User Activation lets you activate a single user and reset a user’s password.

  • Single User Deactivation lets you deactivate a single user. Deactivated accounts can be reactivated at any time.

  • Single User Registration Reminder lets you send a reminder to a single user.

  • Bulk User Activations and Reminders lets you schedule and send activation or reminder emails to multiple users by group.

  • Impersonate a User lets you to temporarily sign in as another user for troubleshooting or testing purposes.

  • User Statistics displays site user statistics.

  • Bulk Delegate Approver Assignment lets you assign a delegate approver in bulk.

Once users have been added to the site, you will need to configure user profile settings. You can also configure the site to allow for open enrollment / self-registration.

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