Deem Partner Dashboard Admin

Deem Partner Dashboard Admin

You can provide Deem Partner Dashboard/Console Admin access to one or more individuals to support domains and sites.

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Grant minimal to full access to the Deem Partner Dashboard/Console for each individual admin.

  • Client Admin - User Profile access.

    • Create

    • Deactivate

    • Update

    • Pull Extract

    • Upload profiles

    • User Statistics

  • TMC Online Support Team Member - Full Access.

Need to Know

Access to the Deem Partner Dashboard/Console depends on the roles assigned.

Admin domain types

Domain Admin

  • A Domain Admin has access to a select domain or domains.

  • Generally, for customers to manage a specific domain or domains.

Super Domain Admin

  • A Super Domain is for partner level access.

  • These accounts are generally for TMC to manage all domains/sites.

  • Includes Administrator Manager, Domain Creator, and Super Domain Administrator.

Admin roles

  • Bulk User Manager - Must be combined with User Manager permissions. Not a standalone permission.

  • Domain Administrator - Full access to configure designated domain(s), minus: Profile tab which allows for profile extracts and uploads, along with unused ticket uploads, etc.

  • Profile Extract Administrator - User Extracts and Extract Activity Logs.

  • Profile Upload Administrator - Access to full Profile tab: User/Delegate/Unused Ticket uploads.

  • Profile Upload Log Access - Activity logs for Profile Extract/Upload.

  • Report Administrator - Access to Deem reports.

  • User Manager - User Tab (full access).

  • User Adoption Manager - Must be combined with User Manager permissions. Not a standalone permission.

  • Service Administrator - Full access to configure designated domain(s), minus: Profile tab which allows for profile extracts and uploads, along with unused ticket uploads, etc.

Admin Access - Deem Partner Dashboard/Console

Create new account

  1. Select Administrators tab at the top of the Deem Partner Dashboard/Console/Console home screen.

  2. Select Add a New Dashboard Administrator.

  3. Enter account information. Note: The Admin can reset their password after they initially log in.

    1. Employee Of: select Client or Partner.

    2. Department: select Support Team, Customer Service or Deployment.

Select Administrator Privileges

Select either Super Domain Admin or Domain Admin.

Domain Admin Permissions

Domain access is granted to users who need limited access to one or more domains.  Example: User tab to create, deactivate, and update their user accounts, or user profile upload and extract access.

  1. Select check box Domain Admin: This provides access to the Super Domain Console for Deem for the selected domain(s).

  2. Select All domains in this Super Domain.

  3. Select from one of the following options:

    • All Domains in this Super Domain: Access to all domains within the Super Domain.

    • Specific Domain(s) in this Super Domain: Access to a specific domain(s).

    • Specific Domain Group(s) in this Super Domain: Do not use.

  4. If selecting Specific Domain(s) in this Super Domain:

    1. Select the domain(s) from the box on the right labeled Unselected Domain Group(s).

    2. Select Add in the center of the two boxes.

      The domain/s move to the left box labeled Selected Domain(s).

    3. Select the role/s from the box on the right labeled Unselected Role(s).

    4. Select Add in the center of the two boxes.

      The role/s move to the left box labeled Selected Role(s).

    5. Select Save.

  5. Confirm the permissions by searching for the account.

  6. Select the name of the admin listed in the search results

  7. Under Administrator Privileges you can confirm the domain/s assigned to the account along with the role/s.

  8. Test the account to confirm the account is set up as intended. In this example, the account only has access to User accounts as well as extracts and uploads.

Super Domain Permissions

New team member within your TMC who needs full access to support your clients.

  1. Select check box: Super Domain Admin: This provides access to the Super Domain Console for Deem.

  2. Select the Role(s) from the box on the right labeled Unselected Role(s).

    • Select all for full access.

  3. Select Add in the center of the two boxes.

    The role(s) will move to the left box labeled Selected Role(s).

  4. Select Save.

  5. To give the user permissions to the Profiles tab:

    1. Select check box Domain Admin: This provides access to the Super Domain Console for Deem for the selected domain(s).

    2. Select All domains in this Super Domain.

    3. Select all Role(s) from the box on the right labeled Unselected Role(s).

    4. Select Add in the center of the two boxes.

      Roles will move to the left box labeled Selected Role(s).

    5. Select Save.

  6. Confirm the permissions by searching for the account.

  7. Select the name of the admin.

  8. Under Administrator Privileges, confirm the correct domain(s) are assigned to the account along with the role(s).

  9. Test the user account to verify full access - all domains and all tabs when accessing any domain.

Delete Admin Account

  1. Search for Admin account.

  2. Select Delete in the row of the admin account to be deleted.

Change Admin Password

  1. Search for Admin account.

  2. Select Change Password in the row of the admin account.


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