User Statistics.

User Statistics.

This section provides an overview of users on the site, including those who are active, registered, unregistered, and those who have completed transactions.

Accessing User Statistics

  1. Navigate to the partner dashboard home page.

  2. Select the Settings link for the site you wish to modify.

  3. Click on the User tab.

  4. Select the User Statistics link.


To download a detailed list of users for any of the metrics listed below, click the corresponding View link.

  • Total Employees: The number of employees recorded during the site setup process.

  • Total Users: The total number of users currently on the site.

  • Total Active Users: Users who are actively engaging with the site.

  • Total Registered Users: Users who have completed the registration process.

  • Total Unregistered Users: Users who are not registered but are present on the site.

  • Total Incompletely Registered Users: Users who have started but not completed the registration process.

  • Total Transacting Users: Users who have completed at least one transaction on the site.



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