Setting Password Security

Setting Password Security

Deem’s password security options allow you to manage settings for end-user password criteria and security questions.

Benefits and Need to Know

You can customize password security based on customer requirements. Password settings clone from your template.

Password Security Configuration

Take the following steps to configure password security:

  1. From the Partner Dashboard home page, click the Settings link to the right of the site you want to update.

  2. On the Partner Dashboard, click the link for Password Security.

  3. Set the following as needed; below are the minimum and maximum for each option and any notes:

    • Minimum password length: 4 - 12 characters

    • Password expiration: 1 - 9999 days; users must rest their passwords after this time

    • Password reuse history: 1 - 20 passwords; users can re-use a password this number of times

    • Maximum sign-in attempts: 1 - 20 attempts; users will be locked out after this number of failed sign-in attempts

    • User lockout time: 1 - 9999 seconds; users must log in to Deem again if inactive for this amount of time

    • To allow the user to have Deem remember their username, check the box for Activate “Remember Me” feature. 

    • To allow the user to enter a security question and answers to reset their password, check the box next to Enable secret question and answer for password reset.

      • The option to set up a secret question and answer happens during registration, and can be accessed from the account settings page. If the user uses the forgotten password functionality, Deem asks them the secret question before sending a reset password email. It is probably best to use this in conjunction with 'force a password change' at first login.

  4. When finished, click the Save button at the bottom of the page.

  5. Commit all changes (click the # changes not applied link at the top-right and click Commit).


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