Open Enrollment / Self-Registration

Open Enrollment / Self-Registration

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Open enrollment enables clients to open their travel site to allow visitors or employees to self-enroll, yet still maintain a secure site. You can manage open enrollment settings to define enablement, restrictions, messaging for end users, and email templates.

Open enrollment is typically configured for companies that want travelers to self-onboard themselves. However, clients may choose a closed enrollment if they want more control over their user accounts.

Need to Know

  • For security:

    • DO NOT post the secret key in a public location, and periodically change the security key.\

    • It is recommended to periodically run a user profile extract to determine which accounts should be deactivated. Deem Partner Dashboard access with appropriate permissions are required to pull a user extract.

  • Some fields in open enrollment configuration are cloned or enabled from the parent template site. These fields can be modified if applicable. However, some fields are not cloned and must be entered directly.

  • You must enable open enrollment for each client requesting this option.

  • Deem provides information about how each user account is created and modified. For more information, see How Account was Created/Modified.

Configuring Open Enrollment

To enable open enrollment and set security requirements:

  1. From the Partner Dashboard home page for the desired site, select the Settings tab.

  2. Select Open Enrollment to display the Open Enrollment page.

Open Enrollment

  1. Select Enable Open Enrollment to activate open enrollment for this site.

Restriction Criteria

You can set security restricting using either or both email domain names and secret keys. The following example displays configuration using a security key.

  1. Optional. Select Restrict by email address restrict open enrollment to users with an email address in specific domains.
    If selected, in Allowed domains, enter one or more email domains. Domains:

    • Are comma-delimited for multiple domains. For example: sampletravel.com, travelsite.com, mytravel.org

    • Have a 500-character limit for this field, including commas to separate domains.

  2. Optional. Select Restrict by secret key to restrict open enrollment to a specific word or phrase.
    Important! Clients and participants are strongly advised not to post the Security Key in any public location or site. If the key is openly available, anyone can register on the site. The key should also be changed periodically.
    If selected:

    • In Secret Key (alpha-numeric), enter word or phrase that will be provided to end users.

    • In Secret key label, enter a label to display next to the Secret Key field. For example: Enter Open Enrollment Security word or phrase.

Open Enrollment Success Message

  1. In the Message text box, enter a message that the end user receives after successfully completing the open enrollment.
    Note that HTML is not permitted in this field.

Open Enrollment Form Headers

  1. In General Information Header, confirm or modify the text that is displayed as a header at the top of the Open Enrollment form displayed to end users. This text is typically pre-populated from the site template.

  1. In Password Header, confirm or modify the password header text displayed in the Open Enrollment form.

Open Enrollment Email Notifications

  1. In Successful enrollment email notification list, enter one or more email addresses that receive notification when an open enrollment is successfully completed. It is best practice to enter at least one email address for both successful and failed enrollments to monitor the open enrollment process.
    Multiple addresses are comma delimited. For example: training@deem.com, support@youragency.com, manager@travelercompany.org

  2. In Failed enrollment email notification list, enter one or more email addresses that receive notification when an open enrollment is not successfully completed.

Open Enrollment User Activation Email Definition (HTML)

  1. In the Open Enrollment User Activation Email Definition (HTML) box, enter, confirm, or modify the HTML for a message received by end users after qualifying for open enrollment. This field is used if end users are enrolled directly through the Deem application, instead of a user profile load.

Open Enrollment User Activation Email Definition (Text)

  1. In the Open Enrollment User Activation Email Definition (Text) box, enter, confirm, or modify the text for a message received by end users after successful activation. This field is used if end users are enrolled directly through the Deem application, instead of a user profile load.

Success/Failure Open Enrollment Admin Email Notification (HTML)

  1. In the Success/Failure Open Enrollment Admin Email Notification (HTML), copy and modify, if needed, the HTML definition for an email that is sent to admin users after a successful or failed open enrollment attempt.
    Note: This section is not cloned from your template site. Copy the following HTML definition, and modify, if needed.
    HTML Definition

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/loose.dtd">



<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">



<body style="font-family: Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif; font-size: 11px;" bgcolor="#ffffff">

<table border="0" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" width="600">



   <table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="600">


     <td><img src="$superdomain_email_logo_url" alt="Deem@Work"></td>

     <td align="right">$company_logo</td>



   <hr color="#000000" size="3">


   <div><font color="#32aa00" size="3"><b>The user below has registered on the Company Travel site</b></font></div>




<font color="#666666" size="2">

<b>Enrollment Notification</b><br><br>

First Name : $firstname<br>

Last Name : $lastname<br>

Email : $email<br>

User Name : $username<br>

Enrollment time : $enrollmenttime<br>

Status : $status<br>





   <table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="600">


     <td><font color="#666666" size="1">&copy; 1999-2023 Deem, Inc. All rights reserved. Please contact <br><a href="mailto:support@youragency.com"><font color="#32aa00" size="1">support@youragency.com</font></a>. </font></td>

<td align="right" valign="top" width="120">$deem_logo</td>







Success/Failure Open Enrollment User Activation Email Definition (Text)

  1. In the Open Enrollment User Activation Email Definition (Text) box, copy the text definition, which is not cloned from the parent template. This email definition is sent after an attempted open enrollment succeeds or fails.

Text Definition

Enrollment Notification 

First Name : $firstname

Last Name : $lastname

Email : $email

User Name : $username

Company : $company

Domain : $subdomainid

Enrollment time : $enrollmenttime

Enrollment Id : $enrollmentid

Status : $status

Customer Experience

This section describes the open enrollment process for end users and admins.

End User Workflow for Open Enrollment

If open enrollment is enabled for a site:

  1. Clients notify any end users directly to provide:

    1. The URL for the site.

    2. The security word or phrase, if applicable.

  2. Participants open the site with the provided URL to display the Deem Sign In page.

  3. End users select the Create a new account link to display the Create an Account form.

  4. In Enter Open Enrollment Security word or phrase, end users enter the key that was entered in the Secret Key field during open enrollment configuration (Step 5).
    Important! Clients and end users are strongly advised not to post the Security Key in any public location or site. If the key is openly available, anyone can register on the site.

  5. End users complete the additional account fields and select the User Acceptance acknowledgement.

  6. End users select the Create an Account button to display the success message.

  7. An activation email is also sent to the end user with a Click Here to get started link. Example: User Activation Email.

  1. After selecting their preferred language, the end user signs in to their site with the user name and password they entered in the enrollment form.

  2. Then end user completes first Activate your account pages, which contains their personal information. Fields display based on the configuration in profile field settings.

  3. The end user selects Continue to display the second page of the activation, which contains travel preferences.

  4. End users can then update their profile and begin to book with their active accounts.

Admin Workflow for Open Enrollment

The designated administrator receives a Success/Failure Email after an end user successfully or unsuccessfully attempts to complete an open enrollment.

Example: Admin Success/Failure Email.


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