Profile and Delegate Extract

Profile and Delegate Extract

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User profile and delegate extracts can be used to review and maintain user profiles and delegate associations.
Note: Secured data such as credit card information is encrypted in the extracts.


  • User profiles provides the ability to pull a full extract or to narrow the extract down to specific profile elements.

  • Delegate associations provides the ability to pull an extract showing user-delegate associations. You can use this data to determine which users are delegated to book for or be booked by other users.

You can pull partial or full profile extracts, or pull separate delegate extracts. You can extract as little information or as much information as needed from a user’s account, such as frequent flier memberships to a full user extract. However, there are two exceptions:

  • You cannot pull an extract for a specific vendor. You must remove unneeded vendors from the extracted file.

  • You cannot pull an extract of a specific individual. You will need to pull all profiles and filter out the unneeded profiles.

User Profile Extract

For user profiles, you can:

  • Initially extract the profile.

  • Retrieve the extracted profile at a later time.

To extract user profile data:

  1. From the Partner Dashboard home page, select the Profiles tab.

  2. Select the Extract Profiles link to display the Extract Profiles page.

  3. In Extract Type, select User Profile.

  4. In Extract By, select the scope of the extraction: Domain, Sub-Domain, Group, or WebService Subscription.


  1. In Type, select either:

    • Full Download to extract all data based on the filters applied in the following section.

    • Selective Download to select a constraint for the extracted data. For each constraint, select from the associated condition options.

  2. Optional. Select Include only active employees to exclude any employees that do not have an active profile.


  1. In the Filters section, select the desired filters.
    Tip: To clear all active check boxes, select the top check box to clear that box and all child boxes below it.
    In this example, in addition to the profile filters for user identification, you can specify data for frequent flier programs by:

    1. Scrolling through the filter list to ServicePreferences.

    2. Selecting ServicePreferences to expand the hierarchy.

    3. Expanding AirlinePreferences.

    4. Selecting membershipSet and its child filters.

Output Destination, File Format, and Job Options

  1. In Destination, select from the available storage locations for the file. Extract files are stored on Deem servers.

  2. In File Format, select either:

    • CSV (Comma-Separated Values) files. CSV files use a simple table format with data separated by commas.

    • XML (Extensible Markup Language) files.

  1. Optional. In Password, enter a password required to view the archived zip file. Passwords:

    • Must contain at least one letter and one number.

    • Cannot contain your user name, first name, or last name, and cannot be a common dictionary word.

  2. In Job Description, enter an easily recognizable description, such as ff membership.

  3. Optional. In Job Completion Email, enter an email address for notification when the extraction download is complete.

  1. Select Submit to display the Activity Logs page.

  2. When the extract is completed, select the associated Download link to download a ZIP file that contains the extraction file.

Tip: If the Download link does not display, select Refresh to update the page display.

Extract User-Delegate Relationships

For user-delegate associations, you can extract data to show the associations between which users can booked for or be booked by another user. You can:

  • Initially extract the association data.

  • Retrieve the extracted file at a later time.

To extract user-delegate data :

  1. From the Partner Dashboard home page, select the Profiles tab.

  2. Select the Extract Profiles link to display the Extract Profiles page.

  3. In Extract Type, select User-Delegate Relationships.

  4. In Extract By, select the scope of the extraction: Domain, Sub-Domain, Group, or WebService Subscription.


  1. In Type, select either:

    • Full Download to extract all data based on the filters applied in the following section.

    • Selective Download to select a constraint for the extracted data. For each constraint, select from the associated condition options.

  2. Optional. Select Include only active employees to exclude any employees that do not have an active profile.

Output Destination, File Format, and Job Options

  1. In Destination, select from the available storage locations for the file. Extract files are stored on Deem servers.

  2. In File Format, select either:

    • CSV (Comma-Separated Values) files. CSV files use a simple table format with data separated by commas.

    • XML (Extensible Markup Language) files.

  3. Optional. In Password, enter a password required to view the archived zip file. Passwords:

    • Must contain at least one letter and one number.

    • Cannot contain your user name, first name, or last name, and cannot be a common dictionary word.

  4. In Job Description, enter an easily recognizable description, such as Delegate Extract.

  5. Optional. In Job Completion Email, enter an email address for notification when the extraction download is complete.

  6. When the extract is completed, select the associated Download link to download a zipped file that contains the extraction file.

    Tip: If the Download link does not display, select Refresh to update the page display.

Retrieve Extracted Files

Profile and delegation extracts are stored on Deem servers. However, you can view archived extracts in the activity logs.

To view archived profile or delegation extracts:

  1. From the Partner Dashboard home page, select the Profiles tab.

  2. Select the Extract Activity Logs link to display the Activity Logs page. In this example, a profile extract is displayed.

  3. Select Download to download a zipped file that contains the extraction file.

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