How to Configure User Profile Settings

How to Configure User Profile Settings

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You can manage profile settings to specify profile data available to end users, agents, and various administrative levels.

  • There are two types of profile fields:

    • Traditional fields are pre-configured with common profile values.

    • Custom fields can be used to create additional, specialized profile fields.

  • Profile fields can be set to display, hide, or view only. Fields can also be displayed, hidden, or view only based on user permissions.

  • Profiles can be managed to:

    • Turn on and off profile fields as needed.

    • Display profile fields only on specific pages.

    • Customize labels displayed to the end-user.

    • Allow users to view profile files, but to not allow them to update.
      For example, if a client has an HR Feed, the client may want users to see a profile field, but only allow users with access to the HR feed or Deem Partner Dashboard admin access to update.

  • All-in-one profile storage is available.

  • Synch profiles to Agency GDS.

Need to Know

  • Profile fields are configured for all users. There is no option to have different profile field settings for different groups.

  • Deem maintains:

    • PNR data for at least 10 years.

    • Profile data until a site is decommissioned.

  • If a profile is deactivated, it remains in Deem’s applications, and can be reactivated if necessary. However, all PII data is removed when the profile is deactivated. After deactivation, end users and delegates do not have access to the account, only user with Partner Dashboard access have the ability to access or reactivate.

  • For a list of field values, see Profile List of Values.

  • See User Profile Fields for detailed descriptions, sample values, and attributes, which can be used to create scripts and headers for HR feeds.

Before You Begin

Before you configure or create profile fields, determine:

  • Which fields are needed per customer and TMC requirements.

  • If users will have the ability to update the field.

  • If you will enable an HR feed to update fields for all users or only new users.

  • If the field will be displayed during registration.

  • If the field will be required or optional.

  • If the label for the field must be customized for customer or TMC needs.

User Profile Field Options

There are two types of profile fields:

  • Traditional fields are pre-configured with common profile values, but can be customized. Instructions are provided in this topic.

  • Custom fields can be used to create additional, specialized profile fields. See the Custom Fields topic for details and instructions.
    Note: Custom fields cannot be used with user groups.

Configure Traditional Profile Fields

To configure traditional profile fields:

  1. From the partner dashboard home page, select the Settings link for the site you want to modify.

  2. From the Settings tab, select the Profile Field Settings link to display the User Profile Fields page.

  3. Select Configure Profile Fields to display the Configure page.

  4. Choose a profile field to change. Note that the Field Name:

    • Is used for configuring profiles and PNR mapping.

    • Cannot be changed. However, in the next Display Label column, you can change the name that displays to customers.

  5. In the Display Label column, confirm the label or enter a new label. The Display Label is the field name that customers see when they view profile information.
    For example: First Name is changed to First Name **As shown on your travel documents.
    In the Deem Partner Dashboard, the display label value is displayed:

    And a Deem user also see the display label value.

  6. Optional. In the Data Source column, select Profile Load to determine if an HR feed can update users. If selected, choose either:

    • All Users to update the field each time the HR field is uploaded, if there are any changes.

    • New User Only to update the field if the user is new on the HR feed. If the user existed on a previous HR feed, the field is not updated.
      This option is commonly used for First, Middle and Last Name fields. The option allows the HR feed to create the account. However, users can then update the fields if their name appears differently on their travel documents, without the HR feed overwriting the user’s updates to their user profile.

  7. Optional. Select User Editable to allow users the ability update the field.
    In this example, end users can edit the department code and name in their Deem profile.

  8. Optional. Select Agent Editable to allow users Domain Admin Access to the Deem Partner Dashboard/Console update the field.

  9. Optional. Select Admin Editable to allow users Super Domain Admin Access to the Deem Partner Dashboard/Console update the field.

  10. Optional. In the Display Options columns, specify how the field is displayed to end users.
    Note: It is recommended to disable (deselect) all profile fields you do not want displayed to both your client as well as any users who may update user profiles. Disabling profile fields removes them from view for end users and displays fields as inactive or not editable to users with Deem Partner Dashboard admin access.

    • Display in Settings to allow the user to see the field within their profile.

    • Display in Registration to allow the user to see the field during the registration process.

    • Required Field for User to make the field required. Users will not have the ability to save the area within the profile until they update the field.

    • Display in Settings for Guest: (Cvent Only).

    • Required Field for Guest User: (Cvent Only).

  11. After all fields are configured, select Save to stored the updates and redisplay the User Profile Fields page.

Dashboard Update: December 1, 2023

An update was made for new and existing sites to remove multiple legacy (non-working) fields from the Configure page:

  • View Price Results by

  • Approver ID (Expense)

  • Shopping Approver ID

  • Transmission

  • Number of Doors

  • Seats Second Preference

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