User Profile Fields

User Profile Fields

The user profile fields are as follows (attributes in bold are mandatory):


Field Name (Attribute)


Sample Value

Unique Identifier


Mandatory field for adding or editing a profile. The externalID is a user identifier that must be unique per domain. It must be alphanumeric without spaces. The maximum number of characters is 100.


User (Employee) Status


Optional attribute for the user or employee status. This must contain either an "A" (active) or "D" (inactive).

Default: A

User (Employee) Number


Optional attribute for the user or employee number (unique per customer). The maximum number of characters is 30.


User (Employee) Type


Optional attribute for the user or employee type. It must be alphanumeric (spaces are allowed). The maximum number of characters is 100.

full time

Login Name


Mandatory field for adding a user profile. This attribute is the user's login name, which must be unique per customer. It must be alphanumeric without spaces or special characters (exceptions: "." or "-" or "_"). The maximum number of characters is 100.




Optional field for the user's title, which must contain one of the following values:

  • Mr.
  • Mrs.
  • Ms.
  • Miss
  • Dr.
  • Master
  • Prof.
  • Sir
  • Mx.


First Name


Mandatory field for adding a profile. This is the user's first name. It must be alphanumeric (spaces are allowed). The maximum number of characters is 35.

John Paul

Middle Name


Optional field for the user's middle name. It must be alphanumeric (spaces are allowed). The maximum number of characters is 35.


Last Name


Mandatory field for adding a profile. This is the user's last name. It must be alphanumeric (spaces are allowed). The maximum number of characters is 35.


Suffix Name


Optional field for the user's suffix. It must contain one of the following values:

  • Jr.
  • Sr.
  • II
  • III
  • IV
  • Ph.D


Email Address


Mandatory field for adding a profile. This is the user's email address. It must follow proper email format and be unique per customer. The maximum number of characters is 100.


Birth Date


Optional field for the user's data of birth, which must be in YYYY-MM-DD format.

2012-12-05 (for Dec. 5, 2012)



Optional field for the user's gender, which must contain one of the following values:

M = Male

F = Female

X = Non-binary/Unspecified


Cost Center 


Optional field for the user's cost center. It must be alphanumeric (spaces are allowed). The maximum number of characters is 100.


Department Code 


Optional field for the user's department code. It must be alphanumeric (spaces are allowed). The maximum number of characters is 100.


Department Name


Optional field for the user's department name. It must be alphanumeric (spaces are allowed). The maximum number of characters is 100.


Business Unit


Optional field for the user's business unit. It must be alphanumeric (spaces are allowed). The maximum number of characters is 100.


Job Level


Optional field for the user's job level. It must be alphanumeric (spaces are allowed). The maximum number of characters is 100.

Software Engineer

Job Title


Optional field for the user's job title. It must be alphanumeric (spaces are allowed). The maximum number of characters is 100.


Manager ID


Optional field for the user's manager's external ID. This ID must be a valid external ID previously loaded in the database or upload file. The maximum number of characters is 100.




Optional field for the user's division. It must be alphanumeric (spaces are allowed). The maximum number of characters is 50.

Human Resources

Generic Reporting Field 1


Optional generic management information system (MIS) reporting field. The label for this field can be configured as described in Profile Field Settings. The maximum number of characters is 255. This field is supported in customizable profile fields (i.e. dropdown lists).

Generic Reporting Field 2


Optional generic management information system (MIS) reporting field. The label for this field can be configured as described in Profile Field Settings. The maximum number of characters is 255. This field is supported in customizable profile fields (i.e. dropdown lists).

Generic Reporting Field 3


Optional generic management information system (MIS) reporting field. The label for this field can be configured as described in Profile Field Settings. The maximum number of characters is 255. This field is supported in customizable profile fields (i.e. dropdown lists).

Generic Reporting Field 4


Optional generic management information system (MIS) reporting field. The label for this field can be configured as described in Profile Field Settings. The maximum number of characters is 255. This field is supported in customizable profile fields (i.e. dropdown lists).

Generic Reporting Field 5


Optional generic management information system (MIS) reporting field. The label for this field can be configured as described in Profile Field Settings. The maximum number of characters is 255. This field is supported in customizable profile fields (i.e. dropdown lists).

Generic Reporting Field 6


Optional generic management information system (MIS) reporting field. The label for this field can be configured as described in Profile Field Settings. The maximum number of characters is 255. This field is supported in customizable profile fields (i.e. drop-down lists).

Generic Reporting Field 7


Optional generic management information system (MIS) reporting field. The label for this field can be configured as described in Profile Field Settings. The maximum number of characters is 255. This field is supported in customizable profile fields (i.e. drop-down lists).

Office Phone Number 


Optional field for the user's office phone number including area code. Use numeric values only — all non-numeric characters will be removed.

  • Minimum number of digits: 10
  • Maximum number of digits: 50

Note: Do not include phone number extensions — use the userInfo.workPhone.extension field. Do not include the country code — use the userInfo.workPhone.countryCode field.


Country Code for Office Phone Number 


Optional field for the user's office phone number country code. Use numeric values only — all non-numeric characters will be removed.

  • Maximum number of digits: 50 

Note: Country code is for non-US phone numbers only.


Extension for Office Phone Number 


Optional field for the user's office phone number extension. Use numeric values only — all non-numeric characters will be removed.

  • Maximum number of digits: 10

Note: Country code is for non-US phone numbers only.


Mobile Phone Number 


Optional field for the user's mobile phone number including area code. Use numeric values only — all non-numeric characters will be removed.

  • Minimum number of digits: 10
  • Maximum number of digits: 50 

Note: Do not include the country code — use the userInfo.mobilePhone.countryCode field.


Country Code for Mobile Phone Number 


Optional field for the user's mobile phone number country code. Use numeric values only — all non-numeric characters will be removed.

  • Maximum number of digits: 50 

Note: Country code is for non-US phone numbers only.


Fax Number 


Optional field for the user's fax phone number including area code. Use numeric values only — all non-numeric characters will be removed.

  • Minimum number of digits: 10
  • Maximum number of digits: 50 

Note: Do not include phone number extensions — use the userInfo.workPhone.extension field. Do not include the country code — use the userInfo.workFax.countryCode field.


Country Code for Fax Number 


Optional field for the user's fax phone number country code. Use numeric values only — all non-numeric characters will be removed.

  • Maximum number of digits: 50 

Note: Country code is for non-US phone numbers only.


Company that Employs User 


Optional field for the user's company name. It must be alphanumeric (spaces are allowed). The maximum number of characters is 100.

Widget Corp.

Company Street Address 


Optional field for the user's company street address. It must be alphanumeric (spaces are allowed). The maximum number of characters is 100.

500 Main Street

Company Suite Number 


Optional field for the user's company suite or apartment number. It must be alphanumeric (spaces are allowed). The maximum number of characters is 100.

Suite #150

Company Mail Stop 


Optional field for the user's company mail stop. It must be alphanumeric (spaces are allowed). The maximum number of characters is 35.


Company City 


Optional field for the user's company city. It must be alphanumeric (spaces are allowed). The maximum number of characters is 50.

Palo Alto

Company State 


Optional field for the user's company state or province. This must be a valid state/province name or state/province code.


Company Zip/Postal Code 


Optional field for the user's company zip or postal code. It must be alphanumeric (spaces are allowed). The maximum number of characters is 25.


Company Country 


Optional field for the user's company country code. This must be a valid 2-letter ISO country code.


Home Street Address 


Optional field for the user's home street address. It must be alphanumeric (spaces are allowed). The maximum number of characters is 100.

1 Main Street

Home Apartment or Suite Number 


Optional field for the user's home suite or apartment number. It must be alphanumeric (spaces are allowed). The maximum number of characters is 100.

Apt 1003

Home Mail Stop 


Optional field for the user's home mail stop. It must be alphanumeric (spaces are allowed). The maximum number of characters is 35.


Home City 


Optional field for the user's home city. It must be alphanumeric (spaces are allowed). The maximum number of characters is 50.

Palo Alto

Home State/Province 


Optional field for the user's home state or province. This must be a valid state/province name or state/province code.


Home Zip/Postal Code 


Optional field for the user's home zip or postal code. It must be alphanumeric (spaces are allowed). The maximum number of characters is 25.




Optional field for the user's home country code. This must be a valid two-letter ISO country code.


Home Email Address 


Optional field for the user's home email address. It must follow proper email format. The maximum number of characters is 100.


Home Phone Number 


Optional field for the user's home phone number including area code. Use numeric values only — all non-numeric characters will be removed.

  • Minimum number of digits: 10
  • Maximum number of digits: 50 

Note: Do not include phone number extensions — use the userInfo.workPhone.extension field. Do not include the country code — use the userInfo.homePhone.countryCode field.


Country Code for Home Phone Number 


Optional field for the user's home phone number country code. Use numeric values only — all non-numeric characters will be removed.

Maximum number of digits: 50

Note: Country code is for non-US phone numbers only.


Emergency Contact Name 


Optional field for the user's emergency contact name. It must be alphanumeric (spaces are allowed). The maximum number of characters is 150.

Joe Smith

Emergency Contact Relationship 


Optional field for the user's emergency contact's relationship to the user. It must contain one of the following:

  • Spouse/Domestic Partner
  • Parent
  • Relative
  • Neighbor
  • Other
  • Friend
  • Business
  • Child


Emergency Contact Primary Phone Number 


Optional field for the user's emergency contact primary phone number including area code. Use numeric values only — all non-numeric characters will be removed.

  • Minimum number of digits: 10
  • Maximum number of digits: 50

Note: Do not include phone number extensions — use the userInfo.emergencyContactPrimaryPhone.extension field. Do not include the country code — use the userInfo.emergencyContactPrimaryPhone.countryCode field.


Country Code for Emergency Contact Primary Phone 


Optional field for the user's emergency contact primary phone number country code. Use numeric values only — all non-numeric characters will be removed.

Maximum number of digits: 50

Note: Country code is for non-US phone numbers only.


Extension for Emergency Contact Primary Phone 


Optional field for the user's emergency contact primary phone number extension. Use numeric values only — all non-numeric characters will be removed.

Maximum number of digits: 10

Note: Country code is for non-US phone numbers only.


Emergency Contact Secondary Phone Number 


Optional field for the user's emergency contact secondary phone number including area code. Use numeric values only — all non-numeric characters will be removed.

  • Minimum number of digits: 10
  • Maximum number of digits: 50

Note: Do not include extensions — use the userInfo.emergencyContactSecondaryPhone.extension field. Do not include the country code — use the userInfo.emergencyContactSecondaryPhone.countryCode field.


Country Code for Emergency Contact Secondary Phone 


Optional field for the user's emergency contact secondary phone number country code. Use numeric values only — all non-numeric characters will be removed.

Maximum number of digits: 50

Note: Country code is for non-US phone numbers only.


Extension for Emergency Contact Secondary Phone 


Optional field for the user's emergency contact secondary phone number extension. Use numeric values only — all non-numeric characters will be removed.

Maximum number of digits: 10

Note: Country code is for non-US phone numbers only.


Emergency Contact Email Address 


Optional field for the user's emergency contact email address. It must follow proper email format. The maximum number of characters is 100.


Emergency Contact Primary Street Address 


Optional field for the user's emergency contact street address. It must be alphanumeric (spaces are allowed). The maximum number of characters is 100.

1 Main Street

Emergency Contact Primary Apartment/Suite Number 


Optional field for the user's emergency contact suite or apartment number. It must be alphanumeric (spaces are allowed). The maximum number of characters is 100.

Apt 1003

Emergency Contact Mail Stop 


Optional field for the user's emergency contact mail stop. It must be alphanumeric (spaces are allowed). The maximum number of characters is 35.


Emergency Contact's City 


Optional field for the user's emergency contact city. It must be alphanumeric (spaces are allowed). The maximum number of characters is 50.

Palo Alto

Emergency Contact's State/Province 


Optional field for the user's emergency contact state or province. This must be a valid state/province name or state/province code.


Emergency Contact's Zip/Postal Code 


Optional field for the user's emergency contact zip or postal code. It must be alphanumeric (spaces are allowed). The maximum number of characters is 25.


Emergency Contact's Country 


Optional field for the user's emergency contact country code. This must be a valid two-letter ISO country code.


Approver ID 


Optional field for the user's approver's external ID. The external ID of the user defined as ROLE_APPROVER in the Role column (roleSet.role) must be entered here for the user to assign the Expense approver to this user. For example, if the approverID value is 28844, then the user whose external ID is 28844 should already have been uploaded and already have been assigned the role of Expense approver (ROLE_APPROVER) in the Role column (roleSet.role).

This ID must be a valid external ID previously loaded in the database or upload file. The maximum number of characters is 100.


Groupware ID 


Optional field for the user's calendar integration email address to be used as the groupware ID. This must be in a valid email format and be unique for each customer. This is usually the user's business email address. If no address is provided, this field will default to the userinfo.email field value. The maximum number of characters is 100.


VIP indicator 


Optional field for the user's VIP flag in Settings. This must contain one of the following values:

  • TRUE (Is a VIP)
  • FALSE 

This defaults to "FALSE" if not provided.


If you are updating existing user information, all information for the next two attributes — Known Traveler Number and Redress Number — must be loaded. If one attribute is missing information, the information in the attribute will be lost.
Known Traveler NumberuserInfo.knownTravelerNumber

The Known Traveler Number is a unique designator that is assigned to an individual that chooses to participate in the American Airlines/TSA screening pilot programs.

If updating pre-existing user data, all data within this column and the next column must be loaded, or the data in the other column will be lost. The maximum number of characters is 100.

Redress NumberuserInfo.redressNumber

The Redress Number is a unique number a user can obtain from the U.S. Department of Homeland Security if the user shares the same name as someone on the U.S. watch list and have experienced difficulties during travel screening when crossing U.S. borders.

If updating pre-existing user data, all data within this column and the previous column must be loaded, or the data in the other column will be lost. The maximum number of characters is 100.


Shopping Approver ID 


Optional field for the user's Shopping approver's external ID. The external ID of the user defined as ROLE_PURCHASE_APPROVER in the Role column (roleSet.role) must be entered here for the user to assign the Shopping approver to this user. For example, if the purchaseApproverID value is 28845, then the user whose external ID is 28845 should already have been uploaded and already have been assigned the role of Shopping approver (ROLE_PURCHASE_APPROVER) in the Role column (roleSet.role).

This ID must be a valid external ID previously loaded in the database or upload file. The maximum number of characters is 100.

Travel Approver ID userInfo.travelApproverID

Optional field for the user's Travel approver's external ID. The external ID of the user defined as ROLE_TRAVEL_APPROVER in the Role column (roleSet.role) must be entered here for the user to assign the Travel approver to this user. For example, if the travelApproverID value is 28846, then the user whose external ID is 28846 should already have been uploaded and already have been assigned the role of Travel approver (ROLE_TRAVEL_APPROVER) in the Role column (roleSet.role).

This ID must be a valid external ID previously loaded in the database or upload file. The maximum number of characters is 100.


If you are updating existing user information, all information for the following set of attributes must be loaded. If any attribute in this set is missing information, the information in other attributes of this set will be lost.

Airport Code of Traveler's Origin


This is the user's preferred airport code or airport name. It must be alphanumeric (spaces are allowed). The maximum number of characters is 100.


Special Meal Preference 


This is the user's meal preference. The value must be one of the special meal values listed for "Meal Preference" in Profile List of Values.


Traveler's Seat Preference 


This is the user's seating preference. The value must be one of the following two preferences:

  • Window
  • Aisle


Note to Travel Arranger 


This is the user's "Note to Travel Arranger" found on the Travel Preferences page that a traveler uses to communicate with a delegate or travel agent. It must be alphanumeric (spaces are allowed). The maximum number of characters is 50 due to GDS limitations.

Sit on right side to LHR

1st Air Special Request 


This is the user's first air special request. This must contain one of the values from "Air Special Request" in Profile List of Values.


2nd Air Special Request 


This is the user's second air special request. This must contain one of the values from "Air Special Request" in Profile List of Values.


3rd Air Special Request 


This is the user's third air special request. This must contain one of the values from "Air Special Request" in Profile List of Values.


Frequent Flyer Airline Code #1 


This is the user's first frequent flyer airline code. This must be a valid two-character carrier code. For a list of airline vendor codes, see "Airline Vendor Codes" in Profile List of Values.


Frequent Flyer Membership Number #1 


This is the user's frequent flyer membership number for the first frequent flyer airline code. It must be alphanumeric without spaces or special characters. The maximum number of characters is 50.


Frequent Flyer Airline Code #2


This is the user's second frequent flyer airline code. This must be a valid two-character carrier code. For a list of airline vendor codes, see "Airline Vendor Codes" in Profile List of Values.


Frequent Flyer Membership Number #2


This is the user's frequent flyer membership number for the second frequent flyer airline code. It must be alphanumeric without spaces or special characters. The maximum number of characters is 50.


Frequent Flyer Airline Code #3


This is the user's third frequent flyer airline code. This must be a valid two-character carrier code. For a list of airline vendor codes, see "Airline Vendor Codes" in Profile List of Values.


Frequent Flyer Membership Number #3


This is the user's frequent flyer membership number for the third frequent flyer airline code. It must be alphanumeric without spaces or special characters. The maximum number of characters is 50.


Hotel Special Request #1 


This is the user's first hotel special request. This must contain one of the special hotel special request values listed for "Hotel Special Request" in Profile List of Values (these values are case sensitive).


Hotel Special Request #2


This is the user's second hotel special request. This must contain one of the special hotel special request values listed for "Hotel Special Request" in Profile List of Values (these values are case sensitive).


Hotel Special Request #3


This is the user's third hotel special request. This must contain one of the special hotel special request values listed for "Hotel Special Request" in Profile List of Values (these values are case sensitive).


Hotel Chain Code #1 


This is the user's first frequent hotel chain code. This must be a valid 2-character hotel brand or chain code. For a list of hotel chain codes, see "Hotel Chain Codes" in Profile List of Values.


Hotel Membership Number #1 


This is the user's frequent hotel membership number for the first frequent hotel chain code. It must be alphanumeric without spaces or special characters. The maximum number of characters is 50.


Hotel Chain Code #2


This is the user's second frequent hotel chain code. This must be a valid two-character hotel brand or chain code. For a list of hotel chain codes, see "Hotel Chain Codes" in Profile List of Values.


Hotel Membership Number #2


This is the user's frequent hotel membership number for the second frequent hotel chain code. It must be alphanumeric without spaces or special characters. The maximum number of characters is 50.


Hotel Chain Code #3


This is the user's third frequent hotel chain code. This must be a valid two-character hotel brand or chain code. For a list of hotel chain codes, see "Hotel Chain Codes" in Profile List of Values.


Hotel Membership Number #3


This is the user's frequent hotel membership number for the third frequent hotel chain code. It must be alphanumeric without spaces or special characters. The maximum number of characters is 50.


Hotel Special Instruction #1 


This is the user's first hotel special instructions. The value must be one of the special hotel amenity values listed for "Hotel Amenities" in Profile List of Values (these values are case sensitive).

Coffee maker

Hotel Special Instruction #


This is the user's second hotel special instructions. The value must be one of the special hotel amenity values listed for "Hotel Amenities" in Profile List of Values (these values are case sensitive).

Computer use

Hotel Special Instruction #


This is the user's second hotel special instructions. The value must be one of the special hotel amenity values listed for "Hotel Amenities" in Profile List of Values (these values are case sensitive).


Car Transmission 


This is the user's preferred rental car transmission type. The value must be one of the following:

  • A (automatic)
  • M (manual)


Number of Doors on Car 


This is the user's preferred number of car doors for a rental car. The value must be one of the following:

  • C (2- or 4-door)
  • D (4-door)
  • B (2-door)


Car Type 


This is the user's preferred rental car type. The value must be one of the special default car type values listed for "Default Car Type" in Profile List of Values.


Car Special Request #1 


This is the user's first rental car special request. The value must be one of the special request values listed for "Rental Car Special Requent" in Profile List of Values.


Car Special Request #2


This is the user's second rental car special request. The value must be one of the special request values listed for "Rental Car Special Requent" in Profile List of Values.


Car Special Request #3


This is the user's third rental car special request. The value must be one of the special request values listed for "Rental Car Special Requent" in Profile List of Values.


Car Company Code #1 


This is the user's first frequent rental car chain code. This must be a valid 2-character rental car brand or chain code. For a list of rental car chain codes, see "Rental Car Company Codes" in Profile List of Values.


Car Membership Number #1 


This is the user's frequent rental car membership number for the first frequent rental car brand or chain code. It must be alphanumeric without spaces or special characters. The maximum number of characters is 50.


Car Company Code #2


This is the user's second frequent rental car chain code. This must be a valid 2-character rental car brand or chain code. For a list of rental car chain codes, see "Rental Car Company Codes" in Profile List of Values.


Car Membership Number #2


This is the user's frequent rental car membership number for the second frequent rental car brand or chain code. It must be alphanumeric without spaces or special characters. The maximum number of characters is 50.


Car Company Code #3


This is the user's third frequent rental car chain code. This must be a valid 2-character rental car brand or chain code. For a list of rental car chain codes, see "Rental Car Company Codes" in Profile List of Values.


Car Membership Number #3


This is the user's frequent rental car membership number for the third frequent rental car brand or chain code. It must be alphanumeric without spaces or special characters. The maximum number of characters is 50.


Credit Card That Should Be Set Up as Default for All Air Purchases 


This is the user's valid credit card number used for all air purchases. Dashes and spaces are not allowed. Sample values:
Visa: 4111111111111111
MasterCard: 5500000000000004
American Express: 340000000000009
Diner's Club: 30000000000004
Carte Blanche: 30000000000004
Discover: 6011000000000004

3400 0000 0000 009

Credit Card That Should Be Set Up as Default for All Hotel Purchases 


This is the user's valid credit card number used for all hotel guarantees and purchases. If not provided, the air purchases credit card is used. Dashes and spaces are not allowed. Sample values:
Visa: 4111111111111111
MasterCard: 5500000000000004
American Express: 340000000000009
Diner's Club: 30000000000004
Carte Blanche: 30000000000004
Discover: 6011000000000004

3400 0000 0000 009

Credit Card That Should Be Set Up as Default for All Car Purchases 


This is the user's valid credit card number used for all rental car guarantees and purchases. Dashes and spaces are not allowed. Sample values:
Visa: 4111111111111111
MasterCard: 5500000000000004
American Express: 340000000000009
Diner's Club: 30000000000004
Carte Blanche: 30000000000004
Discover: 6011000000000004

3400 0000 0000 009

If you are updating existing user information, all information for the following set of attributes must be loaded. If any attribute in this set is missing information, the information in other attributes of this set will be lost.

First Passport Country Code 


This is the user's first passport country code. This must be a valid 2-letter ISO country code.


First Passport Number


This is the user's first passport number. It must be alphanumeric without spaces or special characters. The maximum number of characters is 50. This is required if the passport is present.


First Passport Expiration Date


This is the user's first passport expiration date. It must be in the YYYY-MM-DD format.

2012-12-05 (for Dec. 5, 2012)

First Passport Issue Date


This is the user's first passport issue date. It must be in the YYYY-MM-DD format.

2012-12-05 (for Dec. 5, 2012)

First Passport Issue Country


This is the user's first passport country code for the issuing country. This must be a valid 2-letter ISO country code.


Second Passport Country Code passportSet.passport_2.countryCodeThis is the user's second passport country code. This must be a valid two-letter ISO country code.US
Second Passport NumberpassportSet.passport_2.numberThis is the user's second passport number. It must be alphanumeric without spaces or special characters. The maximum number of characters is 50. This is required if the passport is present. 12345678
Second Passport Expiration DatepassportSet.passport_12.expirationDateThis is the user's second passport expiration date. It must be in the YYYY-MM-DD format.2012-12-05 (for Dec. 5, 2012)
Second Passport Issue DatepassportSet.passport_2.issueDateThis is the user's second passport country code for the issuing country. This must be a valid 2-letter ISO country code.2012-12-05 (for Dec. 5, 2012)
Second Passport Issue CountrypassportSet.passport_2.issueCountryThis is the user's second passport country code for the issuing country. This must be a valid 2-letter ISO country code.US

If you are updating existing user information, all information for the following set of attributes must be loaded. If any attribute in this set is missing information, the information in other attributes of this set will be lost.

First National ID Card Country Code 


This is the user's national ID card country code. This must be a valid two-letter ISO country code. This card is more often used in Europe and is the equivalent of a US drivers' license.


First National ID Card Number 


This is the user's national ID card number. It must be alphanumeric without spaces or special characters. The maximum number of characters is 50. This is required if the card is present.


First National ID Card Expiration Date 


This is the user's national ID card expiration date. It must be in the YYYY-MM-DD format.

2012-12-05 (for Dec. 5, 2012)

Second National ID Card Issue Date 


This is the user's national ID card issue date. It must be in the YYYY-MM-DD format.

2012-12-05 (for Dec. 5, 2012)

Second National ID Card Country Code nationalIDCardSet.nationalIDCard_2.countryCodeThis is the user's second national ID card country code. This must be a valid 2-letter ISO country code. This card is more often used in Europe and is the equivalent of a US drivers' license.US
Second National ID Card Number nationalIDCardSet.nationalIDCard_2.numberThis is the user's second national ID card number. It must be alphanumeric without spaces or special characters. The maximum number of characters is 50. This is required if the card is present. 12345678
Second National ID Card Expiration Date nationalIDCardSet.nationalIDCard_2.expirationDateThis is the user's second national ID card expiration date. It must be in the YYYY-MM-DD format.2012-12-05 (for Dec. 5, 2012)
First National ID Card Issue Date nationalIDCardSet.nationalIDCard_2.issueDateThis is the user's second national ID card issue date. It must be in the YYYY-MM-DD format.2012-12-05 (for Dec. 5, 2012)

If you are updating existing user information, all information for the following set of attributes must be loaded. If any attribute in this set is missing information, the information in other attributes of this set will be lost.

First Visa Country Code 


This is the user's first visa country code. This must be a valid two-letter ISO country code.


First Visa Number 


This is the user's first visa number. It must be alphanumeric without spaces or special characters. The maximum number of characters is 50. This is required if Visa is present.


First Visa's Expiration Date 


This is the user's first visa expiration date. It must be in the YYYY-MM-DD format.

2012-12-05 (for Dec. 5, 2012)

First Visa Type 


This is the user's first visa type. This must be a value from "Visa Types" in Profile List of Values.

Business Visa

Second Visa Country Code visaSet.visa_2.countryCodeThis is the user's second visa country code. This must be a valid two-etter ISO country code. GB
Second Visa Number visaSet.visa_2.numberThis is the user's second visa number. It must be alphanumeric without spaces or special characters. The maximum number of characters is 50. This is required if the second Visa is present.  231341341
Second Visa's Expiration Date visaSet.visa_2.expirationDateThis is the user's second visa expiration date. It must be in the YYYY-MM-DD format. 2012-12-05 (for Dec. 5, 2012)
Second Visa Type visaSet.visa_2.typeThis is the user's second visa type. This must be a value from "Visa Types" in Profile List of Values. Business Visa

If you are updating existing user information, all information for the following set of attributes must be loaded. If any attribute in this set is missing information, the information in other attributes of this set will be lost.

First Credit Card Number 


This is the user's first valid credit card number used for all purchases. Dashes or spaces allowed and required if credit card is present. This card is validated based on brand.

Example of values:
Visa: 4111 1111 1111 1111
 MasterCard: 5500 0000 0000 0004
 American Express: 3400 0000 0000 009
 Diner's Club: 3000 0000 0000 04
Carte Blanche: 3000 0000 0000 04
 Discover: 6011 0000 0000 0004 
First Credit Card Brand 


This is the user's first credit card type. This must be a value from "Credit Card Vendor Codes" in Profile List of Values.


First Credit Card Expiration Date 


This is the user's first credit card expiration date. It must be in the YYYY-MM-DD format.

2012-12-05 (for Dec. 5, 2012)

First Credit Card Name of Card (for identification)


This is the user's preferred text to clearly identify the use of the first credit card – the label that is displayed. It must be alphanumeric (spaces are allowed). The maximum number of characters is 35.

My personal Visa

Is First Credit Card a Corporate Card? 


This is a flag to indicate whether the user's first credit card is a corporate card or not. Set to "Y" if the card is a corporate card. If this is not provided, the default is "N" (not a corporate card).


First Credit Card Company Street Address 


If the first credit card is a corporate card, this is the company street address. It must be alphanumeric (spaces are allowed). The maximum number of characters is 100.

500 Main Street

First Credit Card Company Apartment/Suite Number


If the first credit card is a corporate card, this is the company suite or apartment number. It must be alphanumeric (spaces are allowed). The maximum number of characters is 100.

Suite #150

First Credit Card Company Address Mail Stop 


If the first credit card is a corporate card, this is the company mail stop. It must be alphanumeric (spaces are allowed). The maximum number of characters is 35.


First Credit Card Company City 


If the first credit card is a corporate card, this is the company city. It must be alphanumeric (spaces are allowed). The maximum number of characters is 50.

Palo Alto

First Credit card Company State/Province 


If the first credit card is a corporate card, this is the company state or province. This must be a valid state/province name or state/province code.


First Credit Card Company Postal/Zip Code 


If the first credit card is a corporate card, this is the company zip or postal code. It must be alphanumeric (spaces are allowed). The maximum number of characters is 25.


First Credit Card Company Country 


If the first credit card is a corporate card, this is the company country code. This must be a valid 2-letter ISO country code.


First Credit Card Billing Company Name 


If the first credit card is a corporate card, this is the company name. It must be alphanumeric (spaces are allowed). The maximum number of characters is 100.

ABC Company

First Credit Card Cardholder Name 


The card's cardholder name. It must be alphabetic without numbers or special characters (spaces are allowed). The maximum number of characters is 100.

John R. Smith

Second Credit Card Number chargeCardSet.chargeCard_2.cardNumber 

This is the user's second valid credit card number used for all purchases. Dashes or spaces allowed and required if credit card is present. This card is validated based on brand.

Example of values:
Visa: 4111 1111 1111 1111
 MasterCard: 5500 0000 0000 0004
 American Express: 3400 0000 0000 009
 Diner's Club: 3000 0000 0000 04
Carte Blanche: 3000 0000 0000 04
 Discover: 6011 0000 0000 0004 
Second Credit Card Brand 


This is the user's second credit card type. This must be a value from "Credit Card Vendor Codes" in Profile List of Values.


Second Credit Card Expiration Date 


This is the user's second credit card expiration date. It must be in the YYYY-MM-DD format.

2012-12-05 (for Dec. 5, 2012)

Second Credit Card Name of Card (for identification)


This is the user's preferred text to clearly identify the use of the second credit card – the label that is displayed. It must be alphanumeric (spaces are allowed). The maximum number of characters is 35.

My personal Visa

Is Second Credit Card a Corporate Card? 


This is a flag to indicate whether the user's second credit card is a corporate card or not. Set to "Y" if the card is a corporate card. If this is not provided, the default is "N" (not a corporate card).


Second Credit Card Company Street Address 


If the second credit card is a corporate card, this is the company street address. It must be alphanumeric (spaces are allowed). The maximum number of characters is 100.

500 Main Street

Second Credit Card Company Apartment/Suite Number


If the second credit card is a corporate card, this is the company suite or apartment number. It must be alphanumeric (spaces are allowed). The maximum number of characters is 100.

Suite #150

Second Credit Card Company Address Mail Stop 


If the second credit card is a corporate card, this is the company mail stop. It must be alphanumeric (spaces are allowed). The maximum number of characters is 35.


Second Credit Card Company City 


If the second credit card is a corporate card, this is the company city. It must be alphanumeric (spaces are allowed). The maximum number of characters is 50.

Palo Alto

Second Credit card Company State/Province 


If the second credit card is a corporate card, this is the company state or province. This must be a valid state/province name or state/province code.


Second Credit Card Company Postal/Zip Code 


If the second credit card is a corporate card, this is the company zip or postal code. It must be alphanumeric (spaces are allowed). The maximum number of characters is 25.


Second Credit Card Company Country 


If the second credit card is a corporate card, this is the company country code. This must be a valid 2-letter ISO country code.


Second Credit Card Billing Company Name 


If the second credit card is a corporate card, this is the company name. It must be alphanumeric (spaces are allowed). The maximum number of characters is 100.

ABC Company

Second Credit Card Cardholder Name 


This is the user's second card's cardholder name. It must be alphabetic without numbers or special characters (spaces are allowed). The maximum number of characters is 100.

John R. Smith

Third Credit Card Number chargeCardSet.chargeCard_3.cardNumber 

This is the user's third valid credit card number used for all purchases. Dashes or spaces allowed and required if credit card is present. This card is validated based on brand.

Example of values:
Visa: 4111 1111 1111 1111
 MasterCard: 5500 0000 0000 0004
 American Express: 3400 0000 0000 009
 Diner's Club: 3000 0000 0000 04
Carte Blanche: 3000 0000 0000 04
 Discover: 6011 0000 0000 0004 
Third Credit Card Brand 


This is the user's third credit card type. This must be a value from "Credit Card Vendor Codes" in Profile List of Values.


Third Credit Card Expiration Date 


This is the user's third credit card expiration date. It must be in the YYYY-MM-DD format.

2012-12-05 (for Dec. 5, 2012)

Third Credit Card Name of Card (for identification)  


This is the user's preferred text to clearly identify the use of the third credit card – the label that is displayed. It must be alphanumeric (spaces are allowed). The maximum number of characters is 35.

My personal Visa

Is Third Credit Card a Corporate Card? 


This is a flag to indicate whether the user's third credit card is a corporate card or not. Set to "Y" if the card is a corporate card. If this is not provided, the default is "N" (not a corporate card).


Third Credit Card Company Street Address 


If the third credit card is a corporate card, this is the company street address. It must be alphanumeric (spaces are allowed). The maximum number of characters is 100.

500 Main Street

Third Credit Card Company Apartment/Suite Number


If the third credit card is a corporate card, this is the company suite or apartment number. It must be alphanumeric (spaces are allowed). The maximum number of characters is 100.

Suite #150

Third Credit Card Company Address Mail Stop 


If the third credit card is a corporate card, this is the company mail stop. It must be alphanumeric (spaces are allowed). The maximum number of characters is 35.


Third Credit Card Company City 


If the third credit card is a corporate card, this is the company city. It must be alphanumeric (spaces are allowed). The maximum number of characters is 50.

Palo Alto

Third Credit card Company State/Province 


If the third credit card is a corporate card, this is the company state or province. This must be a valid state/province name or state/province code.


Third Credit Card Company Postal/Zip Code 


If the third credit card is a corporate card, this is the company zip or postal code. It must be alphanumeric (spaces are allowed). The maximum number of characters is 25.


Third Credit Card Company Country 


If the third credit card is a corporate card, this is the company country code. This must be a valid 2-letter ISO country code.


Third Credit Card Billing Company Name 


If the user's third credit card is a corporate card, this is the company name. It must be alphanumeric (spaces are allowed). The maximum number of characters is 100.

ABC Company

Third Credit Card Cardholder Name 


This is the user's third card's cardholder name. It must be alphabetic without numbers or special characters (spaces are allowed). The maximum number of characters is 100.

John R. Smith

If you are updating existing user information, all information for the following set of attributes must be loaded. If any attribute in this set is missing information, the information in other attributes of this set will be lost.

Custom field #1 (From collection #1) 


This is custom field #1. You can add additional custom fields as needed (see Creating and Managing Custom Fields for details). You must however, edit the column header (the XML tag) to exactly match the custom field collection name and field name previously assigned in the database.

Custom field #2 (From collection #1) 


This is custom field #2. You can add additional custom fields as needed (see Creating and Managing Custom Fields for details). You must however, edit the column header (the XML tag) to exactly match the custom field collection name and field name previously assigned in the database.

Custom field #3 (From collection #1) 


This is custom field #3. You can add additional custom fields as needed (see Creating and Managing Custom Fields for details). You must however, edit the column header (the XML tag) to exactly match the custom field collection name and field name previously assigned in the database.

Profile PIN 


Reserved for a specific partner's use.



The user's role, if the user should be an approver. This must contain one or more of the following values:

  • ROLE_APPROVER – Expense Approver role
  • ROLE_PAYER – Expense Payer role
  • ROLE_PURCHASE_APPROVER – Shopping Approver role
  • ROLE_TRAVEL_APPROVER – Travel Approver role

When roleSet is specified and a previously assigned role is not specified in the request, then it will be deleted, with the following exceptions:

  • ROLE_APPROVER will be deleted only if the Expense user does not have any other Expense users to approve.
  • ROLE_PURCHASE_APPROVER will be deleted only if the Shopping user does not have any other Shopping users to approve.
  • ROLE_TRAVEL_APPROVER will be deleted only if the Travel user does not have any other Travel users to approve.

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