Hotel Private Rates

Hotel Private Rates


Hotel discount codes are defined for the global distribution system (GDS) your site is using such as Sabre, Worldspan, Travelport+, Apollo, and Amadeus.


Configure hotels based on groups.

  • Example: Each group may have access to hotel rates another group may not have access, or they may use the same private rates.

    • VIP: Access to Government rates, and do not show non-refundable rates.

    • Default: Do not show Government rates or non-refundable rates.

    • Guest: Access to Government rates, and do not show non-refundable rates.

Need to Know

  • Hotel private rates are cloned over from your template.  You may only need to make minor adjustments based on client requirements.

  • Verify private rates are loaded in the GDS as well.


Setting up Hotel Rates

  1. Select Private Rates from the Services tab.

  2. Select Hotel Discount Codes.

  3. Choose whether to update an existing, or add a new hotel code.

    1. To update existing hotel discount codes, select name of existing configurations.

    2. To create a new hotel discount, select Add A New Hotel Discount Code.

  4. Enter GDS corporate rate IDs.
    Note: Due to GDS restrictions, you generally use only one hotel list. The Worldspan, Sabre and Apollo GDS systems limit the number of hotel discount codes to 8 separate rates. Entering more than the allowed number or entering an invalid code may result in issues with hotel availability search results.

  5. Limit the display of hotel room rates to those whose rate descriptions match any of the following comma separated keywords or phrases

    • Enter the keywords/rate descriptions for hotels that should appear.

    • This will limit only rates noted in this location to be bookable. 

  6. Enter the keywords with rate descriptions for hotels that should not appear in the Remove hotel room rates from the display if the rate description matches any of the following comma separated keywords or phrases field.

    1. Example: agent rate,industry rate,tvl,industry,airline,No Chg No Cxl,Cancel Fee Applies,nonrefundable,deposit,non-refundable,non refundable,non ref,no refund,cancellation,cancel/no refund,cancel penalty.

    2. Note: Do not duplicate entries.

      • This applies to keywords that are truly duplicated but vary with capitalization.  Ex:  NONrefundable,nonrefundable,Nonrefundable,NONREFUNDABLE.

      • The example of “agent rate, industry rate” are not duplicates even though they both include “rate.”

      • Likewise “non-refundable, nonrefundable” are also not duplicates because of the dash.

  7. Select radio button next to Yes to remove non-refundable rates, and No to allow non refundable room rates to display in the Remove hotel room rates from the display if the rate is not refundable option.
    Note: This option is not available for the Apollo and Galileo GDSs.  Review this option prior to removing non-refundable rates: 

  8. Enter the keywords with rate descriptions for hotel rates that should be flagged as preferred in the Flag hotel room rates as preferred rate in the display if the rate description matches any of the following comma separated keywords or phrases field.

  9. Enter a tip or hint to indicate to the user this is a preferred property in the Enter up to 24 character label that will be shown next to preferred rates field.

  10. Choose an option from dropdown menu Limit rate match to:

    1. Preferred Hotels and Chains.

    2. Preferred Hotels.

    3. Defined Rate and Chains.

    4. Preferred Hotels – Defined Rate.

    5. Preferred Hotels Any Rate.

    6. Preferred Chains Only.

  11. Select Yes or No for Allow non-preferred rates to display if the rate is less than the lowest preferred rate.

  12. Select one of the following options for Perform rate and keyword match at:

    • Both site and Partner.

    • Site.

    • Partner.

  13. Select one of the following options for Show non-preferred rates:

    • In line with preferred rates.

    • Only if preferred rates unavailable.

    • Never show non-preferred rates.

  14. Select Yes or No for:

    1. Remove Preferred flag when preferred rate is unavailable:

    2. Request specific hotel rate type, if available:

  15. Enter a value for Enter only one valid rate type:

    • Commonly used for GOV rates.

    • This code may differ by GDS.

    • If no rates are returned, the code may be incorrect. Please verify rate code in GDS.

  16. For the Select a hotel chain and enter your corporate discount number for the chain to book discounted room rates area:

    1. Select the hotel chain from the Hotel Chain dropdown list.

    2. Enter the discount number provided by the hotel chain in the Discount Number field.

    3. Select Add another discount code to add hotel chain names to the Hotel Chain dropdown list and enter the discount numbers provided by the hotel chains.

  17. Select Save.

Adding to Set

  1. Select Private Rates from the Services tab.

  2. Select Rental Car/Hotel Discount Code Sets.
    Note: Private rate sets clone over from your template site.  If you change the list that is already added to a set you will not need to make any changes within sets.  You may only need to make changes to the sets if you create a new list which you would like to apply to a different group of travelers. 

  3. Add a new group:

    1. Select Add A New Rental Car Discount Code Set.

    2. Enter Name of Set. For example, GOV Car/Hotel Rate Set.

    3. Select Add Rates.

    4. Select the radio button to the left of the rate to add to the group.
      Note: You will need to add all car and hotel rates associated with the group.

    5. Select Ok & Add Another, repeat until you have added all rates, then select Done.

  4. Select Save.

Update Service Rules

  • Ensure you have applied Car/Hotel Rate Sets to your the appropriate Service Rules.

  • Click Service Rules for more information.

Commit Changes and Test

  1. Commit all changes.

    1. Select the changes not applied link at the top right of the page which opens the Commit Changes page.

    2. Click Commit.
      Note: Once the Commit button is selected, the updates are made to production. There is no undo button.

  2. Test to ensure rates are showing properly for each group.

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