Hotel Per Diems

Hotel Per Diems

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 The hotel per diem is a limit placed on hotel spending based on the location (city or place, state, or country).

Need to Know

  • Hotel per diems copy from template used when cloning a site. To remove hotel per diems, remove them from Travel Service Rules.

  • To have a different set of hotel per diems for different groups, you can create or edit each hotel per diem list, and then organize the lists into sets that can be assigned to groups. 

  • You can add the same Hotel Per Diem set to more than one group.

Hotel Per Diem Configuration

Create New Hotel Per Diem List

  1. From the Partner Dashboard home page, select Settings in the Edit Site column for the site that needs updating.

  2. On the Services tab, select Hotel Per Diem.

  3. Select Hotel Per Diem List.

  4. Select Add a New Hotel Per Diem.

  5. Complete Hotel Per Diem Definition form as follows:

    • Activate Code: verify box is selected.

    • Per Diem Amount: Enter value and select currency from drop-down menu.

    • Per Diem Location: Select from one of the below options.

      • by place names: Enter city comma two letter state abbreviation.

      • by states: Select state or states from drop-down menu.

      • by countries: Select country or countries from drop-down menu

        • Hint: Select location and hold down Ctrl key to select additional locations.

    • Distance Radius: (for place names only) Enter distance the per diem should include and select between miles and kilometers.

      • Note: If there are locations which are within a close proximity to each other, you need to reduce the radius to reduce the risk of conflicts. Example: if you configure Chicago, IL with a 60-mile radius and Naperville, IL with a 60-mile radius, a conflict will occur as they are less than 40 miles apart.

  6. Select Save.

Create Hotel Per Diem Set

Use sets to organize the lists created based on each group’s needs. Sets can be assigned to all groups or to specific groups if there are differences in hotel per diem.

  1. On the Services tab, select Hotel Per Diem.

  2. Select Hotel Per Diem Sets.

  3. Enter Set Name.

  4. Select Add Per Diem.

  5. Select radio to the left of per diem.

  6. Select OK and Add Another to add additional per diems, or if there further per diems to add, select OK.

  7. Select Save. You return to the list of sets you created.

Update Travel Service Rules and Commit Changes

See Travel Service Rules for further information.

  1. Verify Travel Policy has been updated.

  2. Return to the Partner Dashboard and select the link to the left of the Deem logo indicating that changes are not applied.

  3. Commit changes and test to ensure updated Travel Policy is working properly.

Update Hotel Per Diem List

To update individual Hotel Per Diems which are already within your Hotel Per Diem List:

  1. On the Services tab, select Hotel Per Diem.

  2. Select Hotel Per Diem List.

  3. Select link to individual hotel per diem.

  4. Make required updates and select Save.

  5. Return to the Partner Dashboard and select the link to the left of the Deem logo indicating that changes are not applied.

  6. Commit changes.

  7. Test to ensure updated Hotel Per Diem list is working properly.

Update Travel Policy when Hotel Per Diem does not apply

Set max rate when defined Hotel Per Diem does not apply.

  1. Select Services tab and select Travel Policy.

  2. Select Policy List.

  3. Select the policy to be updated and scroll down to Hotel Policy.

  4. In Maximum Room Rate when company per diem is not available or available but not enforced, enter max rate and select currency from drop-down menu.

  5. Select Save.

  6. Return to the Partner Dashboard and select the link to the left of the Deem logo indicating that changes are not applied.

  7. Commit changes.

  8. Test to ensure updated Travel Policy is working properly.

Current Hotel Per Diem Limitations

  • There is not an option to enable GOV hotel per diems.

  • Two different hotel per diems cannot be added for the same location. A work around is to select the entire state for one of the configurations or select another city close to the location and expand the radius to include the city in question.

  • There is not an option to upload hotel per diems.

Hotel Per Diem Customer Experience

If the hotel per diem has been exceeded, an out of policy symbol displays to the customer.

When hovering over the symbol, the message “The published rate is more expensive than the company rate cap” displays.


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