Preferred Hotel Upload
On this page:
Learn how to mark hotels as preferred as well as remove individual hotels from a site.
You can load up to 5,000 individual hotels.
You can suppress individual hotels from displaying in the site.
Enter -1 into the PREFERENCE_RANKING column.
Allows you to note special negotiated amenities such as free Wi-Fi and parking.
Note: The negotiated amenities display only in the exact way they are entered into the spreadsheet.
The uploaded file replaces the existing file — it does not append to it. Therefore, all hotels must be loaded each time you need to change the set.
We recommend that you keep historical versions of the file, which allow you to restore a previous version if the new version causes errors or fails.
If you are adding new hotels, you must add them to the existing list of hotels to upload them.
Maximum file size is 10MB.
Hotels that are not in the GDS are not supported.
Preferred Hotel Upload
Download template
From the Partner Dashboard home page, select Settings in the Edit Site column for the site that needs updating.
On the Services tab, select Private Rates.
Select Hotel Private Rate Sets.
Select Add a New Hotel Private Rate Set.
Select Download sample hotel private rate template and save it to your hard drive.
Create Hotel Private Rate Set file
Open the hotel private rate template saved to your computer. Follow the step-by-step instructions listed below the template link in the Add a New Hotel Private Rate Set window.
File name: hotel_private_rates
File type: CSV UTF-8 (comma delimited) or CSV (comma delimited).
Template file contains the following information.
First tab: Template instructions.
Second tab: Preferred hotel upload template.
Third tab: Data field instructions.
Hint: if you click within column headers, you will find instructions/data points needed for that particular field. Headers are case sensitive. Do not change the headers as it will cause the file to fail.
Complete the required fields:
GDS Code
Hotel Name
Start Date
End Date
Bar: Y indicates rates pulling from GDS, N indicates you are entering a rate in the Cost column.
Cost: only required if you indicate N under the Bar column.
Note: The cost field also adds the purple negotiated rate indicator, which displays the cost you have indicated on the upload. If the rate changes and you do not indicate the rate change on the file, the rate will display incorrectly online.
Optionally but recommended, complete the Preference Ranking column.
Most preferred = 3
Highly preferred = 2
Preferred = 1
Remove hotel from site = -1
Save the updated file.
Upload Hotel Private Rate Set file
On the Services tab, select Private Rates.
Select Hotel Private Rate Sets.
Select Add a New Hotel Private Rate Set.
Enter Set Name. Hint: to keep sites consistent, we recommend all preferred hotel sets be named Pref Hotel followed by the date the file is uploaded. (e.g., Pref Hotel 25AUG2023.)
Select Choose File. Search for the updated hotel_private_rates file and select.
Select Upload File and Save.
File is processed and the Services | Add area displays, informing you if the file was successfully uploaded or if there were errors.
Update Service Rules
It is critical to update Service Rules for each group whenever you upload a new preferred hotel file. See Service Rules for further information on how to update.
Select the Rules tab from the Settings page. Select Service Rules.
Select Edit for the group that needs the updated Hotel Private Rate Set.
Scroll to section labeled Private Negotiated Rate Sets and select the updated preferred hotel file from drop-down menu next to Hotel Private Rate Set.
Select Save.
Select Save Priority Changes.
Return to the Partner Dashboard and select the link to the left of the Deem logo indicating that changes are not applied.
Commit changes not already applied.
Test updated Hotel Private Rates Set
Test to ensure properties are displaying correctly. We recommend waiting about 15 mins before testing.
Green Label: Indicates hotel added through preferred hotel upload.
Purple Label: Indicates hotel added through preferred hotel upload, which has a cost indicated on the upload as well.