Display Configuration

Display Configuration

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The display configuration controls how the system displays policy information to a user. 

You create or edit a list of display settings as a configuration. The same configuration can be added to more than one set. (Refer to Adding or Editing a Travel Policy for details).

Benefits and Need to Know

  • You can create multiple display configurations, then organize the configurations into sets, and then assign them to appropriate group.

  • You can add the same configuration to more than one group.

  • You would typically create a configuration that matches a policy list.

  • Display Configuration copies over from the cloned template site during the site creation process. You may only need to make minor changes based on client requirements.

Edit Display Configuration

Edit Display Configuration list

  1. From the Partner Dashboard home page, select Settings in the Edit Site column for the site that needs updating.

  2. On the Services tab, select Display Configuration.

  3. Select Display Configuration List.

  4. Select the existing display configuration you would like to edit.

  5. Complete the Display Configuration form and select Save.
    Note: Display Configuration copies over from the cloned template site during the site creation process. You may only need to make minor changes based on client requirements.

Display Configuration form details

Travel Display Configuration

  • Activate Configuration: Select to activate.

Policy Display Configuration

  • Evaluate itineraries for compliance with travel policies: Select Yes.

Air Shopping Display Configuration

  • What mileage radius should the system use to offer alternate airports and cities when a user searches for a single airport or city?: Recommend 75 miles.

  • Select a method for shopping airline itineraries: ITA or the Use super domain setting.

  • Enabled schedule based shopping for airline itineraries: Select Yes.

  • Default search method: Select By price, By schedule, or Use superdomain setting from the drop-down menu.

    • We recommend searching by price. Search by schedule can make the search appear slower since it takes the system much longer to parse in schedule results from the GDS.

  • Default travel type: Select Oneway or Roundtrip from drop-down menu. Recommend Roundtrip.

  • Select the earliest limit of the time range that will be used to search all US domestic and Canadian airline availability based on the user's requested time: Recommend 2 hours.

  • Select the latest limit of the time range that will be used to search all US domestic and Canadian airline availability based on the user's requested time: Recommend 2 hours.

  • Select the earliest limit of the time range that will be used to search all non-US domestic and non-Canadian airline availability based on the user's requested time: Recommend 2 hours.

  • Select the latest limit of the time range that will be used to search all non-US domestic and non-Canadian airline availability based on the user's requested time: Recommend 12 hours.

  • Enable shopping for unrestricted fare type: Recommend Yes.

  • Enable shopping for refundable fare type: Recommend Yes.

  • Select default fare type: Recommend Lowest Available.

  • Enable shopping for First Class Cabin

  • Enable shopping for Business Class Cabin

  • Enable shopping for Coach Class Cabin

  • Enable shopping for Premium Coach Cabin

    • Note: Select the radio button to the left of the Use Custom to customize the label for each class of service and update the filed provided.

  • Select Premium Coach airlines: Displays if Premium Coach Cabin toggled on. Recommend not to select airlines as it restricts class of service to return only Premium Coach for airline selected.
    Note: The best practice is to *not* have any airline selected and let the system find the most appropriate flight options based on availability.

    • Not selecting airlines will allow the system to best search for Premium Coach as a preferred cabin class and return if available, otherwise return the next best cabin class.

    • With airlines selected, the search will fail for markets that do not have Premium Coach service or return only a small subset of flight options

  • Enable shopping for disabled cabin classes: Select Yes or No. Recommend: Yes.

  • Display Nearby Airports by default: Select Yes or No.

  • Expand flight results to include non-stops when available: Select Yes, No, or Use superdomain setting. Recommend: Yes or Use superdomain setting to allow search results to expand to show non-stops when the search criteria would otherwise not have returned them. Choosing No will not expand the search results

  • Enable flexible fares search: Select Yes, No, or Use superdomain setting. Recommend selecting Yes or Use superdomain setting to display the flexible search options.

Note: (Sabre only)

  • Default the flight results sorting view to: Select Use superdomain setting, Policy/Preferred, Cost, Departure, Arrival, or Duration from the drop-down menu.

  • Enable airline web fare booking capabilities?: Select Yes to enable web fare booking. Web fares include VMI Baby, Ryan Air, and EasyJet. Select No to not allow web fare booking.

  • Allow flight solutions that require more than one ticket?: Select Yes to enable split ticketing.

Notes: Please review all custom field configurations regarding DSM, PTA and PNR Edits related to total air fare to ensure correct output. You can enter a support ticket if you are not familiar with Java Script.

This functionality is limited to Sabre users only and does not apply to multi-city trips.

Split ticket option will only be recommended when the savings is greater than $50 compared to the single ticket option. The threshold is not configurable and defined as a system default.

  • Allow anytime search for flights: Select Yes, No, or Use superdomain settings from the drop-down menu. Recommend selecting Yes or Use superdomain settings to expand the display of flight search results to all available flights for the day of travel.
    Note: By default, the air search time is set to be Morning (6am – 12pm) for departures and Evening (6pm – 12am) for return flights. The user can always select specific times from a drop-down menu. Choosing No does not change the default display times.

  • Default the flight search time to 'Anytime'?: Select Yes or No.

  • Allow Morning, Afternoon and Evening flight searches?: Select Yes, No, or Use superdomain settings from the drop-down menu.

    • Select Yes to display options to search by morning, afternoon, or evening.

    • Selecting No will not display this option.

  • Allow out of policy trips to be bookable?: Recommend: Yes.

Train Shopping Display Configuration

  • Select the maximum number of travelers that may be booked on any Train trip: Recommended:  1

  • Designate behavior the system should use if the rate confirmed at time of booking varies compared to during shopping:

    • Continue if fare decreases: Select Yes or No. Recommend: Yes. If yes, enter maximum allowed variance amount:

    • Continue if fare increases: Select Yes or No. Recommend: Yes. If Yes, enter maximum allowed variance amount:

  • Train service classes (displays in Trip Planner)

    • Enable shopping for First Class Cabin: Recommended: Enable.

    • Enable shopping for Business Class Cabin: Recommended: Enable. Recommended: Change label to Acela/Regional Business.

    • Enable shopping for Coach Class Cabin: Recommended: Enable. Recommended: Change label to Regional.

Hotel Shopping Display Configuration

  • How do you want to display Hotel results to your users?: Recommend Option 2: Preferred and non-preferred Hotels are displayed together. Users see all the properties at once. Preferred properties are automatically displayed first.

  • Select a method for shopping hotel inventory: Select GDS, Ancillary, Both GDS and Ancillary, or Use super domain setting from the dropdown menu.

  • Allow a credit card with expiration date before hotel stay to be used as hotel guarantee: 

    • Selecting Yes, to allow using as a guarantee for late arrival a credit card that has an expiration date before the anticipated hotel stay.

    • Selecting No, stops booking if credit card expired prior to hotel stay.

  • Designate the mileage radius that the system should use when searching for hotels: Recommend: 60 miles.

  • Designate the mileage radius that the system should use when searching for reference points: Recommend: 60 miles.

  • Select default hotel search radius: Recommend: 5 miles.

  • Display the following message to users when they choose a private rate hotel that can only be booked directly by the travel agency:

    • Recommend: We're sorry, but we cannot automatically confirm your hotel when you purchase this itinerary. Your travel agency will be alerted and handle contacting the hotel directly to book your stay. Your hotel will have a system status as on request.

  • Select the maximum number of guests allowed per hotel room booking: Recommend: 1

  • Enable Trip Advisor reviews: Select Yes, No, or Use Superdomain settings

  • Allow out of policy hotel rooms to be bookable?: Select Yes or No. Recommend: Yes

Car Shopping Display Configuration

  • Restrict car sizes to users: Select Yes to restrict car sizes or No for no restrictions.

  • Default car size: Recommend setting to max car size under travel policy.

  • Do not display these car types: Select the car types in the selection box.
    Note: Select the first car type (such as 4-5 Door), and then hold down Control (CTRL) and select subsequent car types or hold down the Shift key to select a range of car types. These sizes will not appear to users.

  • Hide the car matrix on the search results: Select Yes or No.

  • Require form of payment for Rental Car only bookings:  Select Yes or No. Recommend: No.

  • Restrict users from booking Hybrids: Select Yes or No.

  • Allow out of policy rental cars to be bookable?: Select Yes or No. Recommend: Yes.

Booking, Change and Cancellation Configuration

  • Default search form to include flights: Select Yes to expand the Flight checkbox when the user starts a travel search.

  • Default search form to include hotel: Select Yes to expand the Hotel checkbox when the user starts a travel search.

  • Default search form to include rental car: Select Yes to expand the Rental Car checkbox when the user starts a travel search.

  • Allow users to search and book flights: Select Yes to allow. Select No to prevent users from booking flights.

  • Allow users to search and book hotels: Select Yes to allow. Select No to prevent users from booking hotels.

  • Allow users to search and book rental car: Select Yes to allow. Select No to prevent users from booking rental car.

  • Select the minimum time required before flight time for booking and changing airline flights:

  • Select the maximum number of travelers that may be booked on any airline flights: Recommend: 1.

  • Note: Select the radio button to the left of the Use Custom to customize the label for each class of service and update the filed provided. Select Yes or No 

    • Select Yes to allow free form text to be entered by the traveler, which can be used to set queue delivery options

  • Display the option to add Special Handling text on the Trip Purchase page?: This is the note to agent box.

  • Enable user to change the Traveler Name on the Purchase page?: Select Yes if assigned to guest group or No if not assigned to guest group.

  • Hide the Address field from the Purchase page?: Select Yes or No.

    • Select Yes to not display the address.

    • Select No to display the travelers address as listed in the profile.

  • Hide Emergency Contact field on Purchase page?: Select Yes or No.

  • Allow Single use credit card on Purchase Page?

    • Select Yes to allow the user to enter a one-time only form of payment on the Purchase page.

    • This card will not be saved to the user’s profile.

  • Select the system behavior that should apply when a hotel or car booking fails during the purchase process?: Recommend: Complete purchase without hotel or car.

  • Display the following advisory text when the Trip is booked without requested hotel(s) or car(s): Enter text.

  • Do not apply unused ticket: Select Yes or No. Recommend: No.

  • Enable users to change or cancel airline flights, trains, hotels, and/or rental cars post booking?: Recommend: Yes.

  • Limit online cancel to only online booked domestic trips where full fare details are available?: Select Yes or No.

  • Automatically void airline tickets when an itinerary is cancelled?: Select Yes or No. Recommend: Yes.

  • Automatically refund airline tickets when an itinerary is cancelled?: Select Yes or No. Recommend No, as you may want your mid-office determine refundability.

  • Allow ticket exchanges that result in forfeiture of residual fare?: : Select Yes or No.

    • No: If automated ticket exchange is enabled for this site, the system will recommend that a new ticket is issued as opposed to an exchange.

    • Yes: Enter the "Maximum value that the fare forfeiture will be allowed during an exchange" as a decimal number. If automated ticket exchange is enabled for this site, the system will allow the exchange of a ticket resulting in a forfeiture within the defined threshold.

  • Allow online changes to offline originated transactions?: Select Yes or No. Recommend: Yes.

  • Allow users to Opt in/Opt out of unused ticket?: Select Yes or No.

    • Yes, automated ticket exchange is enabled for this site, the Remove unused ticket link will appear on the Trip Review page for the user to opt out of applying for the unused ticket. The link appears only if the user is booking a new trip, and unused tickets are available. If the user removes the unused ticket, the Apply unused ticket link appears so that the user can reselect it.

Note: If the user declines an unused ticket, it is documented in the PNR XML file along with the exchange details for that ticket.

  • Do not display unused tickets to users?: Select Yes or No.

  • Select the system behavior that should apply when a user requests to change only their return flight(s):

    • Advise user of possible fare increase and continue.

    • Require user to contact agency.

  • Allow users to exchange a non-refundable airline ticket for a refundable ticket: Select Yes or No.

  • Allow users to exchange an unused airline e-ticket only if the name on the ticket matches that of the traveler for validated tickets: Select Yes or No.

  • Unused airline e-tickets are locked for re-use for two days:

  • Select the method that should be used when there are multiple unused e-tickets on the same carrier:

    • Use e-ticket with the nearest expiration date.

    • Use e-ticket with the most applicable value.

  • Enable users to change hotel reservations that include a non-refundable deposit or are outside of the cancellation period? (applicability based on presence of GDS data)

Tentative Trips Configuration

  • Do you permit travelers to hold tentative trips?: Select Yes or No. Recommend: Yes.

  • What is the minimum time prior to departure required to hold a tentative trip? Recommend 4 hours.

  • When a tentative trip is held, the system can remind the traveler that their booking should be purchased or cancelled. When should the system send this email reminder? Recommend after 6 hours.

  • Allow reservations to be placed on hold until: Recommend 24 hours or time limit to most restrictive segment, whichever is earlier.

  • Override company name on disclaimer: Recommend enter Agency name.

Dynamic Site Messaging

  • Enable dynamic site messaging?: Select Yes or No. Recommend: Yes.

Page Messages

WebFare Source Messages

  • Provide a message that will be displayed to the user when they select a web fare option at the Air Search Results page: Recommend This flight will be booked directly on the airline website.

  • Provide a message that will be displayed to the user at the Terms and Conditions page: Recommend I acknowledge and agree to the airline’s terms and conditions.

  • Provide a message that will be displayed to the user at the Trip Confirmation page and the Email Notification: Recommend This flight has been booked directly on the airline's website. The airline rules indicate changes and cancellations must be made with them directly.

  • Provide a message that will be displayed to the user at the Trip Details page: Recommend This flight has been booked directly on the airline's website. Their rules indicate changes and cancellations must be made with them directly.

Add to Display Configuration Set

Validate that the display configuration has been added to the display configuration set.

  1. On the Services tab, select Display Configuration.

  2. Select Display Configuration Sets.

  3. The garbage can with a red X indicates the policy is added to a Service Rule. Select an existing set name to view lists included.

  4. Confirm the display configuration list has been added to the correct set. If so, select Save.
    If not, select Add Config and select the display configuration list to be added to this set.

Validate Service Rules

  1. Verify all Rate Sets have been applied to the appropriate Service Rules.

  2. See Service Rules for more information.

Commitment Changes and Test

  1. Select Changes not applied in the upper right corner of the page.

  2. Review the changes and select Commit to active them.

  3. Test to ensure display configuration is working properly.

Clone Display Configuration

While the display configuration is copied over from your cloned template, you can clone an existing policy to create another.

To create a new display configuration by copying an existing policy:

  1. On the Services tab, select Display Configuration.

  2. Select Display Configuration List.

  3. Select Copy to the far right of the list you would like to duplicate. In this example, Default Display Config is cloned to create Manager Policy.

  4. Change Configuration Name and edit the configuration form as needed for this configuration list.

  5. Select Save. The new Display Configuration is listed.

Add new configuration to configuration set

Once a new display configuration is created, validate that the list has been added to the correct set, allowing the addition of the display configuration to the service rules to each appropriate group.

  1. On the Services tab, select Display Configuration.

  2. Select Display Configuration Sets.

  3. Select Add A New Display Configuration Set.

  4. Enter Set Name and Add Config.

  5. Select radio button of the policy you would like to add and select OK.

  6. Select Save.

Validate Service Rules

  1. Verify all Rate Sets have been applied to the appropriate Service Rules.

  2. See Service Rules for more information.

Commitment Changes and Test

  1. Select Changes not applied in the upper right corner of the page.

  2. Review the changes and select Commit to active them.

  3. Test to ensure display configuration is working properly.


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