Reference Points
On this page:
As an administrator, you can create reference points, which are locations close to a user's destination that appear as search options.
Reference points help users search for common locations more quickly and efficiently.
You may load up to 5,000 reference points.
Maximum file size is 10mb.
Need to Know
Reference points do not move over from a cloned template.
Leave the Longitude and Latitude columns blank.
Reference Points cannot be loaded individually as the file is a wipe and replace file. Anytime there is a new reference point, or a reference point needs to be removed, you will need to update the existing list and upload all reference points at one time.
Helpful hint:
Keep a master file for each client saved as a .xls format.
.csv removes formatting when you re-open the file.
Reference Points Upload File
Create Reference Point File
From the Partner Dashboard home page, select Settings in the Edit Site column for the site that needs updating.
On the Services tab, select Reference Points.
Select Add A New Reference Point Set.
Select the Sample Reference Point Template link.
Follow the instructions above to complete the Reference Point template.
The file contains three tabs to guide you:
Tab 1 - Template instructions
Tab 2 - Data field instructions
Tab 3 - Upload file
Headers are case sensitive.
Display Name: Enter city state two letter code, if applicable, and reference point description.
Example: Chicago, IL Headquarters
Street 1: required
Street 2: optional
City: required
State or Providence: Two-letter abbreviation for US or CA - required for US or CA
Postal Code: required
Country Code: Two-letter code - required
Latitude: leave blank
Longitude: leave blank
Note: Deem uses Google maps to obtain the latitude and longitude. If you find that Google maps is incorrect you can enter the latitude or longitude for the location and Deem will display location based on your entry.
Save the file as follows:
File Type: CSV (Comma delimited) *.csv
File Name: reference_points
Upload Reference Point File
On the Services tab, select Reference Points.
Select Add A New Reference Point Set.
Enter Set Name. Recommend Ref Points {date}.
Select Choose File and location file to be uploaded.
Select reference_points.csv file.
Select Upload File and Save.
File will process and display a success or error response.
Update Service Rules
Reference will not be viewable online until added to service rules.
On the Rules tab, select Service Rules.
Select Edit for each group you would like to apply reference points.
Scroll to the Reference Points section and select appropriate reference points sets from the menu.
If you have Car Services enabled, scroll to Enable Car Service with following options and select appropriate reference points sets from the menu. Select Save.
Select Save Priority Changes on the Rules | Service Rules page.
Select the changes not applied link to display Commit Changes window.
Select Commit to apply changes. A completion message displays.
Test to make sure reference points display properly.
Customer Experience with Refence Points
Classic Deem
In a hotel search, if a hotel location contains a reference point, a box displays under the location search box.
New Deem
Reference Points display at the bottom of the search results box. You may need to scroll to see the reference points.
Additional Notes
In order to have different reference points for different groups of users, upload a reference point file into a set that can be assigned to one or more groups. For example, if you have separate reference point files for Europe and Domestic (US), you can assign the Europe reference points (along with the Domestic reference points) to VIPs but assign only the Domestic reference points to everyone.