How a User Account was Created and/or Modified

How a User Account was Created and/or Modified


Have you ever wondered how a user account was created or modified?  This document will walk you through how to determine the creation and modification source.

Determining how a User Account Created and/or Modified

Profiles can be created manually or through an HR feed/ Profile Upload, Web Services, Single Sign-on (SSO) or Open Enrollment.  To see how it was created:

  1. On the User tab, select Edit User.

  2. Search for the user or users. You can search by partial information.

    • For example, if you were looking for the last name of Never, enter Nev.

    • Deem conducts a similar name search for all fields.

  3. Review the Creation and Modification Source, which displays to the far right of the account.

  4. Review these bullets to see the potential values for how the user account was created and last modified:

    • Profile Load

    • Manually

    • Single Sign On

    • Open Enrollment

    • Web Service

Note: As you can see in the following screenshot, you may see a profile created by one source and updated by another. The modification source indicates how the profile was last updated.


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