Custom PNR Mapping

Custom PNR Mapping


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The PNR can be customized to meet a company’s needs, such as adding basic information (e.g., adding a cost center to a name field) or controlling processes (e.g., ticket exchanges and Pre-Trip Approval). 

Need to know

  • Custom PNR will clone over from your template. Minimal changes may need to be made.

  • Supported GDSs include Apollo, Amadeus, Galileo / Travelport+, Sabre, and Worldspan.

  • XML tags are listed in the Excel spreadsheet at the top of this article.
    Note: Deem uses XML to store and transmit data on each booking. The Custom PNR Configuration uses a version of java scripting to translate the XML booking conditions and booking data into PNR formats. Your template site should account for the majority of your PNR format requirements.

  • If you need help with a PNR script, please open a Deem Support Case.

  • If you need more than one PNR configuration, you will not have the ability to clone. You must manually create the additional PNR configurations. For example, if you are writing to different PCCs or even more than one GDS, you will need to manually create a second configuration within the site.

  • Open the site in a second browser window and then you can copy and paste the information from one configuration to the other. You can make the necessary changes to the second configuration as needed. 
    Hint: You can work in more than one browser type at a time. You will need to use two different browser services, such as Google Chrome, Chrome Edge, or Firefox, or work in incognito mode.

Access custom PNR fields

  1. From the partner dashboard home page, select the Settings link for the site you want to modify.

  2. From the top menu, select the Services tab.

  3. Select the Travel Agency link.

  4. Select the Custom PNR link.

  5. Select the custom PNR configuration that you want to modify.

The list of existing custom PNR fields displays.

PNR field type and masking

The PNR field type defines where in the flow each line will write to the PNR. In general practice, the output of the script should coincide with its name. For example, if the agency is overriding the ticketing line, then the script(s) that generate the custom ticketing line should generally be associated with PNR field type Ticketing, not Name or Account ID

The field type of Accounting ID is a standard script line and is typically used unless the script involves one of the following types:

  • Remark: Commonly used for Amtrak and SWABIZ

  • Post ER: Script triggers after initial ER

  • Pre Trip Approval: Pre-Trip Approval scripts

  • Profile: Company profile script or those associated with the profile

  • Received: Received from field

  • Ticketing: Ticketing lines

  • UDID: Reporting fields

PNR Mask is located at the bottom of the PNR configuration. Select the field types that you have customized within the PNR configuration. To select more than one line item, hold down the Ctrl key and select each line item.

In the example, the following are selected: Address, Agency Phone, Delivery, Email, FOP, Other Phone, Received, Ticketing.

Update PNR lines

Suppress line from triggering

You can make your template as robust as you would like, and then suspend/suppress a script from writing instead of completely removing it. This can be completed in two separate ways – either by using a scripting format or by changing the GDS. Choose which method works best for you.

Suppress using scripting format

  1. Select Edit to the right of the script.

  2. Enter /* to the as the first line of the script.

  3. Enter comment line as the second line of the script, indicating date suppress, your initials, and any explanation why. This is freeform but must start with a double slash ( // ).

  4. Enter */ as the last line of the script. 

  5. Select Save.

Suppress by changing GDS to one that is not being used in the site

  1. Select Edit to the right of the script.

  2. Select box to the left of the GDS that you are not writing to.

  3. Un-check the GDS you are currently configuring; in this example, I am writing to Sabre; therefore, I have un-checked the Sabre GDS.

  4. Select Save.

Edit PNR lines

  1. Select Edit for the PNR line you want to edit.

  2. Edit line as needed; in the example below, the number changed from 83 to 82. Keep in mind, you can change not only the line number but also the PNR field type, the custom PNR requirement (script), or even the GDS.

  3. Select Save.

Add a PNR line

  1. From the PNR configuration list, select Add PNR Line (located at the top right of the table or at the end of the table).

  2. Enter a line number.

  3. Select the PNR field type.

  4. Enter the script in the Custom PNR Requirement field.

  5. For Requirement Type, select Script unless otherwise instructed by Deem. Text is rarely used.

  6. Select the GDS.

  7. Select Save.

Remove a PNR line (not recommended)

Important: Removing a line is not recommended; it is best to suppress the line using the steps above.

  1. Select Remove to the right of the script/line you would like to remove.

  2. Select OK to confirm you would like to make the remove the line.

The PNR configuration will re-display and the line will be gone.

Save changes

Any time you make a change to or update the configuration, you must save and commit the changes.

  1. Select Save located in the lower right-hand corner of the configuration page.

  2. Select changes not applied in the upper right-hand corner of your screen.

  3. Select Commit.

  4. Test - Always test to ensure the changes that you have made are working properly.

Additional resources

Refer to the following for more information:

Special Reminder

If you need guidance with a script, please open a Deem Support Case. Deem is here to help.

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