Service Rules.

Service Rules.

On this page:


Service Rules enable or disable the services such as rail, travel policy, display configurations, and custom fields. You can specify to which services each user group has access, including but not limited to rail, travel policy, vendor preferences, hotel per diems, and display configuration.

Important: If you make any changes to your configuration, ensure that Service Rules are updated as well (for example, if new preferred hotels or reference points are uploaded).

Need to know

  • Service Rules clone over from your template site during the site creation process.

  • Service Rules reflect the groups configured on the site. Refer to Groups for more information.
    Note: The Everyone group is treated as the default traveler group. If you have a VIP, Manager, and Default group, create the group for VIP and Manager; those who do not fall within those parameters will fall in the Everyone group. You do not need to create another group called Default.

  • The Everyone group cannot be removed from the site configuration, as it is hard coded into the system. You can deactivate the Service Rules if it is not needed in your configuration.

Access Service Rules

  1. From the partner dashboard home page, select the Settings link for the site you want to modify.

  2. From the top menu, select the Rules tab.

  3. Select Service Rules.

The list of Groups and their associated priority display.

Group priority

Users are evaluated when they log into the system. If they do not meet the qualifications of the first group, they are evaluated by the next group and so on. If they do not meet any of the group qualifications, they are considered to be in the Everyone (default) group.

Each group is set priority level, you can change the priority by changing the number in the Priority column. However, priority values are not typically changed.

Configure a Service Rule

The Service Rules page lists the existing groups, priority, and rules. For each rule, colors indicate whether or not it is active for a group.

  • The word Add and no color indicates the rule is not enabled.

  • The word Edit and yellow indicates the rule is inactive.

  • The word Edit and green indicates the rule is enabled and active.

  1. Select the Add/Edit link in the Rule column.

  2. To enable a group, select Activate Rule.
    The Group name displays below in the IF section as a reminder of which rule you are updating.

  3. Select Enable Travel in the THEN section.

  4. For Travel mode, ensure Full Service is selected.

  5. In the Train Travel section, select Enable Train to enable the ability to book rail.

  6. For each section, select a set from the drop down list. Keep in mind you there may be many sections where it does not apply to the group you are configuring.

    • Select None when a set does not exist or if it is not needed for the traveler group.

  7. If you need to add or edit a set, select the Add/Edit link to go to the set’s configuration page.

    • From the set page, you can add a new set or edit an existing set.

    • Select the Back to Travel Rule link to return to the rule configuration page.

  8. The Compliance Codes section is required, even if a policy is not applied.

  9. When all preferences are set, select Save.

  10. Update each group as necessary, select Save Priority Changes.

  11. Commit the changes.

  12. Test each group to ensure they are working properly.


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