Opening a Deem Support Case

Opening a Deem Support Case

Deem Support can help you research issues or concerns with Deem, implement products and services, provide guidance with JavaScripts, and document requests for future enhancements (RFE).

On this page:

Login Instructions to new Deem Support System

  1. Visit https://support.deem.com.

  2. Navigate to the login page.

  3. Enter your User name in the format: first.last.deem

  4. Click on 'Forgot Password' to set up your new login credentials.

  5. Follow the prompts to reset your password and gain access to the new system.

How to Report Issues

To start any support case, access the Deem Support Portal and provide your Deem username and password. If your organization doesn't have Support Portal credentials, contact your Deem Channel Sales Director.

To report urgent issues, such as a systemwide site outage or an emergency involving a service failure that affects all users, and there is no workaround for the problem:

  • Support case via portal (preferred method):

    • Open a support case via the Deem Support Portal.

    • Set the priority set to Site down/cluster down.

    • Enter URGENT in the subject line.

  • Phone: Call and leave a message at 1-888-753-2580 (24 hours, 7 days a week).

  • Email: If you cannot access the support portal, you can email the Deem Support Team.

The following types of issues are non-urgent and can also be entered via the the Deem Support Portal:

  • Request for future enhancement.

  • Issues or concerns with Deem mobile and/or desktop.

  • Enable or disable services.

  • Assistance with JavaScripting.

Support Terms

You will need to provide the following details with any support case.

Company ID Number

The ID associated to each individual travel site. Find it as follows:

  1. From the Partner Dashboard, select the Name link to the right of the company Site ID.

  2. Locate the company ID in the URL of the site, following companyid=.

Customer ID

The ID assigned to each individual user account. Find it as follows:

  1. From the Partner Dashboard, select the Settings link to the right of the company Site ID.

  2. At the top of the page, click the Users tab.

  3. Click the Edit a User link.

  4. Enter criteria to search for the user, or enter % as a wildcard in any field to search all users, and click the Search button.

  5. In the Name column, click the name of the user.

  6. Locate the user ID in the URL of the user profile, following customer_id= per below.


A cluster is the ID associated to each individual travel site. Find it as follows:

  1. From the Partner Dashboard, select the Settings link to the right of the company Site ID.

  2. Locate the cluster ID in the URL of the Settings page, in the format console.clusterX in which X is the cluster ID. In the example below the cluster ID is C.

Process ID

A process ID is provided for every reservation. Find it as follows:

  1. Open the reservation.

  2. Access reservation details by selecting View Details.

  3. Locate the product ID in the URL of the details page, following proc_id= per the example below.


  • If the reservation is active, the process ID is not shown in the URL; it is visible only between selecting View Details and until the trip displays.

  • If the trip is canceled, the process ID is part of the URL when the trip is displayed.

  • If you are unable to find the Product ID, you can open the ticket, simply provide as much detail as possible in your support case

Open a Support Case

Take the following steps to open a support case on the portal.

  1. Open the Deem Support Portal and log in with your Deem username and password.

  2. In the Support Tracker, open a new case by clicking the Open Request button.

  3. Under Customer Priority, select the most appropriate option:

    • Site down/cluster down: Select only if reporting an outage.

    • Is restricting the ability to complete a transaction: Select if you are reporting an issue or concern that is preventing purchases from completing.

    • Is having an adverse affect on single or multiple: Select when an issue involves one or more individuals.

    • Not reporting an issue, asking for general assistance: Select if you are requesting JavaScript assistance, enabling a service, or have general question/concerns.

  1. Select the Case Reason that best describes the issue.

  2. Select device from Platform list (check all that may apply).

  3. Select your product type from the Product Type dropdown.

  1. For Subject Line provide a brief description of the issue. If the site is down or the issue is urgent, start the subject line with the word Urgent.

  2. For Description provide as much information as possible about the issue as possible and any steps already attempted to remedy.

  3. For Steps to Reproduce provide detailed steps that reproduce reported error.

  4. If you would like to add attachments or supporting documents to the case, select Add Attachments.

  5. Click the Submit button when complete. The portal provides a confirmation page with the ticket number for your case.

  1. You will receive an email anytime you open, update, or close a case with Deem Support.

Support Case Template

When opening a case ensure you’re providing all relevant information in the support portal description, copy and complete the following template. See Support Terms above for assistance finding the company details below.

Subject Line:

Body of Case:

Description: Provide below a complete description of the issue, concern or why you are opening the case. The more information the better.


Company Details:

Company Name:

Site ID:





Traveler Details:

Traveler First Name:

Traveler Last Name:

Traveler Username:

Traveler External ID:


If a Delegate is booking travel on behalf of another traveler:

Delegate First Name:

Delegate Last Name:

Delegate Username:

Delegate External ID:


If you were you able to recreate the issue in your test account, provide the following information:

Test Account First Name:

Test Account Last Name:

Test Account Username:

Test Account External ID:


Additional information to add to a case:

Where in the booking process did the error/concern occur?

What exactly where you booking?

Attach any screenshots.


If the issue concerns a booked, canceled, or past date reservation, provide the following trip details found at the top of each reservation.

Record Locator:

Trip ID:

Date Booked:

Trip Status:

Viewing Cases

To view cases

  • On the homepage, under the Review your Cases, click the View all button

You can filter your cases under the My List section:

  • You can also use the Search this list field to search for a keyword of your desired case.

  • On the Case Form page:

  • To add comments, start typing in the Update case here… field

  • View Case details that you entered on the right

  • Add Attachments on the lower right 

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