Custom PNR Mapping – Export/Import

Custom PNR Mapping – Export/Import

You now have a quick and easy way to copy a PNR mapping from one client site to another or within the same client site. This is facilitated by the new export/import function within the Deem Partner Dashboard. 

 With custom PNR mapping export/import, you can: 

  • Export exiting custom PNR mapping to import to the same or to another client site. 

Export Mapping 

To export you will need to access your custom PNR mapping, at the top of the mapping you will see the Export link. 

  1. Access existing mapping. 

  2. Select Export. 

  1. The file will be completed and will be to save your computer’s download folder. 

Import Mapping 

To import you will need access the existing PNR mapping.  

  1. Select Add a New PNR Configuration 

  1. Enter Name Mapping 

  • Note: You will encounter an error if you do not enter the PNR Set Name, prior to importing. 

  1. Select Import 

  1. Find the import file in your computer downloads folder and select Open. 

  1. Make needed changes. 

  2. Select Save. 

  3. Add new mapping to appropriate Agency Settings. 

 Note: The export link is in an active state only when accessing an existing configuration and the import link is active when adding a new? 

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