Intro to Lists, Sets, and Rules

Intro to Lists, Sets, and Rules

This topic provides an overview of lists, sets, and rules. These are grouping methods used across Deem to assign services such as policies and forms of payments to a user or groups of users.

Click on the video above to see a demonstration of lists, sets, and rules.

Services that Use Lists, Sets, and Rules

Lists, sets, and rules allow you to assign the following to a user or to a group of users:

  • Vendor preferences

  • Restricted countries

  • Travel policies

  • Compliance codes

  • Agency configuration

  • Alternate airports

  • Display configurations

  • Payment card sets

  • Site payment cards

  • Virtual payment sets

  • Hotel per diems

  • Reference points

  • Private negotiated rates

  • Custom fields

Deem groups these items on the Services page: From the Partner Dashboard, click the Services tab. All of the options listed in the Travel column use this concept of list items, sets, and rules. The only exception is Travel Agency, which does not use sets because only one travel agency can be applied to a group.



The services listed above allow you to create related conditions, called a list, such as policy lists, vendor preference lists, or hotel per diem lists. These examples show travel policies, and Deem uses this method for all services listed above.

For example, you can create a policy called International Default Policy that specifies that travelers are permitted to book first class air travel on international flights, and includes settings for international hotel stays and car rental. That policy is displayed on a list of travel policies per the example below.



A set is a group of list items. You can place as many list items into a set as necessary. This allows you to mix and match list items such as payment cards for different user groups. This makes it easier to update configuration options, and to re-use the same conditions for multiple groups.

For example, policy sets are shown on the Policy Sets page.


Clicking on any policy set, such as Default Travel Policy, shows the list items/s included in that set. You can add and remove list items here, and see which groups this set has been assigned to.



A rule allows you to collect sets of services and and assign them to a group.

From the Partner Dashboard, click the Rules tab and then select Service Rules. This displays a list of the groups for the site, per the example below. To view the sets of services assigned to a group, click the Edit or Add link as applicable for that group.


The Travel Rule page allows you to add or change the sets of services assigned to that group. The example below shows a few of the sets you can assign to any group under its travel rules. Each of these sets are made up of individual list items.


This concept of list items, sets, and rules allow you to mix and match the policies, preferences, payment cards, etc., assigned to a site’s groups. For example, you could assign the International Default Policy to all groups except for two management groups, to which you assign a different policy called Management International Policy. The same sets of conditions apply to multiple groups without you having to repeatedly set up those same conditions for each group.

Important: Remember that if you edit the details of a list item, such as an individual policy or vendor preferences, or the items included in a set, such as a policy set or vendor preferences set, those changes apply to all groups that have that set assigned to them in their service rules.

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