Agency Settings – Copy/Export 

Agency Settings – Copy/Export 

 You now have a quick and easy way to copy Agency Settings from one client site to another or within the same client site. This is facilitated by the new export/import function within the Deem Partner Dashboard.  

 With Agency Settings copy/export, you can:  

  • Copy existing Agency Settings within current client site. 

  • Export existing custom PNR mapping to import to another client site.  

Note: You may not currently see the function as it is in beta phase. If it is not visible to you, please open a Deem Support Case to request access.

 Copy Agency Settings  

To copy you will need to access your Agency Settings, to the right of the existing settings you will see the Copy link.  

  1. Access Agency Settings  

  2. Select Copy

  1. Give the new agency settings a Name and click Yes,Copy

    1. Deem highlights the sections of the page that will be copied over to the new configuration. 

  1. Update new Agency Settings to the desired configuration. 

 Export Agency Settings  

To export you will need to access your Agency Settings, to the right of the existing settings you will see the Export link.  


  1. Access Agency Settings.  

  2. Select Export.  

  1. Click Export Settings

    1. Deem highlights the sections of the page that will be exported over to the new configuration. 

  1. The file will be completed and saved to your computer's download folder. 

  Import Agency Settings 

To import you will need access the new client’s site.   

 Select Add a New Agency Settings 

  1. Select Import Agency Settings.  


3. Select Choose File


4. Find the import file in your computer downloads folder and select Open.  

  1. Select Import Settings


6. Update setting name, make desired changes, and save. 


7. Add Agency Settings to appropriate Service Rules.




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