Deem Android October Release Notes 2023.10
About the Release Notes
The Deem release notes provide useful technical information about the latest release. For each release, the notes provide:
A high-level description of the release, including major changes and enhancements
Instructions to help you get started with set-up and administration (when applicable)
Deem Android 2023.10 Release Notes
Cost Allocation Enhancement
Description: Travelers can now scroll to view all cost allocations.
Benefit: Travelers will be able to find their cost allocation without having to use the search feature.
Partial Trip Confirmation Screen
Description: The trip confirmation screen highlights when a segment is not fully booked.
Benefit: Travelers will be able to quickly spot missing segments of a trip.
Bug Fixes
Nearby airports were missing from the search page. Resolved.
The privacy policy link on the footer and purchase page used the wrong URL. Resolved.
Travelers received confirmations for incomplete PNRs. Resolved.