Deem Android April Release Notes 2023.4
- 2 Deem Android 2023.4 Release Notes
- 2.1 Enhancements
- 2.1.1 TSA Prohibited Items
- 2.1.2 Booking Not Allowed
- 2.1.3 Trip Name Change (Post Booking)
- 2.1.4 Traveler Email Addresses
- 2.1.5 Trip Planner Calendar
- 2.2 Design Updates
- 2.2.1 Support Screen
- 2.2.2 Cancel Trip Screen
- 2.3 Bugs
- 2.1 Enhancements
About the Release Notes
The Deem release notes provide useful technical information about the latest release. For each release, the notes provide:
A high-level description of the release, including major changes and enhancements
Instructions to help you get started with set-up and administration (when applicable)
Deem Android 2023.4 Release Notes
TSA Prohibited Items
Description: Travelers will be presented with details regarding TSA prohibited items and a Traveler Acknowledgement screen when adding a flight to an itinerary.
Benefit: Travelers will be able to identify and avoid prohibited items.
Note: Please contact your site admin if you would prefer to have this screen disabled.
Booking Not Allowed
Description: A booking not allowed screen will be displayed when travelers select an out of policy flight, based on a site’s display configuration.
Benefit: Travelers will know why a selected flight isn’t allowed, and can edit their search.
Trip Name Change (Post Booking)
Description: Travelers can change the trip name for any upcoming trip.
Benefit: Travelers will be able to update their trip name and provide other details before and after booking.
Traveler Email Addresses
Description: Traveler email addresses have been added below their names on the traveler list that is presented when entering delegate mode.
Benefit: Travel arrangers can quickly locate an accurate email address when entering delegate mode.
Trip Planner Calendar
Description: The trip planner calendar has been updated to show only permissible dates that are within the GDS limit.
Benefit: Travelers will only see permissible dates when booking a trip.
Design Updates
Support Screen
Description: Travelers can click on the Help Center button to access the new support articles.
Benefit: Travelers can access new Help Center support articles for detailed information.
Cancel Trip Screen
Description: The Cancel Trip screen now includes links to fare rules, hotel room rate details, and car rental rules.
Benefit: Travelers can quickly review fare rules, car rental rules, and hotel room rate details on one screen.
TripSource badge displayed at room level on Hotel search results. Resolved.
Incorrect date when modifying hotel in the Post Booking flow. Resolved.
Custom time for time of day field was defaulting to 9am. Resolved.
The last trip card wasn’t shown completely in the held trips list. Resolved.
Issue where Hold Trip button was displayed in the modify trip flow. Resolved.
Fixes for Privacy Policy link configuration: correct link is now displayed.
Fixes for Cost Allocation validation when using Recent Searches.