Cloning a Site Using the Cloning Checklist

Cloning a Site Using the Cloning Checklist


As a best practice, you should create sites by copying or "cloning" the template previously created and tested by Deem during the implementation process. 

To view the Site Cloning Checklist see Site Cloning Checklist

Defining a Site as a Cloning Template

  1. After logging into the Partner Dashboard as a super-domain administrator, the Sites | Overview page appears.

  2. Click the Manage Site Templates link on the left side of the page. The Sites | Manage Site Templates page appears.  

  3. Hover your pointer over the name of a non-transacting site in the Available Sites section in order to display the Make Template link.

  4. Click the Make Template link to select that site and make it a template. The site is moved to the Templates section on the right.  

  5. Click the Save button to save your changes.

Note: To commit all of your changes after saving them, click the changes not applied link at the top of the page. The Commit Changes page appears. Click the Commit button.

The template site is now available for cloning other sites. Cloned sites retain all the settings of the cloning template site with very few exceptions.

Cloning a Site using the Cloning Template

  1. After logging into the Partner Dashboard, the Sites | Overview page appears.

  2. Click the Add a New Site link found on the right of the page, the Sites | Domain Creation page appears and is divided into three sections. 

Note: The Add a New Site link only appears for certain roles. See Setting Up Partner Dashboard Administrators for a description of administration roles.

Complete the form presented to create a new site using the cloning template, or by manually entering all the required information.

Entering Domain and Company Information

This section contains template to clone name, Company Name, Site ID, Domain URL and other company specific information. Follow these steps (all steps are required unless noted as "optional"):

  1. Select the appropriate site template to clone from the "Domain template to clone" dropdown menu. Although this is optional, we strongly recommend cloning a site from a template.

  2. Company Name: Enter the complete company name for the site. The naming convention should be company name (super domain company name). For example: Test Company Site (Test TMC). If this is a demo or sandbox/test site, be sure to label it as such by including the word “Demo” or “Sandbox” in the site name.  For example: Test TMC Demo Site or Test TMC Sandbox Site.

  3. Company External ID (optional): Enter the ID for additional reporting. This field is not commonly used. 

  4. Site ID: Enter the new site name. We suggest that you use the new site or domain name followed by a dash (-), then the super domain name, all without spaces. For example: testcompanysite-testtmc

  5. Domain URL: Enter the site URL. We suggest that you use the new site or domain name followed by a dash (-), then the super domain name, all without spaces. For example: testcompanysite-testtmc.deem.com. Choose deem.com from the Top Level Domain dropdown menu.
    NoteThe Domain URL field is automatically populated based on the entry in Site ID. We strongly recommend that the Domain URL exactly match the Site ID. File uploads may be impacted if the Domain URL and Site ID are not consistent. 
    Tip: The "Your URL will be:" field is automatically populated based on the entry in Domain URL.

  6. Website URL (optional): Enter your company’s URL. This is not commonly used. 

  7. Phone number: Enter the phone number for the customer or client for this site. 

  8. Country: Choose from the Country dropdown list the country where the customer or client account is located.
    Tip: When you change this selection, the address fields below change for the selected country. 

  9. Address 1: Enter the first line of the customer or client address. 

  10. Address 2 (optional): Enter the second line of the customer or client address. 

  11. City: Enter the customer or client city. 

  12. State / Province (optional): Enter the customer or client state or province code.  

  13. Postal code: Enter the customer or client postal or zip code. 

  14. Currency: Select the currency from the dropdown list. 

  15. Tier: Choose ENT from the dropdown menu if you want to use Expense or pre-trip approval.

Entering Contact and General Information

This section contains information about the customer or client, including the number of employees, annual air spend, contract date, industry, and company entity and usage type.

Note: We recommend that you complete this section with close estimations. These fields are used for tracking adoption and reporting purposes.

Follow these steps (all are required unless noted as "optional"):

  1. Feedback Email (optional): Enter the email address sending user feedback.

  2. Number of Employees: Enter an estimate of the number of employees that will be using the Deem service.

  3. Annual Air Spend (optional): Enter the estimated annual amount spent on airfare by this customer or client.

  4. Contract Date (optional): Choose from the dropdown menus the month, day, and year for the contract date, if known.

  5. Industry: Select the customer or client industry from a dropdown list of industries.

  6. Company Entity Type (optional): Choose the appropriate type from the dropdown menu: GovernmentPrivate, or Public.

  7. Company Usage Type: Choose the use type from the dropdown menu that most closely representing the use for this site:

    1. Customer: Customer or client (most often chosen option).

    2. Demo: Used for site demonstration purposes only.

    3. Partner: Used if the site is for internal travelers.

    4. Template or Test: Used by Deem only. Do not use.

Note: The Add an Admin Account section is no longer used. See Setting Up Partner Dashboard Administrators for instructions.

Selecting Languages and Saving the Site

In the Languages selection, click a checkbox for the site's language, or click two checkboxes to select two languages for the site.

Click the Save button at the bottom of the page to save the new site. The Domain Successfully Created page appears. You can click the Back to Overview link to return to the Overview page at the super-domain level.

Tip: Click the Click here to Manage the Settings link to continue site setup. The Settings | Overview page appears for that site. See Settings Tab for Managing the Site for instructions.

Note: To commit all of your changes after saving them, click the changes not applied link at the top of the page. The Commit Changes page appears. Click the Commit button

You can also access the new site by clicking the site’s URL. 

Site Cloning Checklist 

Before managing the new site, review this cloning checklist to see which settings and configurations must be changed for the newly cloned site.

General Settings

  • Add the launch date.

  • Add emails for receiving copies of notification emails.

  • Enable delegation.

  • Enter the Help Desk contact name and method.

  • Enable importing and exporting contacts into the Address Book.

  • Change the spend management messaging.

See General Settings for instructions.

Company Information

  • Company Address

  • Contact Information

  • Additional Information

See Company Information for instructions.

Groupware Servers

Calendars can be enabled for all users, or for a group of users.

Email Settings

  • Set up email templates for the activation, reminder, and password reset emails. 

  • See Email Settings for instructions.

FTP Servers

  • Set up FTP servers for uploading user profiles, either through a feed or bulk initial upload.

  • Review Uploading User Profiles for an overview.

  • See FTP Servers for instructions.

Open Enrollment

Note: Open Enrollment is not enabled when you clone a site from a template.

You must enable open enrollment if you want to allow site visitors to enroll. See Open Enrollment for instructions.

Home Page Options

You can configure a custom service message and additional resource links. See Home Page Options for instructions.

Password Security

Set the criteria for user passwords if your site does not use single sign-on (SSO). See Password Security.

Uploading a Logo

Upload your company or agency logo to use on the site. See Logo Image Upload for instructions.

Profile Field Settings

Set the following:

  • The source of data for each user profile field. (For a description of each profile field, see User Profile Fields.)

  • Display the field in certain places (such as during user registration).

  • Require the field when registering a user.

See Profile Field Settings for instructions.

Single Sign On (SSO)

If you want to use single sign on (SSO), see Single Sign On.

Mobile Settings

To enable use of the mobile app, see Etta Mobile for an overview and instructions.

Setting Up Groups

Note: If you don't set up groups, the travel policies and configurations will apply to the Everyone group. 

Travel Agency Settings

To change the travel agency settings, see Configuring Agency Settings.

Travel Configuration and Policies

For all other travel configuration and policy changes, see Modifying Group Policies and Configurations for Travel.

Whitelisting Email Domains

For whitelisting information, see Minimum System Requirements.