General Settings

General Settings


Click the Settings tab and then click the General Settings link. The Settings | General Settings page appears, divided into several sections:

After changing settings, click Save at the bottom of the page to save changes.

Note: To commit all of your changes after saving them, click the changes not applied link at the top of the page. The Commit Changes page appears. Click the Commit button.

General Settings for Site-level Settings

The General Settings section provides default values for most settings, which you can change by clicking the checkbox, and empty fields for you to add values:

  • Launch Date (optional): Select the month, day, and year from the dropdown menu for these settings to take effect. The launch date is crucial for reporting, tracking, and adoption. It will not appear to users.  We recommend that you enter a launch date.

  • User session timeout after _ minutes of idle time: Enter the minutes of inactivity before the user is automatically signed out. You can choose 5 minute intervals, up to a maximum of 15 minutes.

Email Settings

  • Enable Daily Payer Notification emails: This checkbox is already clicked, by default, to enable daily notification emails to Expense payers on the site, notifying them of expense reports that are ready to pay. Uncheck this checkbox, to disable payer notification emails.

  • Turn on automated Travel-based email reminders for Expense: This checkbox is not clicked, by default. Unchecking this checkbox, will disable Travel-based email reminders.

  • Send registration emails: Click this checkbox to allow registration emails (recommended). The user will receive an email confirming the registration, as well as the confirmation of a possible password reset. This setting only applies to self-registered users.

  • Send system emails in HTML format: This checkbox governs if emails will be sent in HTML or in plain text format. Checking this box sends emails in HTML format, leaving the checkbox unchecked results in emails sent in plain text.

Enabling Delegation

  • Allow User Delegation: A delegate is a user who can book travel and other services on behalf of another user or guest traveler – see Editing a User Profile for information about assigning a delegate for a user, or setting up a user to be a delegate. Checking this box allows delegate functionality for the site. Leaving the checkbox unchecked results in no user delegation for the site.

  • Allow Self Delegation: Checking this box will allow users to designate themselves as delegates for other users. (To learn how a user can do this, see "Personal and Business Information" in the user help section on changing the user profile.) Leaving the checkbox unchecked still allows users to assign delegates for themselves. 

Address Book Access

  • Allow Address Book Access: Click this checkbox to allow user access to the corporate address book.

  • Allow Importing and Exporting Contacts: Click this checkbox to allow contacts to be imported and exported.

  • Enable Profile Marketing View: Click this checkbox to allow the display of a marketing banner to the user instead of the standard profile page. Generally this is used only for self-service sites.

Help and Hints

  • Display customer-defined help link: Click this checkbox only if you have an alternate user help site. Deem provides user help via the Help link. You can customize this link by clicking this checkbox and entering the following:

    • Help Link URL:  Enter the URL of the Help site. It must begin with http:// or https://.  The default entry is the Deem help site.

    • Help Link Label:  Enter the name to display as the label of the URL.

  • Display a hint to users on the sign-in page: Enter the Hint Text in text or HTML to appear to the user on the login page. The Deem default hint is “Add to Favorites”.

  • Display a hint to users on the password reset page: Enter the Hint Text in text or HTML to appear to the user when a password is being reset. The Deem default hint is “Your password cannot contain the following”.

  • Calendar Object Footer Text: Enter the text to appear at the bottom of each calendar entry for an event added to corporate calendar.

Spend Management Messages

The Spend Management Messages section provides default values for fields which you can change:

  • Policy Violation Reason Text: The user's reason appears in the out-of-policy email when a user selects something that is out of policy and provides a reason.

  • Inadvertent Policy Violation Text:  This instructional text appears when a user selects a service that is out of policy. The default is "The provider has quoted a price that is out of policy.  Modify or cancel this request to stay within corporate policy."

  • Policy Compliance Information Text:  This text appears when the user re-selects a new service that is in policy, and the a compliance code has been applied. The default is "Your request has been updated. You are no longer out of policy." See Managing Compliance Codes and Messages for details on creating messages for specific compliance codes.

Help Desk

Help desk support information appears at the bottom of the site's pages for users to access for support. Your site may need to provide its own help desk support, depending on your organization. You can add a text hint to appear at the bottom of the service pages. You can also enter a contact name and support method.

  • Display a hint to users on the technical support method: Click this checkbox to display a hint at the bottom of the service pages, and then enter a text or HTML message in the Hint Text field. This hint will appear also in email footers.

  • Help Desk Contact Name:  Enter the name of a help desk contact (e.g., "Support"). This will appear on the log in page as well as on other service pages.

  • Help Desk Contact Method: Enter the contact method for the help desk (e.g., "support@company.com"). This will appear on the log in page as well as all on other service pages. 

Warning: The UI section below the Help Desk section must not be changed.

Calendar Attachments

This section lets you configure calendar attachment settings for an organization's integrated calendar. For details on integrating calendars, see Setting Up Groupware Integration.

  • Calendar Attachment Display Names: Enter the name and version of your calendar application (such as Outlook, Microsoft Exchange or Lotus Notes). This setting defines what calendar objects are available to invitees on the RSVP page of an event.

  • Automatically Update the Calendar of Internal Invitees:  Select this checkbox, if using groupware (see Setting Up Groupware Integration). If checked, an invitee (another user) receives an automatic calendar update.