Etta Mobile

Etta Mobile


This site contains confidential information intended for Deem customers and partners only. Do not share page links (URLs) on public websites or in emails. See Confidentiality and Copyright Notice for details.

Users can download the Etta Mobile App directly from the Apple App Store (iOS) or Google Play Store (Android), or set up automatic updating. See this Wikihow article to learn how to set your device for automatic update for an iOS device (such as the iPhone or iPad), and see this Androidcentral article to learn how to download an Android app.

Troubleshooting Hint: If you are having trouble logging in to the Deem mobile app or are unable to complete a search, check to make sure the app is set to use cellular data when not connected to Wi-Fi.

Mobile Settings

Note: To enable mobile app support for a super domain, enter a support case with Deem requesting mobile app support. See Entering a Support Case for instructions. After enabling mobile app support for the super domain, as a site administrator you can use the Mobile Settings tab to configure mobile for each site in the super domain.

As a site administrator you can customize mobile device support information, upgrade reminders, and reauthorization intervals. 

After clicking the Settings tab, click Mobile Settings. The Settings | Mobile Settings page appears. Enter or choose the following: 

  1. Upgrade Reminder Interval (in days): When upgrades become available, an email is sent out to users. If a user takes no action to upgrade, this field designates the amount of time before sending a reminder email.
  2. Reauthorization Interval (in days): Length of time that passes between logins before reauthorization is required.
  3. Helpdesk Email: Optional Helpdesk email address that can appear on the user’s mobile phone.
  4. Helpdesk Email Label: Optional Helpdesk email name that can appear on the user’s mobile phone. 
  5. Helpdesk 1 Phone through Helpdesk 4 Phone: Optional Helpdesk phone numbers that can appear on the user’s mobile device.
  6. Helpdesk 1 Phone Label through Helpdesk 4 Phone Label: Optional Helpdesk labels – most often contact names – that can appear on the user’s mobile device.
  7. Calendar Synch: Select Use Super Domain Setting, Enabled, or Disabled from the dropdown list to allow synchronization of the mobile device to your calendar.
  8. Hotel Booking: Select Use Super Domain Setting, Enabled, or Disabled from the dropdown list to allow hotel bookings to be made on the mobile device.
  9. Blackberry Download Method: Select Use Super Domain Setting, Deem Site, Vendor Store or BES Push from the dropdown list to define the method of app download.
  10. Mobile Download Link:  Select Use Super Domain Setting, Turn on Mobile Download Page, or Turn off Mobile Download Page from the dropdown list.
  11. Click Save to save your changes.

Note: To commit all of your changes after saving them, click the changes not applied link at the top of the page. The Commit Changes page appears. Click the Commit button.

To enable mobile app access for a group of users, first identify or create the group (or use the Everyone group). For details, see Groups Tab for Managing Groups. You can then enable the mobile rules for the group. For instructions, see Mobile Rules.

Mobile Rules

The mobile rules enable or disable mobile app access for a group of users.

Tip: To learn how to set up and manage groups, see Groups Tab for Managing Groups 

Click the Mobile Rules link under the Rules tab. The Rules | Mobile Rules page appears. Each Group row shows the following in the Rule column: 

  • Add link indicates there is currently no mobile rule established for the group.
  • Edit link in green indicates there is a mobile rule established for the group and it is active.
  • Edit link in yellow indicates that although there is a mobile rule established for the group, it is inactive.

Tip: Groups are prioritized to decide which rule will be applied if a user is a member of more than one group. The Priority column appears to the left of each group. The lower the priority number (located at the top of the list), the higher the rule priority this group will have. The rule with the lowest priority will be applied to members of the group. If a user belongs to more than one group, the group with the lowest priority number (the one appearing closest to the top of the list) is chosen to govern the access and options available. To change the priority of a group, enter a number in the Priority column for the group, and click Save Priority Changes.

To add or edit mobile rules, follow these steps: 

  1. Click the Add or Edit link in the Rule column for the group (either a named group, or the Everyone group).
  2. Enter or edit the Description that describes the intent of this rule, and click the Activate Rule checkbox to make the rule active.
  3. Scroll down to the “Then” section of the page, and click the Mobile Beta checkbox.
  4. Click the Save button.

Note: To commit all of your changes after saving them, click the changes not applied link at the top of the page. The Commit Changes page appears. Click the Commit button.

Installing and Activating Mobile for End Users

To install and activate the mobile app from your desktop or laptop, follow these steps:

How to download the Mobile app for Etta and Work Fource


  • The confirmation also includes a link for manually downloading the app, in case you can't use the email on your mobile device.
  • Users can also download the app directly from the Apple App Store (iOS) or Google Play Store (Android).
  • To upgrade from the previous version of the app, iOS (iPhone, iPod touch, or iPad) users can choose to automatically update the app. See this Wikihow article to learn how to set up automatic update.
  • To upgrade from the previous version of the app, Android users must download a new app from the Google Play Store. See this Androidcentral article to learn how to download an app.