Purchasing Your Trip
Purchasing Your Trip
Purchasing Car Service
On the Purchase page, review and update the following information:
- Name Your Trip: You can enter a name for the car service trip
- Traveler: Review the traveler name, email and phone numbers for accuracy. If changes are needed, click the Edit link to adjust.
- Preference and Rewards Programs: Review the information, if changes / updates needed, click the Edit link to adjust.
- Additional Information: Select a reason for the trip from the drop down list in the Reason for Trip field.
- Billing Information: If there is no payment card, click the Add Payment Card link to add a card. If a card is added to the user's account profile, the card will display with the last four digits of the card visible.
- Once you have reviewed and updated the information as needed, click the Purchase button to purchase the car service.
- The Trip Purchase page will display once the ride request has been transmitted to the vendor. At the same time, a confirmation email is triggered to the booker and ride.
A green check mark indicates that the request was successfully submitted, but the provider may not yet have actually confirmed it. Check the confirmation email for a confirmation number or if the ride is still pending confirmation from the provider.- Some vendors are fully integrated and will confirm rides almost instantaneously
- Some vendors are partially integrated and will only auto-confirm certain types of rides, booked a specific number of days in advance. Hence, you may receive an almost instantaneous confirmation for some rides, which other rides with that same provider may at other times take minutes or hours to be confirmed.
- Some vendors require for staff to always manually confirm rides. In these cases, it can take several minutes or even hours for a ride to be confirmed
- The booked trip can be accessed by click the Reservations option from the menu bar and will appear under the Upcoming list.
Click the inverted carrot symbol to expand the trip and note the Confirmation Number returned by the provider. Again, depending on the level of integration with the vendor, this number may appear immediately or within a few hours.
NOTE: Deem will always send to vendors both the booker and traveler contact information. What vendors choose to do with this contact information is outside of Deem’s control.
- Some vendors send their own confirmation and/or cancellation emails to the booker, the traveler or both. Others may not send an email at all.
- Some vendors may send reminder emails just prior to the ride.
- Some vendors may send text messages to the rider and/or the booker.
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