Using the Ride Closeout Module

The Ride Closeout module lets you set up and manage all functions related to closing out a ride, including moving rides to accounting, managing ride records, finding rides, running reports, and viewing the grid. 


Moving Rides to Accounting

You need to move completed rides from Reservation and Dispatch to Accounting before you can access them in Ride Closeout. To move completed rides to Accounting, follow these steps: 

  1. Choose Move Rides to Accounting from the File menu.

  2. The Move Rides to Accounting window appears. In the Up to Ride Date field, select the date for rides to be moved (should be the day prior to the current date).
    Note: The Ride Up To Date field includes the date set. For example, if the current date is set in the field, then all rides up to the current date and including rides for the current date will be brought into Accounting.
  3. (Optional) In the Which Account # field, select the specific account.
  4. (Optional) In the Which Res # field, select a specific reservation number. This is useful when you need to close before the normal process.
  5. Leave the Set Closing Date checkbox blank. Each job must be closed manually.
  6. Click the Start button to move rides to Accounting. When this is completed, the rides are marked as OPEN.

The moved rides will now appear in the Ride Closeout Open Rides grid. 

Note: If there are no rides, or an error occurs, a message will appear in the text area in the window.

Finding a Ride

To find a ride, select Find Rides from the File menu. The Find screen appears.


Enter at least one or a few fields, such as the passenger name or reservation number, or choose an option from at least one dropdown menu, such as Account # or Range for the Pickup Date, and click OK to start the search. This is the most common way to find completed rides in the system. 


  • Click Options (or press F2 on your keyboard) to specify an exact match when searching.
  • Choose an option for Where to Search to find current or archived rides.

 Viewing Grids 

You can view grids for rides in Accounting by choosing them from the File menu:

  • Open Rides: Displays rides that have been completed that need to be reviewed and need to be closed and verified for pricing and driver pay.
  • Closed Rides: Displays all rides that have been closed and verified that are ready for further accounting processes.
  • Accounting Archived Rides:  View the rides that have been archived.

Note: While you can only view the data of these rides, you can fax, email, or print ride receipts when needed.


Select one or more rides, and use the grid controls at the top of the grid list to perform actions. 

The actions are as follows:  


  • All grid control options are available by right-clicking a highlighted ride. The right-click menu also offers additional options.
  • Select a field in the grid to sort records by choosing one in the Sort By dropdown menu.
  • Use the Go To field to jump to a record that matches the value for the Sort By field.

Filtering the Grid View

Click the Filter button to configure the selection criteria as well as the appearance of the grid. The Filter dialog appears:

Click the following tabs to configure the filter criteria:

  • Ride Date: Select a time range for the pickup date and time view those rides. Click the radio button for one of the following:
    • Dynamic Range: To see the ride for a rolling period of time. Select the time in the selection and dropdown menu.
    • Fixed Range: Choose dates from the From Pickup Date and To Pickup Date dropdown menus, and enter times in the Time fields. You can leave all fields blank to show all dates.
  • Ride Statuses: Choose a ride status to filter the grid.
  • Vehicle Types: Choose a vehicle type to filter the grid.
  • View: Define specific values for a single field or for multiple fields.
  • Refresh: Select how often the grid should refresh.
  • Other: Select the fields to sort the grid columns.

Creating Custom Views

You can create custom views by following these steps: 

  1. Select Create a New Custom View from the File menu.
  2. Select the necessary filter configuration to produce the desired results in the grid display.
  3. Choose Open Custom Views from the File menu for the custom views. 

Note: We recommend limiting the number of open grids to not adversely affect system performance.

Viewing and Editing Rides

After choosing a grid you can select a ride to view or edit its record, or add a new ride record.

Viewing Ride Records

After selecting a ride to highlight it, click the View Rides icon or choose View Rides from the right-click menu. You can't make any changes to the ride record data when viewing a ride. 

Editing a Ride Record

After selecting a ride to highlight it, click the Edit a Ride icon or choose Edit a Ride from the right-click menu.

The ride record appears with the Pricing tab open for you to review and verify the pricing components. You can then navigate to any other information in the record.

You can edit non-accounting information in any ride record, including records processed in Accounting. If the ride has been either Invoiced or Driver Paid, a warning message appears indicating the fields you can't edit in the ride record.

When finished, click the Save button at the bottom of the page to save your changes, or click Exit to leave without making changes.

Tip: If you need to make changes that affect:  pricing or changes to driver pay for rides that have been processed for invoicing or for any other reasons, you can select Reprice from the right-click menu.

Adding a Ride Record

Click the Add a New Ride icon or select Add a New Ride from the right-click menu.

If you need to create a transaction in Accounting without creating a reservation record in the Reservation or Dispatch modules, you can do so by selecting this option from the grid control bar. Refer to Creating a New Reservation in Reservations or Creating a New Reservation in Dispatch.

 Closing a Ride

After choosing a grid you can select an open ride to close.

To close and verify a completed ride, follow these steps:

  1. Select the ride in the grid.
  2.  Click the Close Ride icon, choose Close Ride from the right-click menu, or use the K shortcut key (see Quick Reference and Shortcuts for Using Reservations or Quick Reference and Shortcuts for Using Dispatch for other shortcut keys). The record appears with the Pricing tab open.
  3. The Close Ride checkbox should already be checked; if not, check the Close Ride checkbox. 
  4. The By and On fields should be populated with the User ID and the system date respectively.
  5. Review the Pricing tab information below, and the Payment tab information described in the next section.
  6. Review and modify other ride details as described in "Reviewing and Modifying Ride Details" (the following section).
  7. When finished, click the Save button at the bottom of the page.

The ride will now move from the Open Rides table to the Closed Rides table. 

Pricing a Ride

The Pricing tab shows the following (as outlined in the figure below):

  • All details of the pricing components billed to the customer (outlined in red).
  • Accounting data compiled from the accounting actions take on the ride (section highlighted in green).
  • Optional data you can enter if used in your operation (section highlighted in light blue).
  • Driver Pay data, including charges such as parking and tolls (section highlighted in purple). See Using the Driver Pay Module for instructions on how to generate driver payments.

Fields with a checkbox next to them can be overridden. You can override any of these pricing components by selecting the field and entering a new value. This override action will automatically check the override checkbox next to the field.

Note: Once a value is overridden, it will never be replaced with an automatically calculated value.

Click Save to save any changes.

When the ride is marked closed, you can generate an invoice to include the ride. See Using the Invoicing Module for instructions.

Pricing a Farmed-Out Ride

The Pricing tab shows the charges for a ride that your organization (the booking provider) farmed out to an affiliate on Affiliate Connect. The section highlighted in olive green shows the charges from the affiliate's driver:

As the original booking provider, you would click the Review Pricing button to review the affiliate's pricing in detail:

Click Update Reservation to update the reservation with the affiliate's charges and return to the Pricing tab.

Click Save to save any changes under the Pricing tab.

Note: If you are pricing a farmed-out ride with an affiliate that is not on Affiliate Connect, you are responsible for entering the affiliate charges. If you don't know the amounts, you can request them by right-clicking a ride and choosing Request for Charges. You can then fax or email the form.

When the ride is marked closed, you can generate an invoice to include the ride. See Using the Invoicing Module for instructions.

The Payment Tab

 The Payment tab displays all of the payment-related details. 

Processing Credit Cards Manually

You can initiate a credit card charge if you choose to process these manually as you close the rides. Follow these steps:

  1. Choose Open Rides from the File menu.
  2. Find the ride to be charged on a credit card, and close the ride as described in this section
  3. Click the Pricing tab, and click the Charge Card button.

 You can settle all of your credit card rides that have been closed and verified by using the batch process described in Using the Invoicing Module.

 Reviewing and Modifying Ride Details

You can review and modify the ride record data using the following buttons:

  • Commissions: Review the Commissionable Agents assigned for the ride and make changes as necessary.
  • Deposits: Enter deposits if payments against the ride are made in advance.
  • Extra Passengers: Add additional passenger names, if required. You can find a reservation by typing any name in this field.
  • Extra Services: Add extra services and fees that were not recorded at the time of reservation. You can also use the extra service description field to explain "waiting time" or service charges with zero dollar amounts.
  • History: View a detailed touch log of every action performed on the reservation from the time it is entered.
  • Incidents: View and add incidents related to this reservation.
  • Stops: Review and price additional stops as needed.
  • More: Additional functions include printing the ride receipt, a confirmation, and a trip ticket. You can get a price quote, switch the pickup and drop-off locations, or review the actual pickup / waiting time information.
  • Save:  Save the verified or edited ride.
  • Exit: Exit without Saving

Managing Ride Records

You can copy a ride record and reverse the charges, copy a ride and duplicate the charges, reprice a ride, and remove a ride from an invoice.

Copying a Ride and Reversing the Charges


Select a ride, and click the Copy Ride & Reverse Charges icon or choose Copy Ride & Reverse Charges from the right-click menu.

When you reverse charges, you may need to review the Driver Pay and make necessary changes based on whether or not the Driver Pay is affected by this reversal of charges. See Using the Driver Pay Module for instructions on generating driver payments and adjustments.

Copying a Ride and Duplicating the Charges

Select a ride, and click the Copy Ride & Duplicate Charges icon or choose Copy Ride & Duplicate Charges from the right-click menu.

You may want to use this function if you need to redo a bill with modifications, such as a different credit card number or different pricing information.

You may need to review the Driver Pay section and make necessary changes based on whether or not the Driver Pay is affected. See Using the Driver Pay Module for instructions on generating driver payments and adjustments.

Reversing Charges

You may want to reverse the charges on a credit card processed ride if either a wrong credit card was charged or if the ride was incorrectly billed. If you closed a ride and charged the card, but the amount was wrong, you can do the following to reverse the charge: 

  1. Find the job and choose Copy Ride & Reverse Charges from the right-click menu.
  2. Click the Pricing tab, and click the Charge Card button on the ride. 
  3. To charge a new amount, select the original ride again, and choose the Copy Ride & Duplicate Charges function.
  4. Click the Pricing tab and make the required changes. 
  5. Once the ride has the correct amount, press the Charge Card button.

Using the Reprice Function

You can select the Reprice option only from the right-click menu.

You will have to use the Reprice option when making changes to any of the pricing components for the rides that have been processed for Invoicing (see Using the Invoicing Module for details), or for Driver Pay (See Using the Driver Pay Module for details).

Removing a Ride from an Invoice

You can select the Remove option only from the right-click menu after selecting a ride. You can use this option as long as a payment has not been applied towards the invoice.

You might use this option if the ride was invoiced under an incorrect account. You can remove the ride from the invoice, and make the necessary changes (including the account code), and then generate the invoice. 


Archiving Rides

To archive rides, choose the date in the Up to Ride Date dropdown menu, and click the Start button to proceed.

Note: Once archived, the rides cannot be edited.  

To view archived rides, choose Accounting Archived Rides from the File menu. The grid shows older rides in the system.

Running Reports

The Reports menu provides reports you can generate: 

The following are brief descriptions:

  • Ride Recon Report: You can choose options to include in the results of the report and define the sort order of transactions. You can run this report in both detailed or summary format.
  • Ride Receipt for Closed Rides: Ride receipts for all transactions that satisfy the selection criteria. You can choose one per page or multiple receipts per page.
  • Open Ride Report: All rides in accounting that have not been closed or verified, based on the selected criteria. This helps the account department to make sure that all the completed services have been closed.
  • Closed Ride Report: All rides in accounting that have been closed or verified, based on the selected criteria.
  • Sales Activity Report: Revenue-related data. This report includes all transactions that have been closed or verified and that satisfy the selected criteria. You can run this report in both detailed or summary format.
  • Online Credit Card Batch Transactions: All credit card transactions, selected either in batch or manual mode, based on the selected criteria. 
  • Deposits Report: The deposit amounts based on rides that are completed or not completed, depending on the criteria you select. This report enables you to manage your AR liabilities for rides that you had received deposits for. 
  • FO Request for Charges -Multiple Rides: Print / fax / email rides farmed-out to your affiliates that have not been closed or verified and are waiting for their costs.
  • Sales Journal Adjustment Log: All pricing changes that were done to rides after they were invoiced. 
  • User Defined Fields Report: User-defined field values for the rides that satisfy the selection criteria. 


Faxing or Emailing Receipts

Choose Batch Transmit Receipts from the Utilities menu to fax or email receipts for credit card rides using the Payflow Pro gateway. Specify the criteria for selecting rides by choosing from the Company dropdown menu, or selecting trips by trip date or close date.