Creating a New Reservation in Reservations

Starting a New Reservation

To create a new reservation in the Reservations module, choose New Reservation from the File menu.

The New Reservation screen window appears, open to the Main tab:

Follow these steps:

  1. Profile/Account: Start typing the name of the passenger or account. The system searches the Customer Account and Passenger Profile tables and if it finds the passenger or account, it offers a suggestion; click the suggestion. All relevant data elements pre-populate the fields of the reservation screen.
  2. Passenger: Enter the name of the rider or profile taking the ride, if not automatically populated.
    Note: If a profile already exists, an instruction may appear in the For Res Agent or For Driver fields.
  3. Account: If a passenger profile exists in the system, the linked account will populate automatically. An account is required to complete a ride even if a passenger profile does not exist.
    Tip: You can press the Enter or Tab key to move from field to field. 
  4. Date/Time/etc: If the rider is not booking the reservation directly, enter the caller’s contact information; otherwise, press the Enter or Tab key, and follow these steps:
    1. Choose the vehicle type from the Vehicle Type dropdown menu
    2. Choose the run type from the Run Type dropdown menu.
    3. Choose the Pickup Date from the menu, and enter the Pickup Time.
    4. Enter the Drop Time.

Entering Pickup and Drop-off Locations

A reservation agent can choose one of the following when entering a location, and each choice displays more specific fields related to the type of location:

  • Airport: If selected, the airport-related fields appear. Choose the airport landmark, airport code, and airline from the dropdown menus, and enter the flight number and other flight information.
    Tip: If your system is integrated with Flight Anywhere, the flight information is automatically validated after you enter the flight number.
  • Landmark: With this selection, you can choose any of the landmarks set up in the system from the dropdown menu.
  • Customer Account Addresses: If selected, you can then choose from the account addresses (MainBilling, or from the additional addresses set up).
  • Passenger Profile Addresses: If selected, you can then choose from the profile addresses (HomeOffice, or from the additional addresses set up)
  • Other: Type the address manually (this is the default option in new reservations).

Entering Payment Information

The Credit Card and Payment sections of the Main tab show the default payment method, if the payment method is configured for the account or profile:

In the Payment section, you can:

  • Select or change the payment method in the Payment Method dropdown menu, such as CC for credit card. 
  • Adjust the pricing method by choosing a method from the Pricing Method dropdown menu, such as FlatHourlyMileage, and so on.

In the Credit Card section, you can:

  • Select a credit card from the CC Source dropdown menu if the Payment Method dropdown menu is set to CC (for credit card).
  • Enter the credit card manually by filling in the credit card fields.

In the Special Instructions section, enter any special instructions for drivers. The Special Instructions field appears on the passenger's ride confirmation.

In the Preferences section, you can:

  • Click the Meet/Greet checkbox for the meet-and-greet option.
  • Choose a preferred driver in the Pref Drv# dropdown menu.
  • Choose a preferred vehicle in the Pref Veh# dropdown menu.

Viewing and Overriding Pricing Details

Click the Pricing tab at the top of the New Reservation screen to view the details of the pricing values billed to the customer:

You can adjust the pricing method by choosing a method from the Pricing Method dropdown menu in the top left corner. You can also override any of these pricing components by selecting the field and entering a new value.

Tip: You can override any field that has a checkbox next to it. As you enter a new value, a checkmark appears to show that you are overriding the original value. 

Warning: Once an original value is overridden, the field will never again be replaced with an automatically calculated value. 

Note: The User Defined Charges section shows any charge-related user-defined fields (UDFs) that have been set up.

Viewing Payment Details

Click the Payment tab at the top of the New Reservation screen to view the payment details and authorize a card:

Click Authorize Card in the top right corner to start a credit card authorization.

You can also update email, fax, and cell phone number associated with the current reservation.

Entering Required Fields

Click the Required Fields tab at the top of the New Reservation screen to enter user-defined fields (UDFs). UDFs that are relevant to the reservation appear under this tab, along with fields for Voucher, Department, and Employee numbers. Some UDFs require a preconfigured set of values to validate against. To pull up the list of defined values, select the appropriate field and press the F7 key.

Choosing Reservation Options

Reservation option buttons appear at the bottom of the New Reservation or Edit Reservation screen:

The Commissions Button

When you create a reservation for a customer account with a commissionable agent, you can review the commissions for the ride and, if the customer account is set so that you can override the commissionable agent information, make changes as necessary. (See Setting Up Commissionable Agents for details on configuring commissionable agents for accounts.)

To review the commission, click the Commissions button, and open the Commissions table. The Commissionable Agent is listed with the pay rate. Select an agent, and click the Edit button to edit the commission.

Note: The ride will appear in the Commissionable Agents Report once the ride goes through the process and is closed out in the Ride Closeout module (see Using the Ride Closeout Module for details).

Other Option Buttons

In addition, you can click the following buttons at the bottom of the New Reservation or Edit Reservation screen:

  • Deposits: Enter deposits if payments against the ride are made in advance.
  • Extra Psgrs: Add additional passenger names, if required. You can find a reservation by starting to type a name in this field.
  • Extra Svcs: Add extra services and fees, such as pets, newspapers, and so on.
  • History: View a detailed history (log) of every action performed for the reservation from the time it is entered.
  • Incidents: You can View or Add incidents related to this reservation.
  • Stops: Add additional stops to the reservation as necessary. You can price these stops if necessary.
  • More: Additional functions to print the ride receipt, confirmation, trip ticket, and so on. You can also update the profile, get a price quote, or switch the pickup and dropoff locations.

Saving the Reservation

Click one of the following:

  • Save: Save the reservation. You can then click Start a New Reservation.
  • Exit: Exit from the New Reservation screen without saving the reservation information.

Warning: Clicking Exit will throw away any reservation information you entered after clicking Save. You must click Save to save reservation information.

Creating Standing Orders

If you need to create automated reservations based on a calendar, you can set up standing order templates and specify the calendar for these reservations.

The general steps for creating standing order rides are as follows:

  1. Create the ride template to set the blueprint of the ride details, locations, passengers, etc.
  2. Configure the logic of and maintain standing orders by setting dates and times to generate.
  3. Generate the rides from the ride templates and standing order information.

To create a standing order template, follow these steps:

  1. Choose Standing Orders > Maintain Ride Template from the File menu.
  2. Click the Add Template button. The Edit Ride Template window appears. 
  3. Enter all the reservation details for the standing order. 
    Note: Be sure to set a Template ID for an account has multiple standing orders.
  4.  Click Save at the bottom of the window to save the ride template.

To maintain standing orders, follow these steps:

  1. Choose Standing Orders > Maintain Standing Orders from the File menu.
  2. Click the Add New Record button, or select a standing order to edit. 
  3. Choose the template from the Ride Template dropdown menu. Also choose a calendar code from the Calendar Code dropdown menu, if applicable.
  4. Choose the Start and End dates for this standing order
  5. Click the checkbox for the Exclude Holidays option, or set specific dates to exclude.
  6. In the Pickup On section, set the days of the week and the time that the ride will take place.
  7. Set the To/From field for each day, and choose from the Pickup On dropdown menu for the ride.
  8. Save & Close to save the standing order changes.

Note: We recommended generating rides for a week or two weeks at a time, so that any changes to the template or schedule can be managed easier when the changes are reflected on the generated rides.

To generate standing order rides, follow these steps:

  1. Choose Standing Orders > Generate Rides from the File menu.
  2. Choose SingleAll, or Range from the initial dropdown menu. If you select Single or Range, choose the standing order numbers from the Standing Order# dropdown menu.
  3. Choose dates from the From Pickup Date and To Pickup Date dropdown menus to set the date range to generating rides.
  4. Click Generate Rides to complete the process. The generation results window appears showing number of rides generated successfully.