Using the Driver Pay Module

You can use the Driver Pay module to pay drivers and manage driver adjustments.

Generating a Driver Payment

Follow these steps to generate a driver payment:

  1. Choose Generate Driver Payments from the Action menu. The Generate Driver Payments dialog appears.

  2. Choose a date from the Statement Date dropdown menu.
  3. Click the radio button for either Ride Date or Closing Date In the "Process by" section. 
  4. Choose dates from the dropdown menus in the Ride Date Range section.
  5. In the Category section, click one of the following the radio buttons:
    • All: Generate pay for all categories of drivers.
    • Single: Generate pay for a single category of driver. Choose the driver category (such as HOUSE) from the dropdown menu. 
  6. In the Drivers section, click one of the following the radio buttons:
    • All: Generate pay for all drivers in the selected category.
    • Single: Generate pay for a single driver. Choose the driver number from the dropdown menu.
    • Range: Generate pay for a range of drivers in the selected category. Choose the start and end driver numbers for this range in the dropdown menus.
  7. Click the Start button.

When the process has completed, a prompt appears showing how many drivers were processed.

Viewing the Driver Pay Reports

The summary reports are used to cross-check pay amounts and print statements.

Follow these steps to view the Driver Pay Summary:

  1. Choose Driver Pay Summary from the Reports menu.
  2. Enter the information: Date Type, From Date, To Date, and the Driver Scope.
  3. You can preview, print, fax, email, and export the report from this page.

Follow these steps to view the Driver Pay Details:

  1. Choose Driver Pay Details from the Reports menu.
  2. Enter the information: Date Type, From Date, To Date, and the Driver Scope.
  3. You can preview, print, fax, email, and export the report from this page.

Undoing a Generated Driver Payment  

Note: You can't undo the payment if posted invoices exist for related jobs.

Follow these steps to undo a generated driver payment:

  1. Choose Un-Generate Driver Payments from the Action menu. The process will happen automatically for the last generated information.
  2. Open the Ride Closeout module, and find the jobs that require changing the driver pay information. Enter the new information. See Using the Ride Closeout Module for details.
  3. After entering all the information, you can generate the driver payment again (as described previously).

Posting Driver Pay

Note: You can't undo a generated payment after posting. If any driver pay amount is incorrect, make an adjustment as described in the next section.

Follow these steps to permanently post a driver payment:

  1. Generate a driver payment as described previously, and verify the amount by viewing or printing reports in the Reports menu.
  2. Choose Post Driver Pay from the Action menu. The Post Driver Payments dialog appears.


  3. Choose the date in the Statement Date dropdown menu.
  4. Click Post to post.

Managing Driver Adjustments

Follow these steps to create adjustments after a driver payment is posted for changes: 

  1. Choose Maintain Driver Adjustments / Cross Payments from the Action menu.
  2. Click Add Record to add an adjustment. The Add Driver Adjustment dialog appears.

  3. Choose the Driver number in the Driver# dropdown menu.
  4. Choose the Add To Pay or Deduct From Pay radio button in the Adjustment Type section.
  5. Choose the Earnings, Gratuity, or Expenses radio button in the Adjustment To section. 
  6. Enter the amount in the Amount field, and enter a description in the Description field.
  7. Choose a date in the Adjustment Date dropdown menu. This date should be within the payroll period currently being processed.
  8. Enter the date in the Start Date To Apply To field, or leave this field blank to auto-apply on next driver pay period.
  9. Click Save to save the adjustment.