Booking, Change and Cancellation Configuration

Booking, Change and Cancellation Configuration

After clicking the Services tab, clicking Policy Display, the Services | Display Management page displays.    Click the Display Configuration List link, here you can add or edit a display configuration. The Add or Edit page includes the Booking, Change and Cancellation Configuration for controlling what the user sees when booking, changing, or canceling.  To view the Cancel and Change rules and restrictions, click the Travel Change and Cancel Rules link.  

Enter information or choose options for the following:


Searching for Bookings

  1. Default search form to include flights: Choose Yes to expand the Flight checkbox when the user starts a travel search.
  2. Default search form to include hotel: Choose Yes to expand the Hotel checkbox when the user starts a travel search.
  3. Default search form to include rental car: Choose Yes to expand the Rental Car checkbox when the user starts a travel search.
  4. Allow users to search and book flights: Choose Yes to allow. Choose No to prevent users from booking flights. 
  5. Allow users to search and book hotels: Choose Yes to allow. Choose No to prevent users from booking hotels.
  6. Allow users to search and book rental car: Choose Yes to allow. Choose No to prevent users from booking rental car.

Booking Requirements and Handling

  1. Select the minimum time required before flight time for booking and changing airline flights: Choose the time required to 1 day in hour increments, 1 – 5 days in day increments, or No limit
  2. Select the maximum number of travelers that may be booked on any trip: We recommend setting this to 1.
  3. Display the option to add Special Handling text on the Trip Purchase page: Yes or No. Choose Yes to allow free form text to be entered by the traveler, which can be used to set queue delivery options.

Traveler Information

  1. Enable user to change the Traveler Name on the Purchase page: Choose one of the following:
    • Choose No to not allow the traveler name change. This is the recommended setting if you have no guest travelers.
    • Choose Yes to enable the name change for guest travelers. After choosing Yes, the "Default the Change Traveler option to checked?" option appears:
      • Choose Yes to check the Change Traveler option by default. If the user doesn't want to change the traveler name, the user has to uncheck this option. This is recommended only if most (or all) of your travelers are guests.
      • Choose No to leave the Change Traveler option unchecked by default. This is the recommended setting if you occasionally allow guest travelers.
  2. Hide "Address field from the Purchase page": Choose Yes to not display the address, or No to display the travelers address as listed in the profile.
  3. Hide "Emergency Contact field on Purchase page":  Choose Yes to not display the emergency contact, or No to display the travelers emergency contact as listed in the profile.
  4. Allow Single use credit card on Purchase Page: Choose Yes to allow the user to enter a one-time only form of payment on the Purchase page. This card will not be saved to the user’s profile.

Failure to Purchase

  1. Select the system behavior that should apply when a hotel or car booking fails during the purchase process: Choose "Create a Passive Segment" to create a passive segment in the passenger name record (PNR), as described in Adding or Changing Agency Settings, or choose "Complete purchase without hotel or car." 
    Note:  Rental car passive segments are no longer generated during booking flows as a default error response. Deem has implemented extensive retry and error handling for rental cars at purchase to avoid generating passive rental car segments.
  2. Display the following advisory text when the Trip is booked without requested hotel(s) or car(s): Enter in text that will appear to the user if the trip is booked without the requested hotel or car. Don't use travel lingo or HTML code.

Changing and Canceling

Note: Users can't change only one trip element of a full trip, such as the flight but not the hotel. Users can change only the entire trip: flight, hotel, and car rental.

Note:  For Guest Traveler configuration, this section should be disabled. The system does not allow changes on Guest Bookings, as the traveler name is different from the profile. 

Enable users to change or cancel airline flights, hotels, and/or rental cars post booking? Choose one of the following:

  • No: Do not enable users to change or cancel airline flights, hotels, and/or rental cars post booking. The following options don't appear.
  • Yes: Enable canceling post-booking and to store the unused airline ticket. You can choose to restrict how users can change and cancel flights by choosing the following options that appear:

Change and Cancel Limitations

  1. Enable users to add air to hotel and / or rental car only trips post booking: Choose Yes or No.
  2. Limit online cancel to only online booked domestic trips in which full fare details are available: Choose Yes or No.

Voiding and Refunding Tickets

  1. Automatically void tickets when an itinerary is cancelled: Choose Yes or No.
  2. Automatically refund tickets when an itinerary is cancelled: Choose Yes or No.

Unused Tickets and Offline Transactions

  1. Allow ticket exchanges that result in forfeiture of residual fare? Choose one of the following:
    • No: If automated ticket exchange is enabled for this site, the system will recommend that a new ticket is issued as opposed to an exchange.
    • Yes: Enter the "Maximum value that the fare forfeiture will be allowed during an exchange" as a decimal number. If automated ticket exchange is enabled for this site, the system will allow the exchange of a ticket resulting in a forfeiture within the defined threshold.
  2. Allow online changes to offline-originated transactions? Choose Yes or No. If you choose Yes, users are allowed to change bookings that were created offline and acquired via PNR synchronization.
  3. Allow users to opt out of unused ticket? Choose Yes or No. If you choose Yes, and automated ticket exchange is enabled for this site, the Remove unused ticket link will appear on the Trip Review page for the user to opt out of applying the unused ticket. The link appears only if the user is booking a new trip, and unused tickets are available. If the user removes the unused ticket, the Apply unused ticket link appears so that the user can reselect it.
    Please Note: If the user declines an unused ticket, it is documented in the PNR XML file along with the exchange details for that ticket.

Changing a Return Flight

Select the system behavior that should apply when a user requests to change only their return flight(s): Choose one of the following:

  • "Advise user of possible fare increase and continue": Show a fare increase warning and allow the change to continue.
  • "Require user to contact agency": Require the user to contact the travel agency for this change. If you enable automated ticket exchange for this site, this flag is ignored, and users can still continue with changing the return flight.

Exchanging Tickets

  1. Allow users to exchange a non-refundable ticket for a refundable ticket: Choose Yes or No.
  2. Allow users to exchange a refundable ticket for a refundable ticket: Choose Yes or No.
  3. Allow users to exchange a refundable ticket for a non-refundable ticket: Choose Yes or No.
  4. Allow users to exchange an unused airline e-ticket only if the name on the ticket matches that of the traveler: Choose Yes or No.

Locking and Choosing Unused Tickets

  1. Select the amount of time a selected unused e-ticket should be locked for re-use: Choose between 1 – 23 hours or 1 – 5 days from the dropdown menu.
  2. Select the method that should be used when there are multiple unused e-tickets on the same carrier: Select either "Use e-ticket with the nearest expiration date" or "Use e-ticket with the most applicable value".

Changing Non-Refundable Hotel Reservations

Enable users to change hotel reservations that include a non-refundable deposit or are outside of the cancellation period (applicability based on presence of GDS data): Choose Yes or No.

Changing and Saving Your Configuration Settings

Return to Adding or Editing a Display Configuration to continue making changes and to save the configuration.