Click the Settings tab and then click the General Settings link. The Settings | General Settings page appears, divided into several sections:

After changing settings, click Save at the bottom of the page to save changes.

Note: To commit all of your changes after saving them, click the changes not applied link at the top of the page. The Commit Changes page appears. Click the Commit button.

General Settings for Site-level Settings

The General Settings section provides default values for most settings, which you can change by clicking the checkbox, and empty fields for you to add values:

Email Settings

Enabling Delegation

Address Book Access

Help and Hints

Spend Management Messages

The Spend Management Messages section provides default values for fields which you can change:

Help Desk

Help desk support information appears at the bottom of the site's pages for users to access for support. Your site may need to provide its own help desk support, depending on your organization. You can add a text hint to appear at the bottom of the service pages. You can also enter a contact name and support method.

Warning: The UI section below the Help Desk section must not be changed.

Calendar Attachments

This section lets you configure calendar attachment settings for an organization's integrated calendar. For details on integrating calendars, see Setting Up Groupware Integration.