In order to have a different set of "hotel per diems" for different groups, you can create or edit each hotel per diem list, and then organize the lists into sets that can be assigned to groups. You can add the same hotel per diem list to more than one set. For example, if you have a different per diem for VIPs when staying in NYC and SF compared to the per diem for everyone, but you have the same per diem for traveling in European countries, you can create one Europe list of per diems and add it to both VIP and Everyone sets.
Note: If no hotel per diem is set for a location, or a group is not assigned a hotel-per-diem set (that is, the company per diem is not enforced for this group), the maximum spend amount for a hotel is still governed by the Maximum Room Rate in the travel policy. See Adding or Editing a Travel Policy for details.
After clicking the Services tab and clicking the Travel link in the Travel section, the Services | Travel page appears. Click the Hotel Per Diem Editor link. The Hotel , the Hotel Per Diem Management page appears.
- After clicking the Hotel Per Diem Editor link, the Hotel Per Diem Management page appears.
- Click the Hotel Per Diem Sets link. The Hotel Per Diem Sets page appears.
- Click Add a New Hotel Per Diem Set to add a new set, or click the name link in the Hotel Per Diem Sets column for an existing hotel per diem set. The Add or Edit page appears.
- Enter a name for the new set, or edit the set name, and click the Add Per Diem button.
- Select a hotel per diem to add to the set by clicking its radio button.
- Click OK & Add Another to add another hotel per diem to the set, and repeat the previous step and this step until you've added all of the hotel per diems for the set.
- After making the final selection, click OK to finish adding to the set.
- Click Save to save your changes.
Note: To commit all of your changes after saving them, click the changes not applied link at the top of the page. The Commit Changes page appears. Click the Commit button.
You can now assign the hotel per diem sets to groups of users as you would do with other service rules for travel. See Service Rules to learn how to associate service rules with groups, and follow the instructions in Enabling Travel Rules to enable travel rules including the hotel per diem sets.