Available only with Sabre, coming soon to Galileo.
Enable Changes under Display Configuration Settings
Set Travel Policy if needed.
Display Configuration Settings
Edit Display Configuration
After clicking the Services tab, clicking Travel, and clicking Display Configuration, you can then add or edit the Booking, Change and Cancellation Configuration for controlling what the user sees when booking, changing, or canceling. For specific instructions, see Booking, Change and Cancellation Configuration. The following summarizes the changes you should make:
Edit Display Configuration list
From the Partner Dashboard home page, select Settings in the Edit Site column for the site that needs updating.
On the Services tab, select Display Configuration.
Select Display Configuration List.
Select the existing display configuration you would like to edit.
Complete the Display Configuration form and select Save.
Note: Display Configuration copies over from the cloned template site during the site creation process. You may only need to make minor changes based on client requirements.
Allow ticket exchanges that result in forfeiture of residual fare? Choose one of the following:
No: The system will recommend that a new ticket is issued as opposed to an exchange.
Yes: Enter the "Maximum value that the fare forfeiture will be allowed during an exchange" as a decimal number. The system will allow the exchange of a ticket resulting in a forfeiture within the defined threshold.
Allow online changes to offline originated transactions? Choose Yes or No. If you choose Yes, users are allowed to change bookings that were created offline and acquired via PNR synchronization.
Allow users to opt out of unused ticket? Choose Yes or No. If you choose Yes, the Remove unused ticket link will appear on the Trip Review page for the user to opt out of applying the unused ticket. The link appears only if the user is booking a new trip, and unused tickets are available. If the user removes the unused ticket, the Apply unused ticket link appears so that the user can reselect it.
Select the system behavior that should apply when a user requests to change only their return flight(s): Choose one of the following:
"Advise user of possible fare increase and continue": Show a fare increase warning and allow the change to continue. The system will display a message to the user if there is an increase in the fare. If you enable automated ticket exchange for this site, the system will send a request using the original ticket as an exchange ticket, and maintain the original departure flight segments to derive new return flight results. The user will be able to select from all available return flight solutions. Depending on the flight selected, the system will follow up with another request with the applicable exchange ticket.
"Require user to contact agency": Require the user to contact the travel agency for this change. If you enable automated ticket exchange for this site, this flag is ignored, and users can still continue with changing the return flight.