Uploading Unused Tickets

Uploading Unused Tickets

As a site administrator, you can add unused tickets to your site (for a description of how users can book with unused tickets, see the Travel section of the user help). The file must contain the site name, the user’s login, the ticket number, carrier and value for each ticket. You can include more information such as penalty information, issue date and expiration date to add to the user experience. Here's what you need to know:

  • You can upload up to 10 unused tickets per user.
  • As you upload unused ticket files, each newly uploaded file replaces the previous information for each specific user in the file.
  • When an upload is completed, any tickets previously marked as “pending exchange” will return to an available status if the same ticket is uploaded. If the ticket previously marked "pending exchange" is not included in the new upload file for that specific user, it will be removed from the user’s unused tickets.
  • Deem can mark tickets as not eligible for exchange if the on-line process fails to do so.  Enter a support case requesting help and include the site name, user name and ticket information. 

To upload unused tickets, you can use the templates provided in the Partner Dashboard, and upload the file.

Unused Ticket Types:  Validated and Non-validated

There are two types of unused tickets supported by the application:  Validated Tickets (Tickets originating online and managed through the online unused ticket bank) and Non-validated Tickets (Tickets uploaded by an administrator using the upload unused tickets functionality).

The following rules apply when booking new reservations online.

  • On the search results page, an unused ticket icon is placed below the applicable carrier in the matrix and on each applicable search result page for both validated and non-validated tickets. This is to remind the user they have an unused ticket that can be applied to their new trip.
  • Validated Unused tickets are offered on single carrier, non-refundable itineraries where the exchange would result in an even exchange or additional collection.  This is supported for the following carriers only: American (AA), Alaska (AS), Delta (DL), Frontier (F9), United (UA), US Airways (US) and Southwest SDA only (WN).
  • Non-validated tickets are offered on any single carrier, non-refundable itineraries which could result in an even exchange, additional collection or residual balance.
  • Policy can be configured to require a user to fly a carrier where an unused ticket can be applied when all other conditions compared to other carriers are in policy. 
  • When more than one unused ticket is available, the administrator can define whether the ticket closest to expiration is used or the ticket closest to the fare is used. See Booking, Change and Cancellation Configuration for more information.
  • If the ticket is an online validated ticket, using the setting on the display config (value vs. nearest expiration date, the system will pre-filter tickets to not offer tickets that have a higher value than what is needed for the new trip. 
  • If it is an offline non-validated ticket, using the setting on the display config (value vs. nearest expiration date) the system will not pre-filter tickets with a residual value.  It is up to the agency to determine exchange applicability per airline / per instance. 

Validated Unused Tickets

Non-Validated Unused Tickets

Must be single passenger / single carrier itinerary

Must be single passenger / single carrier itinerary

Ticket must be marked as not pending exchange

Ticket must be marked as not pending exchange

Cost is broken down on trip review page

Generic unused ticket message is placed on trip review page

All coupons have “Open” status

Coupon status is not validated.  Some coupons can be used or not available.

Coupon status checked upon user login

Coupon status is not checked upon user login.

Exchange would result in even exchange or additional collection

Exchange can result in even exchange, additional collection or residual value

Residual value table verified – ticket exchanges that would result in a residual value will be pre-filtered out

Residual value table not verified – ticket exchanges that would result in a residual value will not be pre-filtered out

Refundable tickets with zero penalty are marked as “unusable” and would not be offered for exchange

Penalty presence is not a factor in offering ticket.  Penalty can be specific amount, zero or null. 

Domestic Origination

Domestic or International Origination

Documentation can be used to complete an automated exchange

Unused tickets should be evaluated by an agent before an exchange is completed

Do not display tickets past their expiration date

Do not display tickets past their expiration date

How are unused validated tickets added to the database?

There are 3 ways a validated unused ticket is placed into the unused ticket database:

  1. When a user cancels a non-refundable ticket that originated online.  Deem captures the ticket information and places it into the database for future use.
  2. When a user calls an agent directly to cancel a non-refundable ticket that originated online and the PNR is queued back to Deem’s designated queue.
  3. After the travel date, Deem checks the status of the ticket, and if all flight coupons still contain an “Open” status, the ticket is placed into the unused ticket database.

Note:   A ticket will not be evaluated for the unused ticket bank if the PNR is not completely empty.  If a PNR has air/hotel and the user cancels the air, the unused ticket will not be evaluated until the hotel is used or cancelled.

Offline tickets can be uploaded into the unused ticket database for any carrier as long as they have a 10 digit ticket number.

Downloading and Using the Template

To use the template and prepare the upload file, follow these steps:

  1. After clicking the Profiles tab, and click the Download Templates link. The Download Templates page appears.
  2. In the Unused Ticket Upload section of the page, click the link for the type of template you want to use:
    • Download Template with Instructions (Excel): Click this link (at the bottom of the section) if you are unfamiliar with unused ticket uploading. It contains instructions as well as the rows and columns in a Microsoft Excel file. You can save this file as a comma-separated values (CSV).
    • Download CSV template: Click this for a comma-separated values (CSV) file, assuming you already know how to format it.
      Note: We strongly recommend using a text editor (such as Textpad or Notepad) or a CSV file editor (such as CSVed) to manipulate data in a CSV file. Avoid using Excel to open a CSV file, as date formats may change, and numeric values may be truncated and their leading zeros removed.
  3. After the template file is downloaded, open the file.
  4. Save the template file as a new file before adding or changing rows and columns.
  5. Follow the instructions in the template file to prepare the file for uploading. The table following these steps shows each label for each template column, the field length for the value in the column, a description of the column, and a sample value.

  6. When finished editing your upload file, save a version of the file as a comma-separated values (CSV).

Editing Columns in the Template


Field Length





domain100 alphanumericDomain (site) short name.AcmeMandatory
loginId64 alphanumericLogin ID associated to a specific user on a domain (a.k.a. userName).vbear2234Mandatory
ticketNumber113 numeric

Ticket Number including plating carrier code, excluding check digit.

  • If only 10 digits are loaded, then the carrier code is required.
  • If 11 or 14 digits are loaded, the system will drop the last number, assuming it is a check digit.
006 8455 234 567 or
carrierCode12 alphanumericEnter the two-letter airline code. If the ticket number is only 10 digits, this field becomes mandatory.UA Optional
recordLocator16 alphanumericThis is the record locator in the GDS where the unused ticket can be accessed. It is assumed the GDS is the same as the primary GDS in your agency configuration for the specified domain. See Configuring Agency Settings for details.EGVFEVOptional
baseFare12 digit decimalBase Fare Amount.100.00Optional
taxes12 digit decimalTotal Tax Amount.10.00Optional
fees12 digit decimalTotal Fees Amount.10.00Optional
totalFare12 digit decimalTotal Fare Amount of the original ticket.120.00Mandatory
penaltyAmount12 digit decimalAmount of penalty.50.00Optional
currencyCode13 alphaCurrency Code of the amount on the original ticket.USDMandatory
purchaseDate1yyyy-mm-ddThis is the date the original ticket was issued.2009-02-01Optional
expirationDate1yyyy-mm-ddThis is the date the ticket will expire.2009-12-31Optional
If not entered, the system will auto-create a date one year from the date of upload.
ticketType1Up to 5 characters

This is the type of ticket issued. Available ticket types are:

  • DF – Domestic Electronic Ticket
  • DP – Domestic Paper Ticket
  • IF – International Electronic Ticket
  • IP – International Paper Ticket
  • MCO – Miscellaneous Charge Order
  • If not entered, default to "other".  A company can enter its own type, up to 5 characters.
ticketNumber213 numericTicket Number including carrier code, excluding check digit.006 8455 234 567Mandatory
carrierCode22 alphaAirline carrier code.UA Optional
Record Locator26 alphanumericThis is the record locator in the GDS where the unused ticket can be accessed.EGVFEVOptional
baseFare22 digit decimalBase Fare Amount.100.00Optional
taxes22 digit decimalTotal Tax Amount.10.00Optional
fees22 digit decimalTotal Fees Amount.10.00Optional
totalFare22 digit decimalTotal Fare Amount of the original ticket.120.00Mandatory
penaltyAmount22 digit decimalAmount of penalty.50.00Optional
currencyCode23 alphaCurrency Code of the amount on the original ticket.USDMandatory
purchaseDate2yyyy-mm-ddThis is the date the original ticket was issued.2009-12-01Optional
expirationDate2yyyy-mm-ddThis is the date the ticket will expire. If not entered, the system will auto create a date one year from the date of issue.2009-12-31Optional
Ticket Type23 char

This is the type of ticket issued.  Available ticket types are:

  • DF – Domestic Electronic Ticket
  • DP – Domestic Paper Ticket
  • IF – International Electronic Ticket
  • MCO – Miscellaneous Charge Order

Scheduling the Upload

To schedule the upload, follow these steps:

  1. Click the Schedule Unused Ticket Upload link under the Profiles tab. The Schedule Unused Ticket Upload page appears.
  2. Choose Now in the Schedule dropdown menu to upload the file immediately, or choose one of the following:
    • Once, on...:  Choose for a one-time upload, and specify the start date and time in the Start Date and Time dropdown menus.
    • Daily: Choose for a daily upload, specify the start date and time in the Start Date and Time dropdown menus, and choose one of the following for the Duration option:
      • No end date.
      • Through end date: specify the end date in the End date dropdown menu.
      • Specify number of occurrences: Enter the number of occurrences.
    • Periodic: Choose for a periodic upload, specify the start date and time in the Start Date and Time dropdown menus, specify how many hours and minutes to repeat the update process and how many times to repeat the process, and choose one of the following for the Duration option:
      • No end date.
      • Through end date: specify the end date in the End date dropdown menu.
      • Specify number of occurrences: Enter the number of occurrences.
    • Weekly or Bi-Weekly: Choose for a weekly or bi-weekly upload, click the "Occurs on" checkboxes for one or more days, specify the start date and time in the Start Date and Time dropdown menus, and choose one of the following for the Duration option:
      • No end date.
      • Through end date: specify the end date in the End date dropdown menu.
      • Specify number of occurrences: Enter the number of occurrences.
    • Monthly: Choose for a monthly upload, choose a month in the Start Month dropdown menu, choose the day of the month in the Occurs On (Day Of Month) dropdown menu, specify the time in the Time dropdown menu, and choose one of the following for the Duration option:
      • No end date.
      • Through end date: specify the end date in the End date dropdown menu.
      • Specify number of occurrences: Enter the number of occurrences.
  3. In the Job Options section, enter a name for the job in Job Description and an email address to identify where the Job Completion Email will be sent. 
  4. In the File Options section, click the Use Company External ID checkbox if you need to use that ID to access the SFTP server. 
  5. Choose the SFTP server from the Secure Ftp dropdown menu, and enter the path to the file in the "Remote File / File Name Pattern" field. (For more information about setting up an SFTP server, see Setting Up SFTP Data Transfers.)
  6. Click Submit to upload the file.

Note: The upload file is moved from the Deem external directory to an internal data directory one hour after receipt. From this internal directory, the scheduler uploads the data into the site. The file must be uploaded the same day received (PST) when a recurring file is being scheduled.

Viewing Upload Schedules

To look at scheduled unused ticket upload jobs, follow these steps:

  1. Click the Unused Ticket Upload Schedules link under the Profiles tab. The Schedules page appears with a list of schedules.
  2. You can filter the list by choosing the schedule from the Schedule dropdown menu, and choosing the state (ActiveCancelled, or Expired) from the State dropdown menu.
  3. Click Done to finish.

How are unused tickets removed from the Unused Ticket Bank?

You can remove unused tickets from the unused ticket database 2 ways:

  1. Once an unused ticket is recommended for exchange, the ticket is automatically marked “Pending Exchange”.  After the time frame designated in the administration area, (See Booking, Change and Cancellation Configuration for more information) Deem checks the status of the ticket again.  If the coupon status is no longer “Open” the ticket is removed from the unused ticket bank.
  2. Each time a traveler logs in, Deem checks the status of all the unused tickets in the bank.  If the coupon status is no longer “Open” the ticket is removed from the unused ticket bank.