Train Shopping Display Configuration
Train Shopping Display Configuration
After clicking the Services tab, clicking Policy Display, the Services | Display Management page displays. Click the Display Configuration List link, here you can add or edit a display configuration. The Add or Edit page includes the Train Shopping Display Configuration. Enter or choose the following:
- Select the maximum number of travelers that may be booked on any train trip (from 1 to 6) from the dropdown menu.
- Designate the mileage radius to use when searching for alternate train stations: Enter the number of miles away from the "target" station or city, and select the unit of measure for the distance. We recommend 60 – 75 miles to limit the number of returned stations.
- Designate the behavior the system should use if the rate confirmed at time of booking varies compared to during shopping:
- Continue if fare decreases: Click the Yes or No radio button. If Yes, enter maximum allowed variance amount and select the currency from the dropdown menu.
- Continue if fare increases: Click the Yes or No radio button. If Yes, enter maximum allowed variance amount and select the currency from the dropdown menu.
- Enable train service classes:
- Enable shopping for First Class Cabin: Click the checkbox to display this cabin class. Choose "Use default" to use the default name ("First"), or "Use custom" and enter a custom name in the field.
- Enable shopping for Business Class Cabin: Click the checkbox to display this cabin class. Choose "Use default" to use the default name ("Business"), or "Use custom" and enter a custom name in the field
- Enable shopping for Coach Class Cabin: Click the checkbox to display this cabin class. Choose "Use default" to use the default name ("Coach"), or "Use custom" and enter a custom name in the field.
Allow out of policy trains to be bookable?
- Choose Yes to allow users to book out-of-policy trains.
- Choose No to not allow an out-of-policy train trip. The Select button is not activated when such a train trip is chosen.
Return to Adding or Editing a Display Configuration.