Enable shopping for First Class Cabin
Enable shopping for Business Class Cabin
Enable shopping for Coach Class Cabin
Enable shopping for Premium Coach Cabin
Note: Select the radio button to the left of the Use Custom to customize the label for each class of service and update the filed provided.
Select Premium Coach airlines:Displays if Premium Coach Cabin toggled on. Recommend not to select airlines as it restricts class of service to return only Premium Coach for airline selected.
Note: The best practice is to *not* have any airline selected and let the system find the most appropriate flight options based on availability.Not selecting airlines will allow the system to best search for Premium Coach as a preferred cabin class and return if available, otherwise return the next best cabin class.
With airlines selected, the search will fail for markets that do not have Premium Coach service or return only a small subset of flight options
Enable shopping for disabled cabin classes:Select Yes or No. Recommend: Yes.
Display Nearby Airports by default:Select Yes or No.
Expand flight results to include non-stops when available: Select Yes, No, or Use superdomain setting. Recommend: Yes or Use superdomain setting to allow search results to expand to show non-stops when the search criteria would otherwise not have returned them. Choosing No will not expand the search results
Enable flexible fares search: Select Yes, No, or Use superdomain setting. Recommendselecting Yes or Use superdomain setting to display the flexible search options.
Note:(Sabre only)
Default the flight results sorting view to:Select Use superdomain setting, Policy/Preferred, Cost, Departure, Arrival, or Duration from the drop-down menu.
Enable airline web fare booking capabilities?: Select Yes to enable web fare booking. Web fares include VMI Baby, Ryan Air, and EasyJet. Select No to not allow web fare booking.
Allow flight solutions that require more than one ticket?:Select Yes to enable split ticketing.
Notes: Please review all custom field configurations regarding DSM, PTA and PNR Edits related to total air fare to ensure correct output. You can enter a support ticket if you are not familiar with Java Script.
This functionality is limited to Sabre users only and does not apply to multi-city trips.
Split ticket option will only be recommended when the savings is greater than $50 compared to the single ticket option. The threshold is not configurable and defined as a system default.
Allow anytime search for flights:Select Yes, No, or Use superdomain settings from the dropdown drop-down menu. Recommend:selecting Yes or Use superdomain settings to expand the display of flight search results to all available flights for the day of travel.
Note: By default, the air search time is set to be Morning (6am – 12pm) for departures and Evening (6pm – 12am) for return flights. The user can always select specific times from a dropdown drop-down menu. Choosing No does not change the default display times.
Default the flight search time to 'Anytime'?: Select Yes or No.
Allow Morning, Afternoon and Evening flight searches?: Select Yes, No, or Use superdomain settings from the
dropdowndrop-down menu.
Selecting Select Yes to display options to search by morning, afternoon, or evening.
Selecting No will not display this option.
Allow out of policy trips to be bookable?: Recommend:Yes.