FAQ: Car Service PNR Writeback for Deem Travel/Desktop sites


Agency Questions:


Which GDSs is car service writeback supported on?

Car service writeback is supported on Apollo and Sabre GDSs.

Is car service writeback automatically enabled for existing car service users?

 No, car service writeback is off by default and must be enabled in both existing and new car service configurations.

Can the agency customize the default segment format for the car service segment writeback?

No, the car service segment format is defined by Deem and is not customizable. The segment write back also includes default remark lines information already used by other Deem products (Sabre Red, Sabre Scripts, Apollo scripts etc.).

Are both active and passive car service segments supported?

Yes, both active HK and passive GK/MK segment status are supported based on the Agency requirements. The default segment status type is active HK unless the Agency has predefined their default as passive.

Do agencies need to update their PNR edits when adding car service segment to an existing PNR?

This depends on the Agency PNR documentation and automation requirements. If additional formats are required to support the file finishing and fulfillment workflow, please review with the Deem Professional Services team.

Does adding car service to an existing trip allow updating of the ticketing line and sending to an invoice queue?

Yes, the PNR can be documented with remark lines directives and TAW/TAU  updated for invoicing.

Can PNRs with a car service segment be queue placed to a specific GDS queue?

Yes, a unique queue drop can be setup to place a PNR that includes a car service segment.

Can car service writeback be enabled at the site level?

Yes, car service writeback is enabled at the site level and can be applied to a specific user group or to all users of car service.

Is writeback supported for both adding car service to an existing PNR and creating a standalone PNR for car service only bookings?

Car service writeback was initially supported only when adding car service to an existing flight, hotel, and/or rental car booking. Car service writeback is NOW also supported for car service only bookings!

Can car service writeback be enabled separately for adding car service to an existing trip vs standalone car service only booking?

Yes, the writeback configuration will support allowing write back based on adding to an existing trip vs creating a new PNR for car service only booking.

Can corporate car service policies be applied to the car service booking flow?

Yes, the site admin can set up corporate car service policies and apply based on user group permissions. The traveler will be alerted in the booking flow when car service options are out of policy.

Offline Car Service Support FAQs

Can an agent modify or cancel an online originated car service booking?

Yes, agents can use the standard Deem Ground Apollo scripts or Deem Ground Sabre Red App to modify or cancel online originated car service bookings.

Will travelers see offline originated car service bookings online?

Yes, offline originated bookings will display in the travelers upcoming reservations when the PNR is placed on the Agency’s PNR sync queue.

Will travelers see offline agent assisted changes to a car service booking online?

Yes, offline changes to car service segments will display in the updated online reservation history when the PNR is placed on the Agency’s PNR sync queue.

Will travelers see offline agent assisted cancellation of a car service booking online?

Yes, offline cancellations to car service segments will display in the updated online reservation history when the PNR is placed on the Agency’s PNR sync queue.

End User Questions:

View the Deem End User Questions.