Galileo (Including Apollo) - Emulation Agreement

Galileo (Including Apollo) - Emulation Agreement


Deem and ETSI (for GDS profiles) uses Service Bureau access from PCC 1H1H to the agency's PCC.  Deem uses agent sine RC.
Full emulation access is required from this host PCC (1H1H) to the customer’s booking PCC. In addition to opening access to the booking PCC, please be sure to open access between any alternate pseudos you're asking Deem to access, (i.e. queue drop, etc...).


Travelport Auto Segment Logic (ASL) is *not* compatible with Deem Travel and/or Car Service applications.  Please verify with your Travelport Account Executive that this feature is turned *off* in your AAT Table for the booking PCC.  If this feature is *on*, you should verify if changing this to *off* does not have ramifications on other agency processes and/or technology.


The process to request emulation is for the agency to contact their Travelport Account Executive. The Travelport Account Executive completes an internal form on the Travelport side called the API Form located on the TP-internal intranet, Homeport. Once this online form is completed, it will produce a document to be signed by the agency. The signed addendum is then sent to the contracts mailbox, by the Travelport Account Executive. Deem would never see this form. This process applies to all of the TP API Products. The contracts department would advise the Account Executive the process is completed, who would, in turn, advise the agency. The agency would then communicate this completion to Deem.