Deem Android November 2022 Release Notes 2022.11

About the Release Notes  

The Deem release notes provide useful technical information about the latest release. For each release, the notes provide:

  • A high-level description of the release, including major changes and enhancements

  • Instructions to help you get started with set-up and administration (when applicable)

Deem Android 2022.11 Release Notes 


Profile & Support Screen Update 

  • Description: Tap highlights have been added to the profile and support screens.

  • Benefit: Travelers can tell when a button or link has been tapped through a subtle on-screen highlight. 

Fare Details Update 

  • Description: Cabin class has been added to the fare details card. 

  • Benefit: Travelers can view cabin class information on the fare details card for an improved shopping experience. 


Flight Details Update

  • Description: The flight details screen has been updated to include flight on-time percentage, flight duration, and number of stops. 

  • Benefit: Travelers can view specific flight information on the flight details screen for faster shopping experience. 


Multi-City Trip Change Enhancement

  • Description: Travelers can modify their existing car rental and hotel reservations for multi-city trips. Travelers can also add hotels or car rentals to a multi-city trip that only has flights booked.

  • Benefit: Travelers can manage and make changes to their multi-city reservations. 


  • When travelers modified a trip, the cabin class would default to coach instead of the selected cabin class. Resolved. 

  • Canceled trips were displayed on the upcoming trips list. Resolved.

  • Travelers were redirected to the trip details page after they tried to modify their trip. Resolved.

  • Nearby airports configuration was not applied to searches when enabled. Resolved. 

  • When canceling a trip, the hotel currency was displayed as the main currency instead of the traveler's preferred currency. Resolved.

  • Trip name modal wasn’t going away after traveler saved changes. Resolved.

  • Travelers cannot go back from the payment summary screen. Resolved.