Deem Android June 2022 Release Notes 2022.6

Deem Android June 2022 Release Notes 2022.6

About the Release Notes  

The Deem release notes provide useful technical information about the latest release. For each release, the notes provide:

  • A high-level description of the release, including major changes and enhancements

  • Instructions to help you get started with set-up and administration (when applicable)

Feature Updates

UX & Minor Updates

Cloudinary images are now cached

  • This addresses an issue where the airline logos, car rental vendor logos, car images and cityscape images were not loading because we were hitting the hourly API limit for Cloudinary too early. Caching the images now fixes this issue on Android and iOS apps.

  • SafetyCheck information hidden

    • SafetyCheck information is now hidden when there is an error in the response from the ACS microservice and the information is not available

  • UX updates to the trip confirmation screen

    • The trip confirmation screen now includes a Share and Book Another Trip buttons and also detailed information for the segments with days and dates

Restricted country error message

  • When travel to a country has been restricted in the company configuration, and when users try to search from or to that country, we now show a restricted country error message


UX updates in RTP and Checkout screens

  • The RTP and Checkout screen now include the detailed information with days, dates for each respective segments

Bug Fixes

  • Fix for the issue where users were not able to add a new card or edit card in the post booking modify flow

  • Fix for the UI issues in the Checkout - Payment Summary screen

  • Fix for the Past trips message in the trip detail screen which is now aligned to the left with content

  • Fix for car type quick filters changing the background too early when there is a DSM present in the car rental search results screen