Deem iOS June 2022 Release Notes 1.36, 1.37
About the Release Notes
The Deem release notes provide useful technical information about the latest release. For each release, the notes provide:
· A high-level description of the release, including major changes and enhancements
· Instructions to help you get started with set-up and administration (when applicable)
Enhancements for June 2022 (Release 1.36)
Feature Update
Duplicate Booking Alert
A duplicate trip alert will now be displayed when users book a flight but have an existing trip already booked with the same dates.
Tap on “View Booked Trip’ and a summary of the trip will be displayed.
Select ‘I understand, I am okay to continue’ and continue to checkout with the selected flight.
UX & Minor Updates
Hotel & Flight - Sort Icon Text
If the user selects a sort order, for example - Preferred, Price, etc., for hotel or flight search results - the selected sort order text will now be displayed on the right of the sort order icon.
For flights with a stopover, if the flight seat map failed to display for the first flight, the seat map for the second flight was not displayed to the user. Resolved
If an error occurred where the car rental details could not be displayed to the user, we were not displaying an error message to the user. Resolved
Enhancements for June 2022 (Release 1.37)
Feature update
Hotel Cancellation messaging
If the hotel cancellation policy is not available, the following message will be displayed to the user: “Penalty may apply, tap Room/Rate Details to view full rate rules.”
Hotel Booking Failed Alert
In the event that a hotel booking fails, when the user goes to their upcoming trip an alert will be displayed informing them that the hotel booking has failed, and we will not display the Hotel in the Trip Detail.
Design Update
Hotel Details Screen
The hotel details screen design has been updated