Deem iOS May 2022 Release Notes 1.34, 1.35

Deem iOS May 2022 Release Notes 1.34, 1.35

About the Release Notes  

The Deem release notes provide useful technical information about the latest release. For each release, the notes provide:

·       A high-level description of the release, including major changes and enhancements

·       Instructions to help you get started with set-up and administration (when applicable)

Enhancements for May 2022 (Release 1.34)

Explore Tab Error Message Enhancement

  • An offline error message will now be displayed to users to inform them that they are offline; i.e.,they have no internet access and/or no data roaming when they are on the Explore tab.

Explore page

Trips Tab Error Message Enhancement

  • An offline error message will now be displayed to users to inform them that they are offline; i.e., they have no internet access and/or no data roaming when they are on the Trips tab.

Trips page

Support Tab Error Message Enhancement

  • An offline error message will now be displayed to users to inform them that they are offline; i.e., they have no internet access and/or no data roaming when they are on the Support tab.

Support Tab

Push Notification Deep Linking

  • Push notifications will now link travelers directly to the corresponding page (when applicable). This gives travelers easy access to the information that matters most – including flight changes, gate changes, flight cancellation, and more.


  • The “Oops! Something went wrong. Please try again” error message was displayed when a user removed a round trip or multi city flight from an upcoming trip. Resolved

  • The checkout button was not functioning on the Review Itinerary page. Resolved

Enhancements for May 2022 (Release 1.35)

Feature Update

Restricted Country Error Message

  • An informative error message will now be displayed to the user if their search contains a restricted country

Error Message


  • The user was able to checkout on the trip cost summary page, without actually modifying anything in their trip. Resolved.

  • The additional information page was not loading when the user was trying to check out. Resolved

  • The text in the traveler information form was overlapping when the user tried to edit their details. Resolved