Deem iOS December 2021 Release Notes 1.24, 1.25, 1.26

Deem iOS December 2021 Release Notes 1.24, 1.25, 1.26

Deem iOS 1.26 Release Notes 

About the Release Notes  

The Deem release notes provide useful technical information about the latest release. For each release, the notes provide:

·       A high-level description of the release, including major changes and enhancements

·       Instructions to help you get started with set-up and administration (when applicable)

Enhancements for Dec 2021 (Release 1.26)

Design Update

  • New designs are now available for the Review Itinerary page and the segment details on that page (Car Rental, Hotel, Flight). 

Accessibility Update

Updates continue throughout the app to allow for the largest iOS font size and to enable voiceover features. 

  • Unused tickets

  • New review itinerary screens

Bug Fixes

  • Searching for a specific hotel name in filters returns an error - Resolved.

  • Notification Icon for Deem App doesn't go away after clicking into the App - Resolved

  • App can freeze at hotel screen - Resolved

  • DSM messaging can not be closed - Resolved.

Deem iOS 1.25 Release Notes 

About the Release Notes  

The Deem release notes provide useful technical information about the latest release. For each release, the notes provide:

·       A high-level description of the release, including major changes and enhancements

·       Instructions to help you get started with set-up and administration (when applicable)

Enhancements for Dec 2021 (Release 1.25)

Feature Update

  • Unused tickets will be displayed on the profile page and within the search and booking flows. Unused tickets can be applied for the purchase of a new trip. That means you’ll be able to see any unused tickets available to you throughout the entire booking process.


Bug Fixes

  • The app crashes in the search screen when hotels are not returned due to an internal error - Resolved.

  • Car rental cost is incorrectly calculated in some cases - Resolved.

  • The user's upcoming trips are failing to load - Resolved

  • Flight seat map is not showing for some flights - Resolved

Deem iOS 1.24 Release Notes 

About the Release Notes  

The Deem release notes provide useful technical information about the latest release. For each release, the notes provide:

·       A high-level description of the release, including major changes and enhancements

·       Instructions to help you get started with set-up and administration (when applicable)

Enhancements for Dec 2021 (Release 1.24)

Design Update

  • The Upcoming Trip Itinerary page will display the hotel check-in and check-out dates instead of the entire duration of the trip.


Accessibility Update

Updates continue throughout the app to allow for the largest iOS font size. 

  • Large text adaptation for hotel filters screen

Bug Fixes

  • The next arrow on the map screen view is not working - Resolved.

  • Hotel search results return an error - Resolved.

  • When adding a trip item to the review itinerary screen some users are getting a blank screen returned - Resolved.

  • Add flights and checkout button are disabled in the review itinerary screen - Resolved.

  • When doing a car rental search and the user searches by city and the airport toggle is turned off, incorrect results are being returned - Resolved.