Admin Dashboard 2021.11 Release Notes

Admin Dashboard 2021.11 Release Notes

Dashboard Enhancements 2021.11 Executive Summary 

Deem continues to improve our site administrator and agency experiences with key enhancements that help corporations and TMCs manage the travel buying process.

Check out the details on these Deem updates below!


Your Deem Product Management Team 

About the Release Notes  

Deem release notes provide useful technical information about the latest release. For each release, the notes provide:

  • A high-level description of the release, including major changes and enhancements

  • Instructions to help you get started with set-up and administration (when applicable)

Note: Changes on this release will not affect current configuration. No updates need to be made by Deem administrators.

Reference Points

  • Ability to upload up to 5000 locations without latitude and longitude coordinates

    • previously the number of locations was 2000 without latitude and longitude

  • A new reference point history dashboard 

    • will capture status, file name, date and time of upload, information of the administrator that completed the task, and error logs