New Travel Partner Dashboard 2021.3 Release Notes

New Travel Partner Dashboard 2021.3 Release Notes

Deem Enhancements for 2021.3 Executive Summary  

Deem continues to improve our site administrator and agency experiences, with key enhancements that help corporations and TMCs manage the travel buying process.

Check out the details on these Deem updates below!


Your Deem Product Management Team 

About the Release Notes  

The Deem release notes provide useful technical information about the latest release. For each release, the notes provide:

  • A high-level description of the release, including major changes and enhancements

  • Instructions to help you get started with set-up and administration (when applicable)

New Features for April 2021 (Release 2021.3) 

 Air SafetyCheck | Covid Testing 

Airline-specific Covid-19 testing requirements are available for all airlines that currently work with Routehappy and choose to provide Covid-19 testing requirements to Routehappy.

Travelers will see an icon on the air search results page. The information provided by the icon include:

  • No Covid-19 test required

  • Negative test required

  • Negative multi-stage tests required  

  • Negative test or vaccine required


  • Travelers can better prepare for their trip, before they even book their flights.

  • Travelers have quick access to airline-specific Covid-19 testing requirements.

  • This feature is reliable, saves time, and brings peace of mind.

Note: The Covid-19 testing requirements are provided directly from the airline to Routehappy ATPCO. These requirements are carrier specific, not destination specific.

Bug Fixes for April 2021 (Release 2021.3)

Location Service - Salem, OR and Salem, MA 

Description: Location service has been updated to properly distinguish Salem, OR from Salem, MA.

Benefit: Travelers will now be able to retrieve hotel results in the desired location.

Site Admin Experience: No admin experience needed.