Viewing Activity Logs

Viewing Activity Logs

You can view the log of profile extract jobs as well as the log of profile and delegate upload jobs to confirm that the jobs were completed, and to see if errors were generated.

Viewing the Profile and Delegate Upload Jobs

To view the log of profile and delegate upload jobs, click the Upload Activity Logs link. The Activity Logs page appears.

Choose User Profiles or User-Delegate Relationships from the Upload Type dropdown menu.

The Status column shows the following:

  • Completed: File was successfully uploaded and no errors were encountered.
  • Completed With Errors: File was successfully uploaded, but errors were found. Users without errors were successfully uploaded, and users with errors were not uploaded. If warnings were issued for a user, the information may have loaded but certain fields were ignored. Those fields are explicitly noted in the error log. Click the Download link for the activity to display the error log.
  • Failed: File was not successfully uploaded. No data from the file was uploaded.

Tip: Click the name in the Description column in the list of uploads for the upload's submission page. 

Errors fall into these categories:

  • Errors resulting in failure of the entire file upload. These errors are noted in the “File Failure Errors” section.
  • Errors resulting in individual user upload failures. These errors are noted in the “Individual User Failure Errors” section.
  • Errors resulting in specific field upload failure of a successfully loaded user. These errors are noted in the “Data Upload Warnings (User Data was Uploaded, however field not valid)" section.

Note: If you encounter an error response that includes the word “exception”, please report it to Deem during implementation or as a support ticket.

Many errors are related to formatting or a number of columns for a row of data that does not match the header columns. See Preparing a Profile or Delegate Upload File for details on how to properly prepare the upload file.

File Failure Errors


Error Response
Remote File Not FoundHR feed failure notice: The file was not received. Ensure that the file was transmitted successfully.
Unable to Validate ProfilesHR feed failure notice: There were errors with the formatting of the data. Look for more errors in the “Individual User Failure Errors” and “Data Upload Warnings" sections.
Not a CSV file - Line number 0: headerFieldCount=0; fieldCountInLine=0File failure notice: This error occurs if you selected CSV as the file type for an XML file.
Wrong number of fields - Line number 142: headerFieldCount=13; fieldCountInLine=14File failure notice: The number of columns in a row of user data does not equal the number of columns in the header row. In the row represented by Line number (in this case, 142), the value in headerFieldCount is the number of columns in the header row, and fieldCountInLine is the number of columns in the offending row. Validate that each row has the proper number of columns, and add additional columns if necessary.
Invalid CSV Header ElementsFile failure notice: The CSV file is improperly formatted. Ensure that all column headers are correct.

Individual User Failure Errors


Error Response


Unable to add (or edit) profile - field contains unsupported characters

When uploading data into a field that has character type limitations, any character violation would trigger this error.  For instance, special characters in the last name field.

Unable to add (or edit) profile - invalid field length

When uploading data into a field that has character length limitations, any length violation would trigger this error.  For instance, adding an employee number that exceeds 30 characters.

Unable to add (or edit) profile - invalid field value

When uploading data into a field that requires a selection from a list of values (Such as the suffix field, where the value must be one of 6 possible values), any data uploaded that is not a valid selection would trigger this error.  Another example would be emergency contact relationship. 

Unable to add (or edit) profile - invalid card type

The 2-letter charge card brand codes are validated to ensure that a valid brand code is utilized. This error is returned anytime an invalid charge card brand code (i.e. adding VS instead of VI, which is the proper code for Visa).

Unable to add (or edit) profile - duplicate numbers across different brand types    

We validate charge card uniqueness within an individual user. If an attempt to load a card is made and that card contains the same card number as another card the user has on file, that card will fail to load. Exception: A corporate card and a personal card can be loaded with the same card number value.

Unable to add (or edit) profile - invalid email format

Email addresses are validated for proper formatting.  If, for instance, the "at" (@) symbol is missing, or an extra dot at the end of the address (support@deem.com.), this will trigger the error response.

Unable to add (or edit) profile - value does not resolve to valid externalID

When uploading either the managerID or approverID field, the fields must be populated by an external ID that is located either within the upload file, or in the existing user profile. If this external ID used to populate the managerID or approverID field does not already exist in the user profile, and is also not present in the upload file, this will cause this error response.

Unable to add (or edit) profile - duplicate value

We validate specific fields for uniqueness. If a duplicate value is found in one of these fields requiring uniqueness, either in the user profile or in the upload file, this error is triggered.

Unable to add (or edit) profile - state code is invalid ","address.state

Within the address fields, states and provinces are validated either by state/province name or two-letter code. If the value cannot be resolved to a valid state/province name/code, this error is triggered.

Unable to add (or edit) profile - country code is invalid or missing

Within the address fields as well as passport fields, countries are validated by a two-letter ISO code. If the value cannot be resolved to a valid country code, this error is triggered.

Unable to add (or edit) profile - duplicate value ","groupwareID"

We validate specific fields for uniqueness. If a duplicate value is found in one of these fields requiring uniqueness either in the user profile, or in the upload file, this error is triggered.

Unable to add (or edit) profile - - field length must be between 6 and 10 digits

We validate the length of the Profile Pin field. If the data within this field does not meet the length requirements, then this error is triggered.

Invalid card number","chargeCard.cardNumber

The charge card number is either invalid for the vendor loaded, or incorrect in the number of digits for that vendor.

duplicate value(s) in current file for following external id(s): <external ID>","profilePIN"

We validate specific fields for uniqueness. If a duplicate value is found in one of these fields requiring uniqueness either in the user profile, or in the upload file, this error is triggered.

Skipping new profile - running in Update Only mode

The upload job was scheduled to only update existing users, and there are users in the file that would be considered new users, in that they do not exist in the site's user profile database.

Skipping new profile - user is not active in company

If a user's employeeStatus (listed as "Status In Company" in the Partner Dashboard) is deactivated, future updates to this user through the profile upload will not be updated until the user's employeeStatus is set to "Active". This does not mean the user needs to be activated within the user experience (accountStatus); however, the "Status in Company" (employeeStatus) must be set to "Active" to update the profile using a profile upload file.

Failed to save profile to stage (GazooException : null, ORA-01830: date format picture ends before converting entire input string : TCallableStatement[insert into profile_charge_card_nlstg (job_id, company_id, external_id, charge_card_number, bra …

Please report this error response to Deem support, so we can determine the root cause of this error, as this represents a valid data error.

Profile_Load_Util.Load_Stage : modifying existing profile : exception : ORA-20030: Profile_Load_Util.Update_Profile_Record : exception :ORA-20030: Profile_Load_Util.Process_Notif_Preferences : exception : ORA-00001: unique constraint (TALARIS_PROD.CUST_EXT_MEMB_PK) violated

Please report this error response to Deem support, so we can determine the root cause of this error, as this represents a valid data error.

Data Upload Warnings

When a data upload warning occurs, the user data was uploaded, but the field may not be valid.

Error Response


Profile processed with warning: bad User Title that was not caught during validation step

We validate the userInfo.jobTitle field to specific titles. When the uploaded title does not match a valid value for this field, this error is triggered. This error does not prevent the upload for that user, just that specific field for the user.

Adding profile: warning - invalid field length

Contact numbers (business phone, home phone, fax, etc.) are validated for proper length. Simply a warning. This error does not prevent the upload for that user, just that specific field for the user.

Adding profile: warning - invalid car vendor

Car rental vendor codes (i.e. ZI, ZL, etc.) are validated. This error is triggered if an invalid car special request code is found. This error does not prevent the upload for that user, just that specific field for the user.

Adding profile: warning - invalid car special request

Car special request codes (i.e. NAV, CHD, etc.) are validated. This error is triggered if an invalid car special request code is found. This error does not prevent the upload for that user, just that specific field for the user.

Adding profile: warning - invalid car type

Car type codes (i.e. I for intermediate, F for full, etc.) are validated. This error is triggered if an invalid car special request code is found.  This error does not prevent the upload for that user, just that specific field for the user.

Adding profile: warning - invalid value for car transmission

Car transmission codes (i.e. A for automatic, M for manual, etc.) are validated. This error is triggered if an invalid car special request code is found. This error does not prevent the upload for that user, just that specific field for the user.

Adding profile: warning - invalid airline

Airline codes are validated. This error is triggered if an invalid airline code is found. This error does not prevent the upload for that user, just that specific field for the user and its corresponding membership number.

Adding profile: warning - invalid air special request

Air special requests (i.e. WCHR, WCHS, etc.) are validated. This error is triggered if an invalid air special request is found. This error does not prevent the upload for that user, just that specific field for the user.

Adding profile: warning - invalid seat option

Seat requests (i.e. Window, Aisle) are validated. This error is triggered if an invalid seat request is found. This error does not prevent the upload for that user, just that specific field for the user.

Adding profile: warning - invalid meal value

Special meal request codes (i.e. VGML, FPML, etc.) are validated. This error is triggered if an invalid special meal request code is found.  This error does not prevent the upload for that user, just that specific field for the user.

Adding profile: warning - invalid hotel chain

Hotel chain codes are validated. This error is triggered if an invalid hotel chain code is found. This error does not prevent the upload for that user, just that specific field for the user and its corresponding membership number.

Adding profile: warning - invalid hotel special request

Hotel special request codes (i.e. non-smoking, KING, etc.) are validated. This error is triggered if an invalid hotel special request code is found. This error does not prevent the upload for that user, just that specific field for the user.


Viewing the Profile Extract Jobs

To view the log of profile extract jobs, click the Extract Activity Logs link. The Activity Logs page appears.

The Status column shows the following:

  • Completed: Extract was successfully completed and no errors were encountered.
  • Completed With Errors: Extract was successfully completed, but errors were found. Click the Download link for the extract activity to display the error log.
  • Failed: Extract was not successful. 

Viewing the Unused Ticket Upload Jobs

To view the log of unused ticket upload jobs, click the Unused Ticket Upload Activity Logs link. The Activity Logs page appears.

You can filter the list of jobs by choosing the schedule from the Schedule dropdown menu, and choosing the state (ActiveCancelled, or Expired) from the State dropdown menu.

The Status column shows the following:

  • Completed: File was successfully uploaded and no errors were encountered.
  • Completed With Errors: File was successfully uploaded, but errors were found. Click the Download link for the activity to display the error log.
  • Failed: File was not successfully uploaded. No data from the file was uploaded.