User Statistics

As a site administrator or support person with access to the Users tab, you can download user statistical data for the site. The downloaded file is a simple text file using the comma-separated values (CSV) format that can be imported into spreadsheets and databases.

After clicking the Users tab, click User Statistics on the Overview page. The User Statistics page appears.

You can then click the View link on the right side of the page for each of the following:

  • Total Employees: Total number of employees at this company, including travelers and non-travelers
  • Total Users: Sum of all active and non-active user profiles at this company
  • Total Active in Company: Sum of all active (current) user profiles at this company
  •  Total Activated Users: Sum of all active users in this site that have been sent an activation email
  •  Total Registered Users: Sum of all users that have completed the registration process
  •  Total Unregistered Users: Sum of all users that have not started the registration process
  •  Total Incompletely Registered Users: Sum of all users that started the registration process, but did not complete it
  •  Total Transacting Users: Sum of all users that have purchased any service within the last 180 days