Company Information

Company Information

This topic describes setting the company information for the site on the Company Information page.


You can set the company information for the entire site by adding company information and assigning the company information to all groups (or the Everyone group). The company information is used mostly to pre-populate company information fields.

You can also add more than one company and assign different companies to different groups. You may want to do this, if employees working at a remote office or subsidiary need to use a different company address:

Tip: For a description of groups, see Groups Tab for Managing Groups.

Navigating to the Company Information Page

To view or edit the company information, click the Settings tab, and then click the Company Information link. The Company Information page appears.

Tip: You can also view or edit the company information assigned to a specific group by clicking the Add/Edit Company Info link on the Rules page for the group (as described in Enabling Travel Rules). The Company Information page appears. 

Adding or Editing Company Information

You can add a new company (for example, for a remote office with a different address, or a subsidiary with a different name and address) by clicking Add a New Company or edit company information by clicking the name of a company in the Name column. The Add Company or Edit Company page appears.

Enter the following information:

  • Company Name (required for adding a new company): The name of the new company

  • Country: Company's country

  • Street 1: Company's street address line 1

  • Street 2: Company's street address line 2

  • Suite / Apt: Company's suite or apartment number

  • City: Company's city

  • State: Company's state

  • Zip Code: Company's postal ZIP Code

  • Phone: Company's main phone number

  • Email: Company's main email address

Contact Information:

  • Name:  Company main contact name

  • Phone:  Company main contact phone number

  • Email:  Company main contact email address

Additional Information: Comment fields 1-3 are available for special passenger name record (PNR) handling. See Customizing the Passenger Name Record for details.

After changing a company's information or adding a new company, click Save at the bottom of the page to save your changes.

Note: To commit all of your changes after saving them, click the changes not applied link at the top of the page. The Commit Changes page appears. Click the Commit button.

After saving a company, you can assign the company to one or more groups. See Enabling Travel Rules for instructions.