To download above documents:


Unused ticket upload provides clients with the ability to manage their unused tickets.

Need to Know

Validating Unused Tickets

There are three ways a validated unused ticket is placed into the unused ticket database:


Validated versus Non-Validated Tickets

Validated Unused Tickets

Non-Validated Unused Tickets

Must be single passenger/single carrier itinerary.

Must be single passenger/single carrier itinerary.

The ticket must be marked as not pending exchange

The ticket must be marked as not pending exchange.

Cost is broken down on the trip review page.

A generic unused ticket message is placed on trip review page.

All coupons have an Open status.

Coupon status is not validated.  Some coupons can be used or not available.

Coupon status is checked when users log in.

Coupon status is not checked when users log in.

Exchange can result in an even exchange or additional collection.

Exchange can result in even exchange, additional collection, or residual value.

The Residual value table is verified. Ticket exchanges that can result in a residual value are pre-filtered out.

The residual value table is not verified. Ticket exchanges that can result in a residual value are not pre-filtered out.

Refundable tickets with zero penalty are marked as unusable and are not offered for exchange.

Penalty presence is not a factor in offering tickets.  The penalty can be a specific amount, zero, or null.

Domestic origination.

Domestic or international origination.

Documentation can be used to complete an automated exchange.

Unused tickets should be evaluated by an agent before an exchange is completed.

Do not display tickets past their expiration date.

Do not display tickets past their expiration date.

Rules for Booking New Reservations

Rules apply when booking new reservations online:

Create an Upload

To create an upload:

  1. Select the Profiles tab.

  2. Select Download Templates.

  3. In the Unused Ticket Upload section, select Download Template with Instructions (Excel) to download UnusedTicketUploadTemplateInstructions.xls. This file contains a template, instructions, and database values.

  4. Use the key and examples on the Description tab in the Excel file to complete the template.

Note: The template and key files are also attached to this article.

Upload for Individual Client Site or Superdomain

You can upload to an individual client site or to a superdomain.

Upload to Client Site

To upload to a client site.

  1. Access client’s site.

  2. Select the Profiles tab.

  3. Select Schedule Unused Ticket Upload.

Schedule Options

  1. Select the Schedule arrow to select schedule interval

  2. Select the Start Date to begin the upload schedule.

  3. Select the Time for the Deem vault to pick up file

  4. In Duration, select No End Date.

Job Options

  1. In Job Description, Enter the Site ID.

  2. In Job Completion Email, enter any email addresses that will receive the job completion email.  If there is more than one recipient, separate with a comma.

File Options

  1. In Secured FTP, enter the SFTP destination for automatic unused ticket feeds provided by Deem.
    Note: If you do not already have an SFTP set up with Deem, open a case with Deem Support.

  2. In Remote File/File Name Pattern, enter the file name in this format: ID_$yyyy$mm$dd.csv. For example, malissademo-deem_20220921.csv.
    Note: You will need to ensure that the file itself has the same naming convention.  

  3. Select Submit.

Upload to Superdomain

Open case with Deem Support to request a vault set up. Deem will provide a password to the vault to create a connection between Deem and the system used to upload the unused tickets.

Third-Party Upload Systems


Unused validated tickets are added to the database by providing the following items to Magnatech: