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Document will provide information you can find under General Settings.On this page:

Table of Contents

Need to Know


Benefits and Need to Know


Need To Know


  • Settings are cloned over from the site you use to create your site, other than the Launch date

  • Delegate access is configured in this area

  • Messaging areas you will find in this area

    • Hint to users on the sign-in page

    • Hint to users on the password reset page

    • Calendar Object Footer Text

    • Hint to users on the technical support method (displays at the bottom of Deem pages)

    • Calendar Attachment Display Names

General Settings


Process / Helpful Hint


General Settings

  • Launch Date: Enter launch date or date you start building your site


Enter Daily Payer Notification emails: (No Longer Used)


Turn on automated Travel-based email reminders for Expense: (No Longer Used):


Send registration emails: Allows for registration emails to be generated


Send system emails in HTML format: Allows for emails to be sent in HTML format



Within the site’s Settings tab, the General Settings link is used to manage settings for launch date, delegate settings, sign in page, footer messaging, help desk contact information, and calendar attachments.

Need to know

  • Settings are site wide settings and cannot be configured per group.

  • When a site is created by cloning a template, configurations within the General Settings section are copied from the template.

  • When a site is created by cloning a template, you may only need to update the launch date.

General Settings

  1. From the partner dashboard home page, select the Settings link for the site you want to modify.

  2. From the Settings tab, select the General Settings link.

  3. Select the launch date or the date that you start building your site.

  4. The Send registration emails feature is not enabled at this time. When Send Registration Emails is not selected, users receive an activation email, which allows them to register their account.

  5. Select Send system emails in HTML format to allow images and links in system-generated emails. When not selected, text only emails are sent.

  6. Select Allow User Delegation to allow the traveler to assign a delegate to their account who can then book travel for them and update their profile.

  7. Select Allow Self Delegation


  1. to allow delegates to assign themselves to a


  1. user’s account so that the delegate can book travel on the user’s behalf and update


  1. the user’s profile.


Allow Address Book Access: Whether checked or uncheck the Address book will show in user profile


Allow Importing and Exporting Contacts: By checking this box you allow user to import and Export contacts to their address book within their profile

  1. Important: Do not change the value of the Display customer-defined help link


  • Help Link URL: URL is provided by Deem.  You will not want to change this URL as it links the travelers to the Deem Help documents.

  • Help Link Label: You can customize the label


  • Display a hint to users on the sign-in page: Scripting is supported


  • Display a hint to users on the password reset page:


  • Calendar Object Footer Text:


Help Desk

  1. fields. These fields are programmed at the superdomain level by Deem.

  2. Select Display a hint to users on sign-in page to add a message that displays between the password field and the Sign in button on the sign in page. This option is available only if the client does not have Single Sign-On (SSO) configured. Text can be configured using HTML.

    Image Added

    The above the a hint text displays as follows on the sign in page.

    Image Added
  3. Select Display a hint to the user on the password reset page to add a message that displays below the Confirm password field.

    Image Added

    Text added in this field displays as follows on the password reset page.

    Image Added
  4. Enter text for the calendar object footer. This text displays at the bottom of calendar invitation emails, such as a calendar invitation for a booked flight.

  5. Select Display a hint to users on the technical support method


  1. to display support information at the bottom of the sign in page


Help Desk Contact Name:  


  1. and at the bottom of the website throughout the booking process. Scripting is supported.


  1. Image Added
  2. Enter the help desk contact name and method. This information displays at the bottom of Deem emails, such as confirmation


  1. and cancellation


  1. emails.



  1. Image Added
  2. Important: Do not enter information in the UI section at this time. The Deem Configuration team will update if required


Calendar Attachments


Calendar Attachment Display Names:


Display name for iCal:


  1. . The UI is set at the superdomain level and requires a custom directory. If the UI settings are changed on this page, the site will not display correctly.

  2. Enter a display name for iCal. Typically, enter the name of the client’s email version, such as Outlook 2000/XP.